Sunday, December 29, 2024

AEW World's End 2024 12/28/2024

AEW World's End 2024 12/28/2024

Note - AEW Collision was not on tonight due to this show.

Continental Classic 2024 Semifinal - Will Ospreay vs Kyle Fletcher

Kyle misses a charge and gets chopped. Kyle blocks a flying headscissors. They evade attacks and Kyle rolls out. Kyle hits some chops when he gets back in. Will chops back. Will lariats Kyle over the top. Will cannonballs Kyle off the apron.

Kyle facekicks him. Will jumps off the steps onto Kyle but gets caught and takes an apron's edge powerbomb. Kyle lawn darts Will into the rails and Will gets busted open from it. Kyle boots Will. Kyle hits Kawada kicks. Kyle gets blood on his boot from it and Will has blood all over his chest. 

Kyle hits corner punches. Will hits punches. Kyle catches Will's handspring and lawn darts him into the buckles. Kyle foot slaps Will. Will lariats Kyle. Will hits a back body drop and hits snake eyes on Kyle. Will facekicks him then standing corkscrew moonsaults him for 2.  

Kyle superkicks him then Will hits a stunner on him. Kyle half and half suplexes him. Will standing spanish flies him for 2. Will hits Kawada kicks. They trade chops. Will hits an os cutter after they trade move attempts. Will runs at him and gets lariated. Will poisonrana's him. Kyle no sells it and hidden blades him.

They headbutt each other on their knees. Kyle flies at him and takes a superkick. Kyle rolls him up for 2 and gets caught holding onto the ropes. Kyle argues with the ref and takes a hidden blade. Kyle pulls the ref into Will and superkicks him. Kyle brainbusters him for 2.

Kyle hits a sitout last ride for 2. Kyle corner facekicks him. Will hits a hurricanrana then hits a styles clash for the win.

Thoughts: I thought they needed a better ending. It wasn't as wild as expected (since the winner has to wrestle again) but selling was not a priority in this match and that brought things down. Will bled all over the place here hardway and that did help things out. I liked some of it, but it really just turned into an indy match by the end of it.

Will wipes his blood on the entrance way as he leaves.

Continental Classic 2024 Semifinal - Kazuchika Okada vs Ricochet

They lock up. Okada backs him up on the ropes and grabs the ear. Okada shoulders him over. Ric backflips and headscissors him. Ric dropkicks him out. Okada facekicks him.

Okada goofs around and runs the ropes just to slap him in the back of the neck. Ric is knocked down off a springboard attempt. Ric topes Okada. Ric hits knees to the back. Ric does a grounded abdominal stretch. Ric running headbutts Okada in the back.

They stare down face to face. Ric spin kicks him then takes a flapjack. Okada hits forearms and running back elbows him. Okada ddt's him. Ric backdrops Okada then asai moonsaults him for 2. Ric running ssp's him for 2. Ric misses a top rope 450. Okada over the back neckbreakers him on the knee.

Okada slams Ric then top rope elbow drops him. Okada dropkicks Ric. Ric hits a vertigo on Okada for 2. Ric hits a top rope ssp for 2. Ric jumping knees and high kicks him. Okada dropkicks him.  Ric jumping knees him. Okada his a spinning emerald flowsion and rainmakers him for the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match. They didn't overdo it and they were able to work around their styles clash. It wasn't great and they didn't go too crazy because the winner was going to fight again tonight. It was probably more in line with a TV match than a PPV epic.

Okada leaves. Swerve Strickland comes out on the stage. Swerve says Ric told him he would win The Continental Classic. Swerve said he told him if he blew it, he'd embarass him. Swerve says Ric has run his mouth as he expected since he came here. Swerve says he has to clean up Ric's mess now. Prince Nana brings out rolls of toilet paper in a wagon. Nana handss fans toilet paper. Swerve says they want to give Ric a clean slate going into 2024. Swerve says they will wish Ric a happy new year. Swerve says they will wish Ric a happy new year. Then everyone throws toilet paper at Ric. Swerve then calls him Trevor and says happy new year.

Thoughts: I didn't like this segment at all. I really don't get what they are going for by burying Ric like this. This made Swerve come off as a jerk as well, so this was a double fail.

Will Ospreay is being cleaned up in the back. Renee interviews him. Will says he has wrestled Okada 10 times and lost 8 of them. He tells the fans to carry him through tonight and tell him that he can do this. He then busts his cut open again. He says Okada is his mentor and big brother. He says he's going to Disney World after. He then says "in the immortal words of Tony Khan, let's f*cking go, lads".

AEW Women's Title - Tijuana Street Fight - Mariah May (c) vs Thunder Rosa

May I guess goes up to Rosa's father outside. Rosa jumps on May and chops her. Rosa sliding lariats May then sentons her. May pounds on her and chokes her with a bandana. Rosa euros May in the neck against the ropes. Rosa dropkicks May on the ropes. 

Rosa brings chairs into the ring. Rosa pushes May over on the ramp. May ddt's Rosa on the ramp. May spits tequila at Rosa. Rosa spears May through a board for 2. May kicks a trash can into Rosa's chest. Rosa rolls down and off the ramp. Rosa hits May with a bottle outside for 2.

Rosa foot chokes May in the corner then bangs her head off chairs. Rosa chokes May with a chair. May running knees her for 2. May chairs Rosa. Rosa spinning death valley drivers May for 2.

Rosa pours thumbtacks out of a pinata. May cradle shocks Rosa onto them for 2. Rosa is sent into the steps outside. May knocks the hat off of Rosa's dad's head and mocks him by grabbing his cane. May puts barbed wire around her knee. She running knees the steps when Rosa moves.

May is sent into the rails. Rosa hits May with the cane. Rosa runs up a table and dropkicks May. Rosa chokes May with a chain and puts her foot into May's back. May throws sand or dirt into Rosa's eyes. May does a very dangerous looking storm zero off the apron through a table on Rosa and wins.

Thoughts: The finishing stretch could have been better here. It feels like they ran short on time and just went to the finish. The piledriver through the table looked pretty brutal. It was your normal hardcore match with lots of weapons shots. I was fine with it. 

AEW Dynamite Diamond Ring - MJF (c) vs Adam Cole

MJF has a giant flag out that says "Thank Me Later". Taven and Bennett are at ringside protecting the diamond ring.

MJF immediately goes out to stall. Cole pump kicks him and hits mounted shots. MJF is sent into the rails. Cole is sent into the steps. Cole gets busted open and MJF tells the fans to "shut the f*ck up". MJF sends Cole into the post. MJF pounds on Cole in the ring. Cole jawbreakers MJF and hits forearms. MJF pulls him down backwards. MJF bites Cole's head then chinlocks him. MJF blocks a hurricanrana with a powerbomb on the knee for 2.

Cole pump kicks MJF then enzugiri's him. Cole backcrackers him then hits oblivion for 2. Cole comes off the buckles, lands on his injured leg and MJF chop blocks him. MJF stomps the leg. MJF irish whips Cole and Cole falls over.

MJF bangs Cole's leg off the post. MJF gets busted open after going into the post. Cole hits punches then hits corner punches. Cole bites MJF. Cole hits a panama sunrise and a boom knee to the back of the head. Cole runs the ropes, MJF spears him in the knee and makes him flip.

They hockey fight. Cole superkicks him. MJF figure fours him. MJF tries to go for the ring but Taven and Bennett are there. MJF bangs the steps and pretends that Bennett and Taven hit him. The ref buys it and ejects Taven and Bennett.

MJF grabs the ring. Cole superkicks MJF. Cole puts the ring on. He tries to hit MJF with it. MJF low blows him then hits a heatseeker piledriver for the win.

Thoughts: It was an okaymatch but nothing too great. I didn't like the panama sunrise being meaningless here and the dirty finish wasn't the best. I just hope it's the end of this feud, but it doesn't seem like it will be. I also didn't like all the f-bombs from MJF.

MJF grabs a chair. He says to cut his music so everyone can hear him break Cole's leg. He goes to pillmanize Cole's leg. Roderick Strong comes out and saves Cole.

MJF runs up the ramp and Kyle O'Reilly shows up behind him. MJF tries to make nice with him but Kyle throws him into the ring. MJF is stuck between Strong and Kyle and takes a high/low.

Cole punches MJF with the ring then puts it on his chest. Cole, Kyle and Strong then hug. Taven and Bennett then come down and do a group hug. They then walk to the ramp together.

AEW International Title - Konosuke Takeshita (c) vs Powerhouse Hobbs

They trade forearms to start and collide with shoulders. Hobbs makes him fly with a shoulderblock. Hobbs forearms him outside. Hobbs slams KT on the apron. KT drops Hobbs knees first on the apron. KT bangs Hobbs' leg off the post. KT bangs Hobbs' leg off the mat. KT stands on Hobbs' leg on the bottom rope. KT deadlift suplexes Hobbs in. Hobbs crossbodies KT then corner splashes him. Hobbs hits corner lariats. Hobbs powerslams him for 2.  

KT hits a package tombstone on Hobbs for 2. They trade lariats. KT germans him. Hobbs powerslams him. Hobbs running lariats him. KT chop blocks him then blue thunders him for 1. Hobbs lariats KT over for 2.

They both go up top and slip to the apron. KT superplexes him then hits a top rope senton. Hobbs spinebusters KT for 2. They go back up top and Hobbs powerslams him off the top. The ref helps pull Hobb's knee brace off. KT kicks Hobbs in the knee and guillotine chokes him.  KT hits a spinning falcon arrow and wins.

Thoughts: There was a decent bit of legwork here but it didn't play much into the finish. I didn't like the finish in this one and I didn't like KT throwing Hobbs around so easily at times. I thought they need a better finishing stretch here and I thought they were just heading into the last part of the match when the pin came. There were some good things here though. 

Renee interviews Kazuchika Okada. Okada says Will is like his little brother. He says he's on another level, but not his level, b!tch.

AEW TBS Title - Mercedes Mone (c) vs Kris Statlander

They lock up, swing around and Mone is pushed over. Mone side headlocks her and Kris shoulders her over. Punk headscissors Kris. Kris cartwheels out. Mone dropkicks her, Kris kips up and they stare down. Kris takes an armdrag and goes out. Mone dropkicks her through the ropes. Kris' head is banged off the steps.

Mone armdrags her off the steps. Mone meteora's her against the rail. Mone jumps off the rail, gets caught and Kris walks her up the stairs. Kris then slams her on the apron. Kris is pulled into the buckles and Mone rolls her up for 2. Mone hurricanrana's her for 2. 

Mone cradles her then Kris powerslams her. Kris backbreakers her. Kris hits a fallaway slam. Mone powerbombs her on the apron. Mone hits knees to the back and chinlocks Kris. Mone corner meteora's her.

Kris lariats her out of the corner and back elbows her. Mone backcrackers her. Mone straightjacket backcrackers her. Kris blocks a 2nd rope meteora and powerbombs her. Kris hits short arm lariats. Kris running knees her in the corner and backrolls her into a chaos theory german for 2. 

Kris spinning michinoku drivers her for 2. Mone tornado ddt's her for 2. Mone suplexes her 7 times. Mone top rope splashes Kris for 2. Mone misses a corner meteora. Kris does a package piledriver for 2. Mone hits jawbreakers.

They trade chest forearms and fall out of the ring together. They end up taking the ring skirt with them. Mone hits a money maker on the floor. Kris' feet get stuck in the metal supports under the ring. Mone meteora's her off the apron and pounds on her. 

Mone dives off the apron onto her and takes an F-5 on the apron edge. Kris F-5's her for 2. Mone hits a nasty sitout tombstone on the apron on Kris. Mone beats the count in and thinks she has it won but Kris gets back in. Mone slaps her then crossfaces her. Kris lariats her, goes for a tombstone and Mone ankle locks her. Mone then ends up getting the pin soon after.

Thoughts: It started off well but ended up dragging. I didn't like the sitout tombstone spot on the apron at all and thought that should have ended it. I wish they just would have had a normal match as I think it would have been good. I really thought I was going to like it but ended up not liking it.

AEW Continental Classic Finals - Kazuchika Okada vs Will Ospreay

Jim Ross is on commentary for this one. Okada teases a clean break and forearms him. They trade forearms. Will flying headscissors him then plancha's him. They fight outside and Okada ddt's him on the floor. Okada bridging ddt's him on the floor. 

Okada boots him in the face inside. Will hits forearms and takes a neckbreaker. Will suplexes Okada and Okada does a goofy facial for it. Will handspring kicks Okada off the ropes. Okada flapjacks Will. Will sits up top. Okada dropkicks him and Will's leg is caught under the top rope.

Okada kneebreakers him on his knee. Okada is pushed into the rails and takes a hook kick. Will os cutters him off the rails. Okada slides in and takes a springboard dropkick and an os cutter for 2. Okada hits an over the back neckbreaker on the knee.

Okada hits a top rope elbow drop. Okada shotgun dropkicks him and gets his knees up on Will's standing SSP. Okada hits a big dropkick. Will powerbombs Okada and holds on for a styles clash for 2. Okada hits a rainmaker for 2.

Okada euros him. Will goes down and tries to fight his way back up. Okada hits a german. Will turns a rainmaker into a standing spanish fly. Okada hits a dropkick. Will no sells it and superkicks him. Will springboards and takes a dropkick. Will hits his own rainmaker then hits a stormbreaker for 2.

Okada flips out of a tiger driver and hits a short arm lariat. Okada ducks a hidden blade. Okada armdrags out of a stormbreaker and hits a rainmaker for the win.

I thought it was a good match. The two matched up well together and had some nice sequences and counters. Will surprisingly didn't go all out here either and it was a bit more tame than I expected. It is kind of silly though that they did this whole tournament just for Okada to retain in the end. 

They shake hands after. Christopher Daniels gets on the mic after. He congratulates Okada. He said normally he would present Okada with his title but says he can't do that. He says he's no longer an EVP for AEW. He says this man is though and brings out Kenny Omega.

Kenny gives Okada the Continental Title. They stare down and Okada holds the title up at him. Kenny claps and leaves. Kenny wasn't wrestling here you see, because he's going to wrestle and make money for NJPW instead in a week. I don't get why Kenny was so respectful to Okada when his crew took him out for months.

AEW World Title - Jon Moxley (c) vs Orange Cassidy vs Adam Page vs Jay White

Jay and Page argue with each other. Mox goes out then OC topes him. Mox takes a 3v1. Mox takes a triple foot choke. Claudio and Yuta come out and pull Mox away. Jay and Page go fight with Claudio and Yuta. OC fights Mox on the steps and Shafir boots OC.

Moxs boot OC in the aisle then throws him over the rail back into ringside. Claudio and Yuta are pulled away by security. OC mocks OC's weak kicks and boots him. OC rolls out. Mox is held for an OC orange punch. Mox takes a triple powerbomb through the commentary table.

Page then nails Jay and OC. Page lariats Jay. Page fallaway slams OC into the buckles. Page facekicks OC. We see The Patriarchy in the stands. We then see Hook in the stands. Page running facekicks Jay. OC is sent into the rails and steps.

OC top rope diving lariats Page then OC hits a stunner on Page. Jay does a sleeper suplex on OC. Jay hurricanrana's Page then lariats him over the top. Mox then knocks Jay out of the ring. OC PK's Mox. Mox cutters him. Mox has a cut on the back of his head. 

Mox and Page trade forearms. Mox hits a corner lariat. Mox lariats Jay then takes a ddt from OC. Page spinning lariats Jay then hits dead eye on Mox. OC hits an oranage punch on Page and one on Jay. OC hits an orange punch on Mox for 2 when the ref is pulled out. Page hits a buckshot lariat on OC then one on Jay. Page hits deadeye on Mox.

Page hits a buckshot lariat on Mox. Oc rolls up Page for 2. Page low blows OC. Jay blade runners Page and Mox. Wheeler Yuta comes in and breaks up the pin attempt. Shafir grabs Jay and takes a blade runner. Yuta flying knees Jay. Mox hits a death rider ddt on Jay and pins him.

Thoughts: This was a rushed main event. I feel like they ran short on time and cut it out early because of it. It really wasn't that much of a main. There was a bunch of brawling outside. Mox was out for a bit. They all hit their moves and went to the finishing stretch. This was easily the weakest main event AEW has ever done on a PPV and a total waste of time.

The Death Riders get in after. FTR come down to the ring. The lights go out then Adam Copeland comes out. They fight The Death Riders. Cash topes Claudio outside. Yuta takes a shatter machine. Copeland and Mox stare down. Copeland spears Mox. We see The Patriarchy move. Copeland crossfaces Mox with part of the chair's bar in Mox's mouth. Claudio saves Mox and FTR lets him.

Copeland goes to talk on the mic but the mic is out. Copeland calls for Mox. He calls him kid and says Mox is all his. Edge says Mox is all his and Rated FTR is taking it all. They then announce a Copeland/FTR vs Death Riders match for Dynamite.

Thoughts: I'm not sure why Copeland really wants Mox outside of being mad at him for beating up FTR.

Overall thoughts: It was a long one as usual especially with the pre-show. A lot of the matches had good and bad parts to them but as a whole, I thought it was better than the usual AEW PPV. I liked the Okada/Will match best and Okada/Ricochet was better than I expected. The women's street fight was okay. The Mone/Kris match started off strong but went too long and fizzled out some. Cole/MJF was okay but I hope we are done with it. I liked some things about Hobbs/Takeshita and wasn't that high on Will vs Kyle. The main was rushed and was easily the worst PPV main event AEW has ever done and they likely just ran out of time for it. Kenny Omega returning and being respectful to one of the guys who took him out was dumb and Ricochet getting crapped on by Swerve was also dumb. Copeland returning doesn't do a lot for me. The show was also missing a lot of names like usual including The Hurt Business, Darby, The Bucks and Christian. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10 overall. I wouldn't recommend it but it was one of the better PPV's AEW has done.

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