Monday, December 2, 2024

WWE Main Event 11/13/2024

WWE Main Event 11/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

We continue to see this on about a 2 and half week delay.

Chad Gable vs R-Truth

Chad wristlocks him. Truth gets out and dances. Chad goes for a hiptoss and Truth dances with him. Truth hits a hiptoss. Truth is distracted by American Made and Chad clips him.

We go to break and return. Chad works Truth's leg and dragon screws it. Chad northern lights suplexes him for 2. Chad misses a top rope splash then Truth hits flying shoulders. Truth does a blue thunder bomb then a five knuckle shuffle. Truth knocks Ameircan Made off the apron and Chad nearly runs into Ivy on the apron. Truth back rolls Chad for 2. Truth misses a kick and is put in an ankle lock. Truth then taps out.

Thoughts: It was a decent short match here. Truth got his comedy in, the heels cheated and Chad worked the leg before tapping him out with the ankle lock. It made sense and they did a good job with it.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn

Isla takes Carter down. Carter hits chops then walks on her back. Carter superkicks her. Chance dropkicks Alba then is flipped into both opponents in the corners. Isla takes a double leg kick, a double back elbow and a sandwich kick to the front and back. Carter springboard legdrops Isla for 2.

Isla shoulders Carter over. Carter is gordbustered then takes a meteora for 2. Carter is held on the ropes for a superkick from Alba for 2. Isla armlocks her and pulls her down by the hair.

Chance gets the hot tag in and beats up on the heels. She flying headcissors Alba anshotgun dropkicks Isla in the corner. Chance codebreakers Isla. Isla takes a double team on the ropes from her opponents. Carter springboard dropkicks Alba. Chance pulls Isla's throat down over the top.

Alba gets a 2 count on Carter then Carter hits a flatliner. Alba takes a 450 + neckbreaker and is pinned.

Thoughts: The lead up to the finish could have been a little better but this was fine otherwise. The faces did their flying as usual here and there and did the best they could with the short time they had with this one.

Overall thoughts: There were only two new matches here. Both were fine but neither was must see. I liked the Truth/Chad match best. It was a fine way to spend 15 minutes or so, but it wasn't must see.

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