Saturday, September 28, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/27/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/27/2024

Last week's show is here:

Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont vs Uriah Conors and Kale Dixon

UC and Igwe go at it. Igwe ends up taking  double dropkick then Kale slams him. Igwe shulders him over then Kale takes a double shoulderblock. Tyson throws UC then corner splashes him. UC takes a pump kick from Igwe then Tyson splashes UC.

Kale takes a double spinebuster. Kale bangs Tyson's head off the apron outside then ddt's him. UC slingshot swantons Tyson for 2. UC step up enzugiri's Tyson. Kale corner lariats tyson and UC jumps off Kale's back onto Tyson. Kale germans Tyson down for 2.

UC straightjacket chokes Tyson. Tyson flips him with a shot. Igwe gets in and beats up the heels. He hits a nice dropkick on UC. Igwe hits something like a big ending on Kale then Kale takes a backdrop + press and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was okay for an opener. Igwe and Dupont looked good like usual here and won as I had expected. Dupont has great explosiveness and agility.

Sol Ruca and Dani Palmer talk in the back. Stevie Turner and Robert Stone go up to them. They say Dani will face Sol. Sol says she will push her to her limits and Dani said she wouldn't want it any other way. Stevie and Stone argue after. 

Stacks vs Jasper Troy

JT backs him up off the lockup and throws him. Stacks grab his fingers and hits an enzugiri. Stacks hits shots while on the 2nd rope then dropkicks him in the knee. Stacks running knees him for 1.

Stacks holds onto the hair and hits punches. JT then bodyblocks him. JT slams him then hits elbow drops. JT corner splashes him. Stacks gets on his back with a sleeper then JT side slams him for 2. Stacks hits shots on JT then JT black hole slams him for 2.

JT hits backbrekaers him on the shoulder. Stacks hits punches and lariats him down. Stacks running euros him and hits corner punches. Stacks dropkicks him in the body then corner cannonballs him for 2.

JT pushes him over the top. Luca blocks the way for JT outside as he chases Stacks. JT gets hold of a weapon in the ring. The ref takes it from him. Stacks superkicks him and does a knee curbstomp on him to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as it should have been. Stacks didn't have great looking offense here and Troy didn't get to throw him around enough for the crowd to get that into it. Troy was fine but he's not a big personality.

Uriah Connors and Kale Dixon are interviewed. Kale says osmething needs to change as this isn't working. UC says he's a 4th generation star. Kale talks about his looks abd body and says he's designed to be on TV. He says they deserve better and says they don't deserve what is happening to them.

Sol Ruca vs Dani Palmer

Sol wristlocks her. Dani rolls through and armdrags her. Dani backflips out of the wristlock and armdrags her. Dani armlocks and wristlocks her. Sol cartwheels out and water wheel drops her.

Sol armlocks her then flips over her in the corner. Dani does a headscissors off the up and over but Sol vcartwheels out. Sol cartwheels over her. They go to superkick each other at the same time and stand off.

Sol hip throws her then tries to pin her off the double knuckle lock. Sol waistlock takedowns her then grounded abdominal stretches her. Sol puts her in la swastika then Dani armdrags her. Dani rolls her up then backslides her. Dani shoulders her over and dropkicks Sol while she springboards in mid-air. Dani hits a top rope frogsplash for 2.

They try pin attempts and Sol rolls her up from behind. Dani kips up and Sol hits a nice sol snatcher to win.

Thoughts: We knew what this was going to be and it didn't disappoint. It was a very athletic match with lots of cool moments and a great finish.  These two girls are just meant for each other and can do stuff nobody else on the roster can. This was good.

Overall thoughts: The opener was okay enough. The 2nd match could have been better as Stacks didn't have good looking offense and didn't Troy do enough early on. The main of Dani vs Sol was just as good as it was last time and didn't disappoint as a super athletic match. As always, it was an easy show to watch and I enjoyed it.

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