Saturday, September 21, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/20/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

Blake Howard and Byron Saxton are our commentators.

Lainey Reid vs Lash Legend

LR has new pink and black gear and has lost a lot of weight. They lock up. Lash pushes iner into the ropes and LR yanks on Lash's arm. LR armlocks her then Lash reverses it. Lash swings her around with it then lifts her up in the air with it. Lash blocks a sunset flip and gets slapped.

LR's head is banged off the buckles. Lash suplexes her then Lash gets pulled over the top to the floor. LR jumps off the apron onto her but is caught. Lash gets pushed into the post then has her arm/shoulder pulled into it.

LR throws her back by the hair and hits elbow drops. LR running headhunters her for 2. LR gets on her back for a chinlock. Lash rolls her off and knocks her over with lariats. Lash catches her headscissors and hits a fallaway slam. Lash chokeslams her for 2.

LR chinbreakers her then 2nd rope diving headscissors her. LR wraparound ddt's her for 2. LR kicks her off the ropes then is kicked off a double springboard crossbody. Lash does like a buckingham drop variation without the spin and wins.

It was okay. There was nothing wrong with this and they got to kick out of more than you would expect. It also got a decent amount of time.

Kali Armstrong is interviewed. She says she's been watching Brinley Reece ofr a while. She says Brin brings acrobatics, but she brings the speed and aggression. She says she became a world record holder in running and said Brin can expect the aggression from her. She said we can expect her to bring the heat, the fire and be on her A-game.

Kali did a good promo here and felt real comfortable on the mic despite this being her first TV promo. That's impressive.

Kali Armstrong vs Brinley Reece

They lock up and Kali throws her down. Kali pats her on the head and Brin knocks her hand away. They roll on the ropes and Brin armdrags her. Brin then pats her on the head. Brin trips her and armlocks her. Kali headscissors her and Brin yanks on the arm.

They botch two spots in a row.

Brin hits a northern lights suplex. Kali forearms Brin. Brin back elbows her out of the corner then is pulled down off the 2nd rope. Kali lariats Brin then hits mounted shots. Brin hiptosses her and shoulders her over. Brin forward cartwheel lariats Kali. Kali powerslams her for 2.  Kali runs the ropes then Brin hits a TKO for the win.

Thoughts: They had two botches here. Kali didn't get to do a ton and even without the botches, it would have been average. But this is Kali's first TV match and that's not that bad for being a rookie. Kali can run the ropes fast.

Shiloh Hill and Cutler James talk in the back. CJ tells him to keep his guard up and play defense. He says Mark Coffey is a serious competitor. Hill thanks him for giving him an outline for tonight. CJ says he will come out on top next time he faces him. Hill says he can match Mark's physicality. He says if he can get his aggression out early, he likes his odds.

Shiloh Hill vs Mark Coffey

Hill shoulders Mark over. Hill hits corner spears and shots to the gut. Hill goes up and over then hits armdrags. Hill armlocks him. Hill rolls through an armdrag with a side headlock. Mark lariats Hill and stomps him.

Mark back elbows him. Mark snapmares and chinlocks him. Hill sleepers Mark then backdrops him. Hill hits forearms then shoulders him over. Hill does a single leg M. Bison stomp then does a double underhook twisting drop.

Mark gamengiri's him and wins with a forearm. He may have sent a tooth flying with it too.

It was about average but was fine. Hill hung in there alright with Mark and showed off some new moves like the single leg M. Bison stomp and the double underhook drop. It needed more time to develop.

Overall thoughts: There were 3 new matches here. Nothing was great. 2 of the matches were about average and the third had Kali Armstrong's TV debut. Kali didn't get to do a lot in her debut and had two botches so it wasn't the best night for her, but it's her TV debut and she's only going to get better.

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