Sunday, December 29, 2024

Marigold 12/26/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 9

Marigold 12/26/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 9

Kizuna Tanaka vs. Nagisa Tachibana

This is Nagisa Tachibana's debut match. She's very pretty but she's an idol. They shake hands and NT pulls her hands away after they shake. They lock up and she hits chest forearms. KT armbars her and NT ropebreaks. KT stands on her arm on the ropes and NT dropkicks her.

NT hits more dropkicks. KT slams her for 2. KT hits running dropkicks. NT corner dropkicks her then does a running dropkick for 2. NT stomps on KT's injured back and kicks her in it. NT crabs her and KT pulls on the hair to break it. NT slams her then hits mounted forearms.

KT spinning fisherman's neckbreakers her. KT running knees her for 2. NT rolls her up for 2 then backslides her for 2. NT does la magistral for 2. NT does a running dropkick for 2. KT hits re:dream on her and wins.

It went a little longer than it needed to. I thought it was a good debut for Nagisa. She didn't botch anything and most of her offense looked fine minus some weak chest forearms. She's good looking so as long as she isn't a botch machine, she's going to get a lot of chances. Any debut where you don't botch is a good debut and we'll see where she goes. I don't think she has the highest ceiling though as she's not super athletic.

Nanae Takahashi vs Ryoko Sakimura

This is Ryoko Sakimura's debut match. She's good looking and has red and black gear. I don't know of any other wrestler with the name of Ryoko.

RS whips her into the corner off a handshake. RS hits a dropkick and chest forearms. RS snapmares her then sleepers her. They wrestle on the mat. NT takes her down. They get back up then NT chinlocks her.

RS does a grounded sleeper and NT escapes. RS bodyscissors her. NT does a single leg crab and RS rope breaks. NT slams her. She puts her foot in her throat. They grab each other by the hair. RS hits chest forearms. NT chest forearms her over. NT and RS trade chops. NT hair throws her.

NT corner splashes her for 2. RS does a step up knee and hits chest kicks. NT shoulders her over for 2. RS hits slaps. NT slaps her back. RS cradles her for 2. RS does a rolling koji clutch. RS dropkicks her and hits chest forearms. RS slaps her then NT slaps her back. RS slap flurries her then is lariated over. NT crabs her and RS ropebreaks.

RS is put in reverse tree of woe then NT splashes her for 2. NT backdrops her. NT doe a nasty looking stf vriation and taps her out.

Thoughts: This was a good debut for Ryoko. It went a little long though. She's good looking, she has fire and she seems pretty confident. She also just has good instincts. She didn't botch anything either. I already think she's arguably better than a couple people on the roster and I'm interested to see what she can do.

NT and Ryoko hug after and NT raises her hand. 

Minami Yuuki & Naho Yamada vs. Komomo Minami & Rea Seto

KM = Komomo Minami

Naho got to sing her song to the ring today. Naho's team takes stereo dropkicks to start. Naho takes dropkicks from both opponents. Naho takes a double dropkick. KM slams Naho. Naho hits a cutter and a headhunter. Naho then headhunters her from behind.

Yuuki throws KM over by the arms. KM and Yuuki trade chest forearms. Yuuki hits a nice dropkick on KM. Yuuki hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Yuuki takes a double dropkick. KM hits a hammerlock ddt on Yuuki for 2.

Rea dropkicks Yuuki for 2. Rea then does cattle mutilation on Yuuki. Rea dropkicks Yuuki for 2. Yuuki dropkicks Rea then does a swinging hammerlock guillotine. She then ddt's her with it.

Naho comes in and hits pedigree's on Rea. Rea crabs Naho and Naho ropebreaks. Rea slams Naho for 2. Naho headscissors rolls her up then rolls her around with the bodyscissors. Naho 2nd rope diving forearms Yuuki on accident. Rea dropkicks Naho then Naho rolls her up for 2.

Rea rolls up Naho and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a better effort than some of the disasters these girls have been involved in recently. There weren't any real botches here and they actually looked okay with each other. There were a lot of dropkicks and basic moves in this one.

Misa Matsui vs. Hummingbird

Misa misses a kick and is rolled up. Misa armdrags her and they trade pins. Misa running dropkicks her. Misa throws her then pulls on the mask. Misa basement dropkicks her. Misa ankle locks her. Hum dropkicks Misa, Misa no sells it, kips up and dropkicks her.

Misa figure fours her. Misa hits knees to the gut. Misa tries a running spear but goes out. Hum backrolls into a spinning headscissors on Misa. Hum low dropkicks Misa then does a grounded submission. Misa ropebreaks. Misa dropkicks her in the knee and basement dropkicks her. They try pins on each other. Misa double stomps her. Misa does la magistral for 2. Hum bridges out of  lariat and is booted. Misa does a cross-legged fisherman suplex for 2.

Hum hanging triangles her over the top rope. Hum spin kicks her for 2. Hum then goes for the armbar. Misa stretch mufflers her and Hum ropebreaks. Misa crossbodies Hum against the bottom rope and flying knees her. Hum does a bridge pin for 2. Misa rolls her into a stretch muffler and Hum taps out.

Thoughts: It went better than expected. Misa worked the leg some before getting the submission here. It was acceptable.

MIRAI vs. Nao Ishikawa

Nao tries to get chants going and Mirai doesn't like it.  They both try to get chants going together. Nao hits her form behind on the buckles. Nao hammerlocks her. Mirai tries to slam her to get out but Nao rolls her. Mirai goes around the ropes and traps Nao's arm in it. Mirai kicks the rope into Nao's arm. Mirai basement dropkicks her.

Mirai gets a 2 count on Nao then does a head and double armhold on her. Nao off-side shoulderblocks her. Nao flying neckbreakers her. Nao double underhook suplexes her for 2. Nao does the anaconda vice. Mirai forearms her over. Nao forearms her back. Nao knocks her over with a forearm and hits a sitout spinebuster for 2. Mirai half-nelson suplexes Nao for 2. Nao upkicks her. Mirai does a sunset flip with a bridge pin and pins Nao.

Thoughts: Nao had a lot of comebacks here and was the underdog. She did okay with it but it wasn't great. Nao lost as expected here. Mirai didn't really lay into her as much as she should have and the finish wasn't great.

Marigold Twin Star Title Match - CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki (c) vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

NN gets on the mic before it starts. She says this is a preview and says this is Myla's last Marigold match. She says she wants to give her a special going away present and says she's putting the tag titles on the line here.

NN's team attack and the fight goes outside. Chi hits chest forearms on Boz then Myla is sent into the seats. Boz gets sent into the seats. Boz and Myla are then whipped into each other. Chi's head is banged off the apron. NN and Chi go into the seats. 

Boz forearms Chi over then ddt's her. Boz hits a nightmare pendulum on Chi. Myla hits forearms on Chi then corner dropkicks her. Myla twisting suplexes her for 2. Chi rolling spears Myla. NN pendulum kicks Myla. Myla spin kicks NN and double underhook twisting drops her.

Boz corner splashes NN then sentons her for 2. Boz slams her. Boz is stuck on the 2nd rope and german'd down. NN sleepers Boz. NN boots Boz in the face and hits basement dropkicks. Boz lariats NN twice. NN flying dropkicks Boz.

Boz piledrivers NN. Chi and Myla come in and trade forearms. Myla lariats Chi. Myla rolls Chi into a border city stretch. Myla backdrops Chi for 2. Myla sitout slams Chi for 2. Myla cancun tornados Chi off the top.

NN hits a flying kick while Chi hits a spear. Chi hits a south of heaven on Myla for 2. Myla takes a head kick into a sitout torture rack drop. NN and Boz trade forearms. Boz is pulled over the top. Myla cradles Chi then superkicks her. Myla steps up on Chi's knee and crucifix bombs her for 2.

Chi powerslams Myla. Chi does a sitout torture rack drop on Myla and wins.

Thoughts: Because Myla was announced as leaving, it was obvious she wasn't winning here. It was an average match as expected. These girls are just not the girls you are going to put together if you want a classic. They let Myla do a little more than usual here.

Boz attacks NN and Chi after and double lariats them. Boz holds up the titles.

Kouki Amarei, Miku Aono & Sareee vs. Chika Goto, Mai Sakurai & Utami Hayashishita

We have 3 challengers vs 3 champions in this one. Chika and Kouki start us off. They hit chest forearms on the ropes then Chika hip attacks her on the ropes. Mai and Miku get in and trade forearms. Miku is laid on the top buckle and Mai kicks her. Mai armdrags her then Miku dropkicks her.

Mai hits a dropkick and both kip up. Sare and Utami go at it. Utami shoulders her over then Sare low dropkicks her. Utami shoulders Sare over then dropkicks her. Chika gets in and takes a forearm from Sare. Sare fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kouki hits a slam on Chika then Miku gets in. Miku then slams Chika.

Miku bodyscissors Chika. Sare dropkicks Chika. Sare hair throws Chika. Sare stands on Chika's gut. Sare indian deathlocks Chika. Kouki and Chika go at it again.

Chika corner hip attacks Kouki. Utami gets in and dropkicks Kouki. Utami corner lariats Kouki then dropkicks her in the back of the neck. Chika slams Kouki. Mai comes in and facekicks Kouki. Mai corner facekicks Kouki. Mai facewash kicks her.

Kouki powerslams Mai. Miku running chest kicks Mai. Mikue slams Utami onto Mai. Miku PK's Mai. Mai slaps Miku. Miku leg kicks her. Mai northern lights suplexes Miku for 2. Mai facekicks Miku and they trade forearms. Mai facekicks Miku then Miku texas cloverleafs her.

Mai flying knees Miku. Mai backdrops Miku. Miku high kicks Mai. Miku backdrops Mai. Chika and Kouki go at it. Chika bangs Kouki's head off the mat with a headscissors. Chika reverse giant swings Kouki. Kouki facekicks Chika. Kouki cutters Chika then falling splashes her for 2.

Kouki spinebusters Chika for 2. Chika tilt-a-whirl slams Kouki then Kouki backdrops her. Kouki then dropkicks her. Sare and Utami get in. They german each other. They trade forearms. Sare dropkicks Utami then dropkicks her through the ropes. Sare takes a torture rack drop + top rope dropkick combo. Utami hits an air raid crash on Sare for 2. Sare 2nd rope superplexes Utami then running double stomps her.

Sare 2nd rope double stomps Utami. Utami throws Sare over and sleepers her but it is broken up. Mai leg slices Miku. Utami and Sare trade forearms outside. Sare is sent into the seats. All the girls fight outside. Mai hits a top rope plancha outside.

Miku top rope dropkicks Utami inside the ring. Kouki dominators Utami then Sare top rope double stomps Utami for 2. Mai superplexes Sare and Chika sliding lariats Sare. Utami germans Sare for 2. Miku gets some moves in and is kicked by Mai.

Sare hits chest forearms on Utami then Utami lariats her. Sare crucifixes her for 2. Sare step up enzugiri's Utami then Utami lawn darts Sare. Utami sit out drops Sare off the torture rack. Sare backdrops Utami for 2. Sare uranages Utami three times for 2. Sare headbutts Utmai then does a wrist-clutch uranage for the win.

The first half of this had a lot of Kouki vs Chika, which wasn't that good. The last 10 minutes got better when Utami and Sare started going at it. It still wasn't a classic though and was basically a house show main event at Korauken. This didn't need to go 29 minutes either. 

Utami tells Sare she wants to take her belt after. Miku tells Mai she will show another level of herself that she hasn't shown before. Mai says not to take things too lightly. Kouki and Chika have words. Sare said she took the win today. Sare asks the girls if they are ready for the big show. 

Overall thoughts: It was a rather average show all around for Marigold. Neither the main or the semi-main looked like classics and they weren't. The two debut matches were the most interesting thing on here and both girls did well in their debuts. I feel like Ryoko Sakimura may have the potential to be another Mai Sakurai. Nao tried against Mirai, but it was half of what it would have been if she had been fighting Nanae instead. Hummingbird/Misa was okay and the girls didn't embarrass themselves in Rea's match. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't really recommend it.

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