Tuesday, December 3, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 12/2/2024 World Tag League 2024 Day 11

New Japan Pro Wrestling 12/2/2024 World Tag League 2024 Day 11

Day 10 is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/new-japan-pro-wrestling-1212024-world.html

Daiki Nagai vs Shoma Kato

They lock up and trade wristlocks. Kato side headlocks him. Kato stomps on him then twists his foot. Kato leg locks him then indian deathlocks him. Kato stomps the leg then yanks on it. Kato single leg crabs him. Kato stomps on him. Nagai dropkicks him then goes for the crab. Kato ropebreaks.

Nagai hits a dropkick then crabs him. Kato ropebreaks. Kato armdrags and dropkicks him. Nagai slaps him then takes a back body drop for 2. Kato crabs him again and taps him out.

Thoughts: It was the usual young lions stuff with a focus on working Nagai's legs in preparation for the crab. Nagai did some nice dropkicks here and this was fine.

BULLET CLUB (Gedo, Stevie Filip & Tome Filip) vs. United Empire (Great-O-Khan, HENARE & Jakob Austin Young)

Khan and Stevie go at it. Khan trips him and goes for a pin. Khan wristlocks him. Stevie eye rakes him. Khan mongolian chops him then sits on his neck in the corner. Jake elbows Stevie's neck. Jake 2nd rope dropkicks him.

Jake hits forearms on Stevie and gets dropkicked. Steview chops Jake down and gets Tome in. Tome slams and legdrops him for 2. Gedo comes in and chokes Jake. Gedo eye rakes him. Stevie boots Jake around.

Hen comes in and knocks over his opponents. He hits chest kicks on Stevie for 2. Tome springboard uppercuts Hen then Hen takes corner attacks. Gen takes a german then a double suplex for 2. Gedo eye rakes Hen then takes a punch to the gut from him. Hen full-nelsons him and taps him out.

Thoughts: It was short and not much of note. Gedo lost like he lalways does and it was an average match.

TMDK (Kosei Fujita, Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste) vs. Just 4 Guys (DOUKI, Taichi & TAKA Michinoku)

Tai and Shane go at it. Tai backs up Shane on the ropes. They trade leg kicks and facekicks. Tai side kicks him. Tai corner facekicks him. Douki gets in and hits some shots on Shane. Douki flying headscissors him and dropkicks him. Taka gets in and boots Shane. Shane back elbows him.

Shane bangs Taka's head off the apron. Kosei gets in. Kosei springboard dropkicks Taka then step up kicks Douki. Mikey gets a hard chop in on Taka. Taka then takes a double shoulder and has his legs split at 5 minutes.

Mikey takes a jumping kick from Taka. Taka goes for the tag but his partners are knocked off the apron. Taka takes corner attacks then a sliding lariat from Mikey for 2. Tai hits a double lariat. Douki does a tope outside and Taka superkicks Mikey for 2.

Mikey death valley drivers Taka for 2. Taka counters a double team with a headscissors then does a pin on Mikey to win it.

Thoughts: The finish seemed botched here. I was surprised to see Taka get the win in this one. Shane took more offense than I expected. This was not that good.

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Jado & Katsuya Murashima vs. Oleg Boltin, Tiger Mask & Toru Yano

Tana and Oleg lock up. Tana side headlocks him and Oleg shoulders him over. Tana 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Tana's team gets the advantage and whips Tiger into a KM dropkick. Tana 's team then plays air guitar together.

Yano takes the turnbuckle pad off. He then sends all 3 opponents into it. Yano stomps on Jado. Tiger hits kicks on Jado then figure fours him. Tana rolls them over to reverse it then Yano does the same. Jado ropebreaks to get out.

Tiger knee drops Jado then hits kicks to the chest. Jado lariats Tiger over. Tana and Yano tag in. Tana hits forearms on him then flying forearms him. Tana slams Yano then 2nd rope swantons him for 2.  

Yano pulls Tana down by the hair. Oleg comes in and shoulders over Tana. Oleg karelin's lifts Tana. Oleg corner splashes Tana then does a regular splash for 2. Tana dragon screws Oleg. KM comes in and hits forearms on Oleg. KM flying forearms him then hits a nice dropkick on him for 2.

KM tries to crab Oleg but Oleg gets out of it. Oleg slams KM for 2 then crabs him. Oleg hits a double suplex on Jado and Tana then KM rolls up Oleg. Oleg finlay rolls KM and pins him.

Thoughts: It was a short one that was mostly a waste of time. Everyone got like 2 spots in or so and then had to tag out to the next guy.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito) vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo, EVIL & Ren Narita)

HT = Hiromu Takahashi

The heels attack before it starts as usual. The fight then goes outside and Naito gets thrown into seats. Evil chokes Naito with a chair. Ren unties Bushi's mask. Bushi rewind kicks him then hits forearms. Bushi pulls Ren out and Togo trips Ren when he goes for a dive. Ren hits HT and Naito from behind.

Naito is thrown into the rail and knocks the timekeeper over. Evil boots Naito while talking on the mic. Togo rips on Bushi's mask then hits shots to the gut. Togo goes for the pin and the ref refuses to count it. Togo yanks on Bushi's arm then Evil chokes Bushi with a weapon.

Bushi hits chops on Evil and dropkicks him in the knee. Naito is tagged in. He hits shots on Evil and gets his eyes raked. Naito rakes Evil's eyes then armdrags him. Naito baseball slides him in the back. Ren fights off the heels then he delay neckbreakers Evil.

Evil tries to go out but is thrown back in. Naito is sent int othe exposed buckle. Ren chokes Naito. Naito step up enzugiri's Ren. Ren eye rakes Naito then chokes HT. Ren facekicks HT. HT takes corner attacks then Togo 2nd rope chops HT in the crotch for 2. Togo chokes Hiromu.

Evil is sent into the exposed buckle and Ren is sent into the rail outside. HT boots Togo out of the corner. Togo keeps trying to run at him and is caught with the boot multiple times. Togo begs for mercy when the faces have 3v1'd. He tries to kick HT but gets dragon screwed. HT then does a figure four variation on Togo and taps him out.

HoT heeled it up to start as usual. The faces made thier comeback and Togo did some comedy here which was a little different. It was average and not that good.

World Tag League 2024 Block A Match - Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma vs. BULLET CLUB (Chase Owens & KENTA)

The heels attack the faces as they enter. Chase hits Shot with something and Honma is sent into the post. Shota hits forearms on Kenta and Chase. Chse then kicks him in the shin and Shota goes down. Chase pushes the ref over. Honma lays on Shota's leg to protect it from a chairshot and Chase just chairs Honma. Chase chairs Shota's leg against the post.

Kenta hits chest kicks on Honma then rakes his eyes. Kenta boots Honma. The heels beat up on Honma. Honma avoids a corner attack and hits a ddt + flatliner combo. Honma pulls Chase over the top then shoulders Kenta over. Honma chops Kenta then bulldogs him.

Honma misses a falling headbutt drop. Honma takes kicks and a knee from Chase for 2. Honma cradles Chase with help from Shota. Honma headbutts Chase and jumps into Chase's pumping knee. Chase package piledrivers Honma and wins.

It was another short and nothing match. Shota got taken out early and didn't play much of a factor on this. The ref didn't care at all about Chase pushing him over.

World Tag League 2024 Block A Match - FUNKY SAUCE (Alex Zayne & Ryusuke Taguchi) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Gabe Kidd & SANADA)

Alex and RT get hit before it starts. Alex takes a double suplex for 2. Alex superkicks Gabe and cinnamon twist's Sanada. Gabe takes a facebuster into a baseball slide for 2. The faces hip attack Gabe then do it together. Gabe is banged into RT's butt then pushes RT over the top. Gabe chops Alex over.

The fight goes outside and Alex is sent into the seats. RT's head is banged off the seats and Alex goes into the wall. Alex is flipped into the seats. Sanada stomps on RT in the corner then foot chokes him. Sanada running back elbows RT. Gabe bites RT.

Sanada eye rakes RT and takes a hip attack. Alex is pulled down from the apron by Gabe and Gabe gets sent into the seats. Sanada atomic drops RT then RT hip attacks him. Alex gets in and hiptosses Sanada into a cinnamon twist. 

Alex suplexes Sanada. Alex superkicks Sanada and is pulled out by Gabe. Gabe is dropped gut first on the rail and Alex flipping legdrops the back of his neck. Alex step up enzugiri's Sanada. Sanada is headscissored into RT's butt then RT running hip attacks Sanada.

RT hip attacks Gabe. Sanada goes for skull end on RT then takes a headhunter. Alex and Gabe trade forearms. Gabe spinning lariats him. RT enzugiri's Gabe. RT misses a hip attack then ankle locks Sanada. Sanada misses an asai moonsault on RT then shining wizards him. RT la magistral's Sanada then Sanada low blows him. 

Sanada hits deadfall on RT and wins.

It was mostly hip attacks from the faces then the heels taking them out of the ring and throwing them into seats. It was pretty average and the heels won this one as expected.

World Tag League 2024 Block A Match - Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. United Empire (Callum Newman & Jeff Cobb)
CN boots Goto then running facekicks him. They trade shots. CN takes a double shoulder and Cobb is tripped onto him. Cobb then gets clubbed on both opponents. CN hiptoss neckbreakers Yoshi then chops him down. Cobb shoulders Yoshi over then surfs on his back.  

CN hits shots on Yoshi and they trade forearms. CN chops him over. Cobb slams him the standing moonsaults him for 2. Yoshi dropkicks Cobb in the knee. Goto and Cobb shoulder battle. Goto lariats Cobb then suplexes CN onto Cobb. Goto spinning heel kicks Cobb in the corner then bulldogs him for 2.

Cobb hits forearms on Goto and flying shoulders him. CN comes in and sweeps then double stomps Yoshi. Yoshi tries to dropkick CN's knee but gets double stomped. Yoshi then takes a suplex into a PK.

Yoshi and CN trade forearms. Goto lariats CN over then ushigoroshi's him. CN takes a lariat to the back of the head on the ropes. CN stunners Yoshi and rolls him up for 2. Yoshi dragon suplexes him. Yoshi running lariats Cobb. CN superkicks Yoshi then corkscrew kicks Goto. CN pumping knees Yoshi. CN is caught on an os cutter attempt and takes a double team elbow slice drop. CN is then pinned.

Thoughts: You could tell at around the 10 minute mark they realized they were short on time and started rushing spots. It could have been really good if it had the time but it didn't and it was just average.

World Tag League 2024 Block A Match - Los Ingobernables de Japon (Shingo Takagi & Yota Tsuji) vs. TMDK (Ryohei Oiwa & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Oiwa hammerlocks Yota and Yota side headlocks him. Oiwa side headlocks him. Yota snapmares him then Oiwa tries a pin. Yota side headlock takeovers him and Oiwa headscissors him. Oiwa flying headscissors him and holds onto it. Oiwa takes a double shoulder then a senton and splash from his opponents for 2.

Yota chops him. Oiwa hits forearms. Oiwa dropkicks him in the knee. Zack tags in. Zack twists Yota's foot and stomps Yota's knees into the mat. Oiwa and Zack each tag in work the foot/leg. Zack figure fours the legs and headscissors him with his feet from behind.

Oiwa dropkicks Yota in the knee then dragon screws Yota. Zack does a cobra twist + indian deathlock combo on Yota and Shingo. Zack then tags out while keeping Yota in the indian deathlock. Yota drives Oiwa's head into the mat with his feet. Shingo gets tagged in. He knocks Oiwa over then hits a punch and chop combo. Shingo hits a flatliner and ddt combo on his opponents. Shingo suplexes Oiwa for 2.

Shingo and Oiwa trade forearms. Shingo ddt's him. Oiwa dropkicks Shingo. Zack is then tagged in. Zack hits euros on Shingo. Zack blocks a dragon screw, twists Shingo's neck with his feet and dropkicks him in the back of the head. Zack hits a corner euro and a norhtern lights suplex.

Shingo puts Zack on the 2nd rope and dragon screws him. Zack works the arm and pele kicks it. Zack stomps the arm into the mat and Shingo hits a twist and shout. Oiwa side headlocks Yota and they trade forearms. Oiwa running euros him for 2. Oiwa figure fours him. Oiwa hits shots to the leg of Yota. Yota knees him in the gut and sliding knees him. Oiwa takes a double backdrop for 2. Oiwa is thrown into a kick from Yota. Yota superplexes Oiwa and Shingo sliding lariats Oiwa for 2. 

Zack puts Yota in a guillotine and Yota htrows him over. Oiwa backdrops Yota. Zack avoids Shingo's ddt, PK's him then takes a lariat. Oiwa lariats Shingo then hits a big one on Yota. Oiwa corner lariats Yota.Yota superkicks him then Oiwa germans him. Oiwa hits another german for 2. Oiwa top rope splashes Yota for 2. Yota superkicks him then pumping knees him. Yota hits a marlow crash on Oiwa for 2. Zack hits a euro flurry on Shingo then Zack takes a wheelbarrow german.

Oiwa rolls him up for 2. Oiwa running lariats both opponents. Oiwa doctor bombs Yota for 2. Oiwa and Zack put sleepers on at the same time. Yota spears Oiwa and Shingo death valley drivers Zack. Shingo running lariats Oiwa then Oiwa takes a lariat + spear. Yota pins Oiwa.

They all stare down after and Yota stomps on Oiwa.

Thoughts: They put out a good effort here and had a good action focused match. They got 24 minutes for this so the time was there. There was a bunch of leg work that went nowhere on this one though and there was not great story. Oiwa continues to be a likeable underdog face.

Shingo and Yota talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: I liked the main and not much else. The semi main didn't get enough time and was disappointing because of it. The other matches didn't impress and it was a weak night at the World Tag League. I'd give it a 4 out of 10 and would not recommend it.

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