NWA Powerrr 12/3/2024
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/11/nwa-powerrr-11262024.html
The opening video for this show hypes up Samhain.
Joe Galli and Danny Dealz welcome us to the show. They have some hybrid Christmas/Halloween decorations.
By The Book Street Fight - The Slime Ballz (Tommy Rant and Sage Chantz) and Jay Bradley vs Joe, AJ and KC Cazana
Jay Bradley is The Slime's mystery partner. We don't know why. Rant is the heavier one of his team and Sage is the smaller one.
4 of the 6 fight to start and Jay chases Joe around the ring. Rant stomps on AJ in the corner and KC is dropped face first on the apron. AJ takes a double chop. Jay airplane spins Rant around, banging his feet off his opponents heads.
We go to break and return. Rant corner splashes KC then Sage is thrown into KC. Rant corner cannonballs KC. The Slime's grab The Cazana's branding iron and AJ stops them from using it on Joe. AJ hits an AA on Sage then lariats him. KC legdrops Sage for 2.
Rant hits shots on AJ and KC which look ridiculous. Rant is held and AJ running back elbows him. Jay corner facekicks KC. Jay slams AJ then knee drops him.
Jay targets Joe and kicks the middle rope into his crotch. Joe is then pushed out of the ring. AJ spinebusters Jay. AJ holds Jay for a belt shot from Joe. Wrecking Ball Legursky comes in for some reason. He double lariats AJ and KC then slams both. Ball punches AJ and KC. Ball splashes them then hits a corner hip attack.
Joe hits Ball from behind and begs for mercy when Ball sees him. KC and AJ then double spear Ball. Joe punches Sage with his belt buckle and pins him. Billy Corgan called this ugly and hard to watch after. I don't think he meant it literally, but I sure did.
Thoughts: This was garbage. I don't know why Jay was The Slime Ballz partner. I don't know why Wrecking Ball came out either. The Slime Ballz were awful faces here for needing help from a 4th person. They also looked stupid for basically needing to cheat and still losing to old man Joe Cazana. The match wasn't very serious either and this whole thing was atrocious.
May Valentine interviews Lev. She's dressed up in a skull costume. Lev talks about his match with Alex Misery. He says the strange recognize the strange. He says the shining path will always be luminated. He says his name is Lev and he is lost.
NWA World Women's Title #1 Contendership Three Way Elimination Match - Natalia Markova vs. Haley J vs. Kylie Paige
KP rolls up J and they shove each other. Nat chops both and armdrags J. She back elbows KP. Nat does a flying knee on both in the corner and knees KP in the face. Nat dances and split leg drops KP. KP facekicks J off the apron then clubs on Nat.
KP chokes Nat on the ropes and hits elbows. KP hip attacks Nat in the corner for 2. J pulls KP out and meteora's the back of Nat's head. She hits mounted shots on Nat then stomps on her. KP running facekicks J.
KP spinning heel kicks J. J avoids a step up knee and hits a backcracker on her. KP germans J as she superplexes Nat. KP flying knees J. Nat top rope dropkicks JP. Nat spinning heel kicks KP in the corner and pins her.
J stomps on Nat as we go to break. We return and J hits chops on Nat. They trade forearms. J hits a double chop to the throat and they flying facebuster each other at the same time.
Nat hits forearms on J then spinning facebusters her for 2. Nat misses a spinning heel kick on J and takes a shining wizard. J hits two curb stomps on Nat and pins her.
Thoughts: It was a three way so there was only so much you can do with it. It was better than expected. I really didn't get the booking here though. Nat was screwed out of her last title shot by Tiffany Nieves. That hasn't been referenced since and Nat lost clean here for no real reason. Why not have Tiff cost her the title again?
May Valentine interviews The Southern Six. Silas yells at May when she asks if the feud between then and Colby is personal. Silas says Colby was strung out on the seats of Philly. He says life will get real unfair at Samhain 2. He says Colby and Bryan Idol's fairy tale story will come to an end. He says when you shoot at The Six, you best not miss.
#1 Contenders to the NWA World Tag Titles - Daisy Kill and Talos vs The Immortals (Odinson and Kratos)
Kratos and Odin bring Kill's ukelele out. Kill goes out to stall and Odin chases him around the ring. Kill tags Talos in then tags him out. Kill tries to hide behind the ropes but gets near Kratos and is hit for it.
Kratos forearms Kill then release germans him. Kratos release germans Kill. Kill takes corner attacks then Kratos gutwrench suplexes him. Odin sliding lariats Kill. Odin knee drops him and chinlocks him.
Kill's head is banged off the buckles. Odin is on the 2nd rope. Talos grabs Odin by the throat and pushes him into Kill, who hits a german. Odin lands hard on his neck. Kill axe kicks Odin.
Kill corner splashes Odin. Talos throws Odin in the corner and corner splashes him. Talos side slams Odin. Kill stomps on Odin in the corner. He throws him in the corner and Odin flying euros Talos over the top. He falls out, comes in and flying euros Kill. Kratos is tagged in.
Kratos hits punches on Kill then enzugiri's him. Kratos corner forearms Kill. Kratos and Talos trade shots. Kratos crucifixes Talos and knees him. Kratos does a deadlift suplex on Talos for 2.
Odin corner euros Talos and Kill pulls Kratos over the top. Kill hits Odin with the ukelele. Talos chokeslams Odin and pins him to win.
Thoughts: The match went longer than it needed to. Most of it made sense and they tried but I just didn't think it was great. I didn't love The Immortals losing here but at least it gives Kill and Talos some credibility.
Kratos attacks Kill and Talos after. Talos is lariated over the top and Odin plancha's him. Kratos grabs the ukelee and Kill runs.
Overall thoughts: I didn't like the show that much. The opener was a mess. I didn't like Markova losing clean in the women's match. They tried in the main but it just wasn't great. I would give this a 4 out of 10 overall and wouldn't recommend it.
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