WCW Monday Nitro 1/29/1996
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/10/wcw-monday-nitro-1221996.html
We are in Canton, Ohio. Eric Bischoff, Steve "Mongo" McMichael and Bobby Heenan are on commentary.
The Giant faces Macho Man for the WCW Title tonight. Mongo says we got Flair vs Hogan as well. They talk about The Road Warriors returning at Clash of the Champions. Heenan says whoever their opponents are have a long evening ahead of them.
Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair
Hulk has Woman, Debra, Miss Elizabeth and supposedly his wife Linda with him.
Ric stalls outside before it starts. They lock up and Ric is pushed over. Hulk poses. Ric is shoved over a few more times. Ric hits chops in the corner. Hulk hits punches and back body drops him. Ric is lariated over the top. Ric sends Hulk into the rails and is knocked over on the floor.
Hulk hits punches inside and corner lariats him. Hulk hits more punches, the ref pulls Hulk off and Ric clips Hulk. We go to break and return. Ric hits punches and chops. Ric goes up top and is thrown down. Hulk hits some punches.
Hulk shoulders Ric over and Ric back elbows him. Ric chokes Hulk. Jimmy Hart tries to get a shot in but is pushed into the rails. Ric knee drops Hulk. Hulk no sells it and pops up. Ric takes a lariat then corner punches. Hulk lariats Ric on the apron and sends him down to the floor.
Hulk rakes Ric's back outside. Ric eye pokes him. Ric kicks Hulk in the ribs then throws him out. Hart chokes Hulk with something outside. Ric stomps on Hulk and Hart stomps Hulk outside. Ric boots Hulk in the knee and kneebreakers him. Ric figure fours Hulk. Hulk reverses it to escape. Hulk suplexes him. Ric hits chops then Hulk hits punches back.
Ric backdrops him for 2. Hulk starts to hulk up as Rich hits punches. Ric hits chops and gets punched. Hulk legdrops him. Hart gets on the apron. Arn Anderson gets in the ring. Hulk punches him and sends him out. Arn and Hart grab Miss Elizabeth. They grab Liz's heel and Ric hits Hulk in the eye with it. Ric then gets the pin.
Thoughts: Ric got most of the offense in. Hulk would sell then just no sell and hulk up before Ric got control again. The finish was not that good either. Ric tried as he really bumped around but this wasn't Hulk's finest hour.
Liz checks on Hulk after then Macho Man comes down to check on Hulk.
The Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Hawk) vs. The Faces Of Fear (Meng & The Barbarian)
The FoF have some robes and headbands on that are new. The RW's theme has Hawk saying "oh what a rush". The RW have blue shoulderpads on today.
Barb pushes Animal back on the lock up. Animal clubs on Barb then Barb facekicks him. Barb hits some chops then Animal powerslams him. Animal elbow drops him. Meng elbows Hawk's head and hits a stiff piledriver. Hawk no sells it and goes face to face with him. Hawk hits a lariat and a powerslam. Hawk fist drops him.
Animal and Meng trade wristlocks. Animal yanks on the arm. Barb knees Animal in the back from the apron. Meng lariats Animal over. The FoF hit stereo headbutt drops to Animal's back. Heenan says The FoF might not be able to do your taxes, but they know what to do in the ring.
Barb sends Animal hard into the corner, working Animal's injured back. Barb clubs on Animal's back then backbreakers him. Meng camel clutches Animal then stomps on his back. Animal is sent into the rails then Barb rams his back into the post. Meng hits a great dropkick on Animal. Meng chokes Animal and pulls on his mouth.
Barb hits a great powerbomb on Animal for 2. Barb 2nd rope diving lariats Animal. Barb comes off the 2nd rope and takes a lariat from Animal. Hawk gets in and hits punches on Barb. Hawk lariats both FoF's then facekicks both. Hawk hits a double lariat. Meng is sent over the top by Animal. Barb is caught by Animal on the 2nd rope but Meng saves Barb from a doomsday device. Meng is sent into the post then Barb piledrivers Animal. Hawk flying lariats Barb over Animal and pins him.
Thoughts: The heels worked Animal's back here but forgot about it after he tagged out. The heels hit some nice offense on Animal's back. I didn't like the piledriver no sell but I liked this one otherwise. Meng and Barb were moving well and bumping big and The RW's had some nice offense. This got a lot of time and I'd like to see a rematch.
Mean Gene interviews Kevin Sullivan in the ring. Kevin says they made a pact with The Horsemen and he thought Arn was a man of his word. He implies Arn didn't keep his word last week. Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman come out.
Kevin says he wants Arn to keep his word and said he needs to discipline Brian or suffer the consequences. Arn says he will take care of this. Arn says Flair just beat Hogan by himself and Brian was nowhere ot be found. He said that immaturity is running through Brian right now. He says he's not an individual, he's part of a team. Arn says he talked to him and tried to slap him. He says if he's gonna act like a child, all that's left is tough love. He says it'll hurt him more than it'll hurt arn. Arn gets the belt out. Hugh Morrus nails Arn from the behind. Arn takes a 2v1 from Kevin and Hugh. Kevin then whips Brian with the belt. Arn ddt's Hugh and shoves Kevin away.
Arn gets on the mic after. He says they police within their own and if they have a problem, they take care of it. Arn says he knows someone in the executive committee is in the building. He says to get him a match Sullivan and Hugh unless they want blood. Brian says he got Arn in this mess and will get him out.
Thoughts: Well, we knew that alliance wasn't going to last long. It's odd that The Dungeon would attack when Arn was going to punish Brian.
Mean Gene interviews Sister Sherri in the ring. We see clips of Medusa messing up her wedding with Col. Rob Parker and we see Medusa fighting Sherri. Medusa then appears off the top and crossbodies Sherri.
Medusa vs Sister Sherri
Medusa hits kicks. They go out and Sherri bangs Med's leg off the buckles. Sherri is sent into the steps. Med suplexes Sherri. Sherri hits a palm strike to the throat. Sherri hits kicks on Med.
Med drops Sherri with a big punch in the ring and hits kicks to the body. Sherri leg drops Med in the gut then walks on her. Med pulls Sherri off the top and Sherri rolls her up off of it to win.
Med germans Sherri after and hits paintbrush slaps and bad punches. Med bangs Sherri's head off the mat. Another ref comes out to stop this.
Thoughts: I liked what we got of this. It wasn't pretty but these two are feuding and it shouldn't have been pretty. They hit some stiff shots here and showed some fire.
WCW World Title - "Macho Man" Randy Savage (c) vs The Giant
Macho comes out with Woman, Debra, Miss Elizabeth and Hulk's wife. I don't know why all these girls with him or Hulk and I don't think it was explained.
Macho comes out off camera and hits Giant with the WCW Title from behind. The ref watches, takes the title away but doesn't DQ Macho. Macho gets on Giant's back with a sleeper. Ric Flair comes out. The ref DQ's Macho. Ric throws Macho into the rails outside then chairs him.
Thoughts: We didn't get much of a match here before the screwy finish. I'm surprised Giant and The Dungeon of Doom were helping Ric out here when they had just turned on Arm and Brian. I hope that's explained as that made little sense. This match was a bait and switch but hopefully it is leading to something.
Macho is sent into the post. Flair hits chops and punches. Ric nails the ref and Giant suplexes Macho. Ric hits punches on Macho and Giant elbow drops Macho's leg. Giant backbreakers Macho several times. Giant chokeslams Macho once. Hulk Hogan makes the save by hitting Giant with a chair. Hulk chairs Giant out of the ring. He then nails The Dungeon of Doom with a chair.
Ric Flair goes up to commentary. He says he beat Hulk twice. He says he wants a 2 ring cage match at Superbrawl. Giant says talks about Hulk's bones and says his soul will be his forever. Ric says he wants 2 cages again and says he will take Macho's belt and Elizabeth one more time. Jimmy Hart says this is Ric Flair country and says he's together forever with Giant. Ric puts on the commentary headphones. Heenan says the heels cleaned the set here and will take care of the rest in the cage.
Overall thoughts: It was an easy show to watch and it kept my interest throughout. The Roadwarriors vs The Faces of Fear was the best thing on here and Sherri/Medusa was kept short and sweet. We didn't really get the main we were promised but at least we did get Flair vs Hulk. I liked this show and thought it was a good hour of wrestling. I'd give it a 6 out of 10.
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