Tuesday, December 24, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 7/20/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 7/20/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 7/20/1991

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-7131991.html

We are in Sacramento, CA.

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and "Macho Man" Randy Savage are our hosts. Vince says National Ice Cream Day is coming up and they are eating ice cream. Macho says we all scream for ice cream. He says it'll be Hulk and Warrior screaming for mercy at Summerslam and it'll be a very very rocky road. Piper says talking about Sarge's crew at Summerslam is like frozen custard's last stand. He says they are getting soft and have too much marshmallow on the side.

The Big Boss Man vs Louie Spicolli

Lou was on the show 2 weeks ago in a losing effort. Lou hits shots to Boss' gut then takes some right hands. Lou does a nice bump for one and the announcers pop for it. Boss leg lariats Lou on the ropes. Boss then hits a sidewalk slam and wins it.

Thoughts: They didn't get much time but Lou took a nice bump and looked good out there. Boss won quickly as expected.

Boss cuffs Lou to the ropes after.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund says this is brought to us by Coliseum Video, which releases WrestleFest '91 on Thursday. It has Ultimate Warrior vs Earthquake on it. Gene shows us the invitation for the Macho/Liz wedding at Summerslam.

We see clips from Wrestling Challenge with Macho Man at The Barber Shop. Macho says it was only fitting to share the most glorious moment of all time.  

The Nasty Boys vs Bob Allen and Scott Carlson

Piper calls Saggs "Leon", saying he can eat corn through a picket fence and says he's the good looking one of the two. The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do a promo. They ask what The LOD is gonna do. Knobbs says they will be tag champs for a long time. Saggs waves his finger at Bob and bangs his head off the mat. Bob takes pity city.

Knobbs elbow drops Bob's back. Scott takes a punch then takes a knee from Saggs. Knobbs corner splashes Scott. Scott takes a powerslam + top rope elbow combo. Saggs pins Scott for the win.

Thoughts: It was all squash here with the jobbers getting nothing in.

Saggs stands on Scott's face as he poses after.

WWF Event Center

Hacksaw Jim Duggan does a promo. He says ever since Iraq invaded Kuwait, he's been telling people what The Armed Forces were gonna do. He thanks everyone. He says good luck to all our boys.

Power and Glory do a promo with Slick. Roma says if you wanna be the best in the WWF, you gotta get past them. Roma says they are the best and says to look at his best if you wanna see what the best looks like. He says you are always looking at their backs as they are so far ahead of everyone else. Herc says none of them are in a good mood. He says if you wanna keep chasing us, we'll keep knocking ya down.

We see Skinner walking around. He says his uncle always told him skin deep. Skinner says he was right. He says once you pull the skin back, there ain't much to look back at all. 

The Dragon vs Tim Patterson

Ricky armdrags him and Tim backs off. Tim gets some shots in then takes an armdrag and a double chop. Ricky side kicks him and backfists him. Ricky slams him then hits a top rope chop. Ricky hits a top rope crossbody and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here. Ricky's offense looked good and Tim got a few shots in before being put down. 

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan and Col. Mustafa. They talk about the Summerslam main event. He talks about facing "The Ultimate Puke" and "The Immortal Slime". Sarge they says they have to go through the military brilliance of Adnan, the ruthlessness of Mustafa and then him. He says Summerslam will be a match made in hell and doesn't care who the special ref is. Gene asks if he wants to meet the special ref. Gene then brings him out - Sid Justice.

Sarge's crew is excited about Sid being the ref. Sid comes out in red gear. Sarge's crew salute Sid and welcome him to the core. Sid refuses to shake hands. He says he's not part of his core. Hesays he will be at Summerslam to see justice is served and leaves.

This was Sid's first live Superstars appearance.

Virgil vs The Black Knight

Yessss, The Black Knight returns! Black side headlocks him then takes a hiptoss. Virg hits some jabs and atomic drops him. Virg back body drops him. Virg knocks Black out of the ring then plancha's him. Ted Dibiase and Sherri do an inset promo. Ted says Virg was a millionaire every night with him for 15 minutes while he held his belt. He says Virg can't beat him in a million years.

Virg hits punches on Black  then slams him. Virg puts Black in the million dollar dream and Black is out.

Virgil got to do some new stuff here and busted out a surprise dive. It was better than his usual squashes and it's always good to see The Black Knight.

The Warlord vs Billy Gatlin

Billy has some horrible designs in his beard. War flying shoulders Billy over. War gorilla press slams him. War clubs his back then hits a big slam. War hits a gutwrench suplex. War lariats Billy then full-nelsons him. Billy submits.

It was the usual Warlord squash with his opponent getting nothing in and having no prayer of winning. War's flying shoulderblock was nice.

WWF Event Center

Greg Valentine says it's been a great year for him. He said there's been new opponent and new plateau's to reach. He says he has signed to wrestle "Mr. IRS Man". He says he knows what IRS stands for and calls him a tax cheat. He says he will bring his records and receipts, IRS can check them out then they can go out and wrestle.

The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do a promo. Paul talks about him and Taker walking through the cemetery at night. He asks who their next victim will be. Taker says your body belongs to the bearer and your soul belongs to him. 

Summerslam Report

Mean Gene talks about the main event of Summerslam and Macho's wedding. Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior do a promo. Hulk says he knew it would be Sarge's rules and says they warned people to check the popcorn boxes for hand grenades and to check the seats for booby traps. Hulk says they know justice will be served with Sid. He says they will wipe Sarge's troops out like our troops did at Desert Storm. Warrior says to bring The Hulkamaniacs and Warriors to Summerslam. Warrior says they will only do one thing - destroy you.

Bret Hart does a promo on Mr. Perfect. He said he waited for this a long, long time. He says there's no such thing as Mr. Perfect and says Perfect will be excellently executed.

Virgil does a promo. He says he will knock him upside his head, put him down and be $1.5 million dollars richer.

The Bushwhackers vs The Natural Disasters has been signed with Andre in The BW's corner. The ND's and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Typhoon says to make sure the insurance policies are set up as they will need them. Quake tells Andre to stay out of his way.

The Beverly Brothers vs Jim Corman and Matthew Burns

Burns is the smaller one of the two. Vince asks if they can be best men at Macho's wedding. Jim armdrags and slams Beau twice. Beau hits him from behind. Beau hits a double underhook suplex on Jim. Blake hits Jim from behind. Burns hits some shots on Blake and takes a headbutt down. Burns' throat is pulled down over the top then it is catapulted into the bottom rope.

Blake hits a nice belly to belly suplex on Burns. Burns is popped up high for the shaker heights spike and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a squash here with The Bev's looking crisp and doing their moves well.

WWF Event Center

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says Mountie has a 10 Most Wanted list and Big Boss Man is at the top of it. Mountie says the WWF is his jurisdiction. He says Boss stepped in the wrong line and he will put him to jail himself.

The Legion of Doom do a promo. Animal says they didn't get to be the top team by beating no one. Animal says no one will knock them off the ladder. Hawk says there are no porch lights in the WWF and says you can't be right to wrestle here. Hawk says to take a look and asks if he they look right to the fans.

They run down next week's show to close the show.

Overall thoughts: We got some new Summerslam matches set-up and we found out who the special ref will be in the Summerslam main event. All of the matches were squashes here so there was nothing must see. It was just the usual Superstars show and wasn't must see. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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