Thursday, January 9, 2025

NWA Powerrr 1/7/2025

NWA Powerrr 1/7/2025

Last week's show is here:

EC3 vs Josef Von Schmidt

JVS is making his debut here. They go to lock up. We then pause the video and get a video from EC3. He talks about being the face of the franchise and shows clips of him being JVS.

EC3 then talks about The Exodus (which is his group of masked guys). He says his group are simple soul's who are looking for a leader. He says they are now canon in the NWA.

Thoughts: This was a new one. They cut into the match as soon as it started, showed video of EC3 and fast forwarded and cut ahead to the finish.

We then get the NWA intro video.

Kyle Davis is with Miss Starr. Starr says she wanted to give Ella Envy her flowers. A man in the ring then gives Ella flowers. Starr puts her over and says she's so gorgeous. Starr says Ella will take on 2 opponents. Starr talks more and we cut away for a break.

Handicap Match - Ella Envy vs Nima Gore and Shamar Amor

We have 2 new people to the show here. Amor gets booted and clubbed on. Ella stomps Amor. Amor's head is banged off the buckles and Ella chops her. Ella suplexes her. Amor is sent into the corner and Ella misses a charge. Amor splits out of a lariat then hits her own armdrag. Amor slams Ella for 2. 

Gore boots Ella in the corner. Ella takes a double suplex. Amor comes off the top and tries to do a split drop but Ella moves and Amor lands in a full split. Ella double boots Gore out of the corner then flatliners her for 2. Ella hits a TKO on Amor. Natalya Markova then runs in. Tiffany Nieves then chairs Nat in the back.

Thoughts: They say Nat is the coach of Amor and Gore so that's why she came out. I thought that was kind of weak. Nat and Tiff have been feuding so I guess that makes sense but it was an unusual segment. Amor is really tall and thin. Her split bump off the top was one of the nastiest bumps I have ever seen and I can't believe she did that. Both Amor and Gore are still pretty green. This wasn't that good.

Primo and Epico Colon are interviewed by Kyle Davis. primo says he's so excited for NWA and the fans. He says they will get to see the greatest of Primo and Epico. He says The Immortals are good guys but no Primo and Epico. Primo says they are household names. Epico talks in Spanish for the 2 Puerto Rican people who watch this.

NWA Tag Titles - Knox and Murdoch vs The Spectaculars (SLADE and Rolando Freeman)

This is part of the longterm Eric Smallz (who is with Knox and Murdoch) vs Freeman feud. Slade kicks the 2nd rope into Murd's crotch. Slade germans Murd. Slade hits punches on Murd then foot chokes him. RF gets in then runs right back out. Murd hits punches on Slade then back elbows him. Murd half-nelson slams him. Murd trips Slade into a Knox elbow drop.

Knox hits a big splash on Slade for 2. Knox pulls on Slade's mouth then hits him in the face. Murd slams him. Murd whips Knox into a corner splash on Slade. Knox slams Slade. RF hits a shot on Knox which distracts him. Slade suplexes Knox for 2.

Knox facekicks Slade. Knox punches Slade, Slade falls into RF and the ref counts it as a tag. RF isn't aware until he sees Knox behind him. Knox slingshots RF in. Knox facekicks RG. Knox gorilla press slams RF. Slade is thrown out. RF takes a double gorilla press drop.

Knox suplexes RF down. RF takes a high/low and is pinned.

It was what you would expect with RF eventually getting his and going down. I was surprised Smallz didn't get involved though. It was fine for what it was and made sense but it was not really something I wanted to see. 

Kyle Davis interviews Aron Stevens. Aron says he apologizes for nothing. He says BFT is the best tag team in wrestling. He then says he won't apologize for walking away from everyone right now. He then leaves.

We get a video on Mike Mondo, who is now bald and is well over 250lbs. He says it's gut check time and says he is coming for someone in the NWA. He says that person knows who it is but he doesn't tell us.

Boz vs Mike Mondo

They lock up. Mike wristlocks him and slaps him in the back  of the head. Boz wristlocks him. Mike boots him in the gut then hits a forearm. Boz running boots him then lariats him.

Mike rakes the eyes then flying knees him, sending him into the corner. Mike hits a sick kick for 2. Mike pulls on the mouth and slaps him. Mike gets on his back and chinlocks him. Boz dropkicks Mike out.

Mike hides under the ring, comes out the other side and nails Boz from behind. Mike hits a fireman's carry gutbuster and pins Boz.

Thoughts: Yeah, this was another random one. The match was fine and all but I have doubts about the NWA being able to follow up on this. I wouldn't have had Boz get squashed either.

Primo and Epico Colon vs The Immortals (Odinson and JR Kratos)

Kratos throws Primo out. Primo side headlocks Kratos and Kratos shoulders him over. Kratos drops him with a punch. Kratos yanks him and slams him. Kratos release suplexes Primo.

Kratos misses a corner splash. Epico is tagged in and hits shots on Kratos. Epico stomps on Kratos. Kratos takes a double russian legsweep. Epico hits punches on Kratos. Kratos takes a double team and has his face raked on the ropes.

Kratos taks corner splashes. Primo is pushed off a bulldog attempt. Odin comes in and flying euros Primo then does it in the corner. Odin overhead suplexes Primo. Odin F-5's Epico onto Primo. Odin takes a double ddt. Kratos throws Primo into the corner and Primo gets stuck upside down. Kratos has his arm pulled into the hole in the post and he's stuck. Odin jackhammers Primo. Epico chairs the post while Kratos' arm is in it and Epic/Primo are DQ'd.

Thoughts: The finish was lousy here and the match was just average. I'm sure it's building to something at least but this didn't do a lot to make me want to see it.

BFT then attack The Immortals from behind after. Aron Stevens brings a ladder in. BFT stomp the faces. Aron the climbs the ladder and rings the bell that is hanging from the ceiling. Aron then sprays himself with Odin's facepaint like Odin does.

Overall thoughts:
It was another bad edition of Powerrr. We had 2 matches with dirty finishes and one match that we only saw a second of as they cut ahead and fast forwarded through it. We had random people showing up as usual and no mention of lots of various NWA wrestlers as usual. This show is awful and is so hard to watch and keep track of. I'd give this one a 2 out of 10 and would not recommend it at all.

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