Friday, September 27, 2024

WWE Smackdown 9/27/2024

WWE Smackdown 9/27/2024

Last week's show is here:

Randy Orton comes out to talk. He said he had business to handle on Raw and missed being in an SD ring. He says Cody Rhodes is one of the few people he can trust. He says they have known each other for a long time. He says it's hard for him to see Cody teaming with Roman at Bad Blood. He says it doesn't sit right with him and says something doesn't add up. He asks Cody to come out.

Cody Rhodes comes out. He asks what do we want to talk about. He says maybe he looks like a fool teaming with Roman but asks if he would rather be a fool or a coward. He said Roman gave him his word and he said he will take it.

Cody says the legend of the new Bloodline has grown so much that it is time it is killed. Cody says he hopes it's not a problem for Orton. They shake hands and Orton says it's not a problem unless Cody makes it a problem.

Kevin Owens comes out then The Bloodline come out. Solo says to acknowledge him. He says Cody should trust Roman as he will need him. Solo says KO and Orton won't be good for Cody at all. Solo says Orton and KO let him down every time he tried to take down Bloodline.

KO says they need to acknowledge that no one cares what Solo has to say and he should shut his stupid face. KO sets up a Solo and Fatu vs him and Orton tag, in-between basically saying Cody has to worry about his match with Roman.

Nia Jax and Tiffany Stratton talk in the back. Nia said they could have gotten rid of Bayley or Naomi for good last week but they are now facing each other for a title shot against Nia. She says she doesn't understand. Tiff talks and Nia grabs her by the throat. Tiff says she was hurt and says she's sorry. Nia says if it ends bad for her, it will end really bad for Tiff.

#1 Contender's Match - Naomi vs Bayley

Naomi rolls Bay up. Naomi trips her for a 2 count then uses the ropes to do a nice sunset flip. Naomi misses a corner forearm. Bay almost smashes her but holds back. Naomi shoves her and tells her to come on. Bay pushes her back. Bay shoulders her over then Bay lariats her for 2.

Bay 2nd rope diving armdrags her then Naomi tiger feint bulldogs her. Naomi has Uno card themed gear on. Naomi superkicks her out of the ring then tornillo plancha's her.

We go to break and return. Naomi hangs on the 2nd rope and takes an elbow drop down. Bay backdrops her then topes her. Naomi hip attacks her for 2. They trade forearms and Naomi hits kicks. Naomi then does a handstand headscissors spike for 2. Naomi hits a top rope blockbuster then Bay gordbusters her.

Bay tries to sunset bomb her into the buckles but doesn't hit the buckles. Naomi high kicks her from behind and bulldogs her into the 2nd buckle. Bay hits a belly to belly then top rope elbow drops her for the win.

Thoughts: I liked it. They didn't make the most they could have of the story but they had some really creative moves here and it was better than I expected.

Andrade and LA Knight talk in the back. Andrade says he respects him beating him last week but says a real man shake's somneone's hand to show respect. Andrade says LA lost his respect. Carmelo Hayes then runs over LA Knight, sending him over a box. He says he has some for Andrade too.

Andrade vs Carmelo Hayes

Andrade leads the series between them 3-2. Andrade dropkicks him and stomps on him. Melo pulls him down over the 2nd rope and pounds on him. Andrade powerslams him on the apron while he lays on the 2nd rope.

We go to PiP break and return. Melo 2nd rope springboard twisting lariats him. Andrade hits some shots and they double lariat each other down. They trade forearms. Andrade dragon screws him. Andrade flies at him and is caught with a codebreaker for 2.

Melo's mouth is busted open. Andrade flying forearms him and kips up. Andrade hits a corner meteora on Melo for 2. Melo hits a back springboard ddt.

We go to PiP break and return. Andrade gets crotched up top. Andrade headbutts him while on top then does a moonsault into a standing moonsault for 2. Melo hits a la mistica drop then a cutter for 2.

Melo hits a cutter off the top from a superplex attempt for 2. Melo misses a move off the top then takes a spinning back elbow. LA Knight comes out as Melo is outside. LA goes after him. Andrade facekicks Melo. LA tries to get in. Andrade is pushed into him and Melo rolls up Andrade for the win.

Andrade and LA argue. LA offers to shake his hand but Andrade walks out.

This really got cut up by the PiP breaks so it's hard to say how good it was. They did less than they did in prior matches which I appreciated and it was an athletic match as expected.

Cody talks to Orton and Owens in the back. He says they need to talk. Owens says not now as they have a match in a half-hour. Owens tells Cody to stay back and not to come out there tonight. Orton says if it's 4 on 2, he'd love Cody to help them out. He says he will talk to Owens.

We get a video on AJ Styles. He returns next week.

Michin vs Piper Niven

We get a video from Smackdown Lowdown last week where Piper attacked Michin with a trash can, telling her Green wanted to remind her to take the trash out. Green has a trash can with her.

Mich hits a bunch of shots on her to start then dropkicks her. Piper shoulders her over. Mich headscissors her out of the corner then Piper hits a muso. Piper misses a senton. Chelsea Green distracts Mich then Piper cannonballs Mich off the apron. 

We go to break and return. Mich hits chest forearms then is shouldered over hard. Piper corner cannonballs her. Piper misses a splash. Mich hits chest forearms and kicks. Mich hits a crucifix bomb for 2. Mich hits Kawada kicks then Piper black hole slams her for 2.

Piper misses a vader bomb then hits a michinoku driver for 2. Mich is on the buckles and Piper hits her, knocking her down to the floor. Piper cannonballs the garbage can outside when Mich moves. Mich hits soul foot as Piper tries to get in and wins.

Thoughts: I had no issues with this one. Everything looked fine, we had clear faces and heels and it was fine. 

Tama Tanga and Tanga Loa do a promo. They say The Street Profits and DIY need to climb the ladders to success to win the tag titles. DIY says they fulfilled their destiny and the titles were ripped out of their hands. The Profits say The Bloodline's confidence bothers them. Ford says him and Dawkins have been climbing for a long time but they aren't reaching anymore after last week. All teams talk about their plans to win. 

Jade and Bianca talk about Bad Blood. They say they will host the show and maybe have some surprise VIP guests.

Bayley and Naomi talk in the back. Naomi says she deserved the win and says she will get the title back. Naomi says we will run this back when she wins the title.

Tiffany Stratton goes up to Naomi. She says she won't be facing Nia at Bad Blood. She says she'll have the perfect view of Nia destroying Bayley. She says Tiff is free and will be able to take a beatdown. She says she will talk to Aldis about setting the match up.

Kevin Owens and Randy Orton vs The Bloodline (Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu)

KO and Fatu hockey fight. Fatu back elbows him. KO back elbows and sentons him. KO hits shots on Solo. Solo headbutts him. Orton and Fatu fight. Orton hits euros and punches. Fatu headbutts him and hits uppercuts. Fatu lariats him over the top.

Orton backdrops Fatu on the commentary table. Fatu no sells it then takes three more. Solo then takes one. We go  to break and return. Solo hits punches on KO. KO tries to swanton him off the top but KO gets his knees up. Solo headbutts him. KO takes corner hip attacks from both opponents. Fatu headbutts KO. KO takes a shot from Solo and goes down. KO atomic drops him and lariats him.

Orton is tagged in and hits punches on Solo. Orton lariats him then hits a powerslam on both opponents. Orton bridging ddt's Solo. Solo is pulled over the top. KO running lariats both opponents outside then sentons both. KO apron frogsplashes Fatu on the floor. 

KO top rope swantons Solo for 2. Tama and Loa run down. Solo uranage's KO for 2. Cody Rhodes comes out and beats up Tama and Loa. Cody ddt's Loa on the floor then throws Tama in. Orton RKO's Tama. Fatu superkicks Orton then topes Cody. KO stunners Solo. Cody is thrown in and clips the ref on accident. KO yells at Cody to get out. Fatu hits superkicks on KO. Solo pins KO.

KO shows Cody and Orton after. Cody and KO go head to head and Orton tries to break it up. Solo says "look at that". KO then hugs Cody.

Thoughts: It was a decent main here with them tying in the story of KO not wanting Cody out there. They had enough time and put out a good effort in this one. Orton and KO weren't expected to win and they did not here. 

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. The women had a good night and nothing was bad here. Storyline wise, the show has been stronger but nothing they are doing is awful. I wouldn't recommend it, but there's worse ways to spend your time.

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