Monday, December 2, 2024

TNA Xplosion 11/21/2024

TNA Xplosion 11/21/2024 

Last week's show is here:

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Tasha Steelz is this week's guest. Gia says she can't roll the r's like Tasha can. Gia says they have a lot in common. Gia says they both love country music and Tasha says we aren't talking about some of that Mickie James stuff.

Gia says she doesn't like much music past 2005. Tasha says you have to keep up with what the kids like. She says she likes Reba McIntyre and Dolly Parton. They talk about country music turning pop and pandering.

Gia says she likes Reba and Tasha says you can relate to everything Reba sings. Gia says she likes fancy and Tasha says she has all the flava. She says fancy and flava work together. Gia says they are the future and past. Tasha says she loves country music. Gia says next time they will have to go to a country bar and talk about going to places in Nashville.

KUSHIDA vs Conan Lycan

We saw Conan a few weeks ago. Conan throws Kush down off the lock-up. Conan side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Conan rolls over Kush's back and Kush slides out. Conan chases him and is kicked as he gets back in.

Kush takes Conan down by the arm. Kush yanks back on Conan's arm then kicks him in the leg. Kush snapmares him then cartwheel basement dropkicks him for 2. Kush bangs Conan's arm off his shoulder. Kush is sent hard into the buckles and Conan slams him.

Conan goes up top and gets kicked. Conan headbutts him up there and sends him down. Conan misses a 450 off the top. He throws Kush over his back and knees him in the face for 2. Conan forearms him and takes a pele kick. Conan spinebusters him. Kush tries to triangle him but gets slammed down.

Conan comes off the 2nd rope and is caught with a kimura. Kush then taps him out.

Thoughts: They only had about 5 minutes here but made the most of the time. Conan's a big guy who can fly and if TNA doesn't have him signed already, I don't know what they are doing. The crowd liked him here and was not excited about Kush beating him. The finish was nice here. 

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match here. The one match was entertaining but not quite worth going out of your way to see. I would not recommend this one.

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