Saturday, September 21, 2024

AEW Rampage 9/20/2024

AEW Rampage 9/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

Mark Briscoe vs Bryan Keith

They lock up and go into the corner. BK grabs the eyes and beard then headlocks him. Mark hits chops and boots in the corner. Mark dropkicks BK through the ropes then elbow drops him off the apron. Mark hits some shots and basement dropkicks him.

They go outside and BK is sent into the steps. Mark throws a chair in and goes to jump off of it but BK stops him. BK low blows him for 2. They go out and BK facekicks him.

BK hits chops outside and suplexes him on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. BK facekicks him then headbutts him while he's up top. Mark top rope superplexes him. They trade forearms. They trade chops and Mark flying forearms him. BK enzugiri's him then Mark back enzugiri's him. Mark suplexes him then BK hits an exploder.

BK boots him out of the corner then Mark finlay rolls him. BK hits a knee to the body then hits a knee to the face for 2. Mark lariats him then hits another big lariat. Mark hits a jay driller and wins.

Thoughts: It was longer and slow. I didn't think it was that interesting though it wasn't awful.

Chris Jericho forearms Mark after and hits him with a baseball bat. Orange Cassidy makes the save and hits mounted forearms. Big Bill facekicks OC and hcokes him. Kyle comes down and hits chops and kicks. Bill chokeslams him.  

The Butcher vs Wheeler Yuta

Butch nails him from behind before he's ready. Butch uranage backbreakers him. Butch suplexes him for 2 and lariats him against the apron. Butch then backdrops him on the rails. Butch short arm clotheslines him.

Yuta dropkicks him then Yuta hits forearms, clubs and boots on him. Yuta samoan drops him then germans him. Yuta hits another german and hits downward elbows. Yuta taps him out with cattle mutilation.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one here. Butch got all the offense in during the first half then Yuta got all the offense in during the second half. It was fine for what it was.

MxM Collection do a promo on The Acclaimed. They laughat Max calling himself the best wrestler alive and have stolen the jacket with that written on it. Mansoor says they will give the jacket an extreme makeover and says we will have to wait with anticipation.

Hikaru Shida vs Harley Cameron

They lock up and HC uses the ropes to duck a shot. Shida side headlocks her. HC is spun around with a waistlock and dropped. Shida running knees her as she hangs over the apron. Shida hits corner punches. HC pulls her down off the ropes and foot chokes her.

HC back elbows her. We go to PiP break and return. 

Shida hits boots to the chest and short arm clotheslines her. Shida 2nd rope dropkicks her and knees her for 2. Saraya gets on the apron to distract for HC and HC step up enzugiri's Shida for 2.

They each try pin attempts. Shida blocks a knee and hits a brazilian kick. Shida takes a running knee for 2. Jamie Hayter comes out and takes a kendo stick from Saraya. Shida falcon arrows HC and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was average. HC didn't do a bad job here and has improved but the match was nothing too special.

Hayter gets in the ring after and gives Shida her kendo stick back.

Saraya gets on the mic after. She says Hayter won't leave her alone and challenges her for Grand Slam in a "Saraya's Rules" match. Hayter says Saraya is as stupid as she looks and says she just wants to beat her @ss.

The Beast Mortos and Roderick Strong vs Joe Keys & Marcus Mathers

Joe used to be a regular in ROH. Strong takes down MM and hits crossface shots. Strong chops him then Mort hits a shot on Keys on the apron. Mort hiptosses Joe in. MM takes a backbreaker and Joe takes a fireman's carry backbreaker on the knee. They say Strong says Mort's first name is "Frank". Strong double knees MM in the corner then Mort pop-up samoan drops MM. Strong then flying knees Joe and we get a double pin.

It was just a quick squash here with the heels winning as expected.

Strong shoves Mort in victory and Mort gets mad.

Deonna Purrazzo says she came here to make beautiful and violent art. She says she has come here alone but has never truly been alone. She says she has made a network of friends, family and associates over her career. She then brings in Taya Valkyrie. She says if you think she is dangerous, just wait until you see this thing of ours.

Rocky Romero vs. Kip Sabian vs. Lio Rush vs. Nick Wayne

Nick boots Kip to start. Lio lariats Nick over and sends him out. Kip trips Lio and does an arabian moonsault outside. Lio handspring kicks Kip off the apron the topes him.

Kip takes a stunner from Lio and a senton from RR. Lio rolls up RR. Kip knees Lio in the face. Kip is pulled crotch first into the post by Nick. Nick suplexes RR. Lio takes a back body drop and a kick to the back. The Patriarchy watches in the back.

RR is pulled off the ropes. Lio upkicks Nick then standing spanish flies him. Kip springboard dropkicks Lio then corner cannonballs him. RR northern lights suplexes Kip. RR hits corner lariats on everyone then a double lariat. RR lariats Lio then runs into a shiranui for 2. 

Lio is thrown out. Nick and Kip trade shots. Nic euros him on the ropes. Nick superkicks him. Kip half-nelson suplexes him. RR rewind kicks Kip. Lio rolls up RR and spin kicks him in the head. Lio comes off the top and takes a cutter from Nick on the way down. Nick high kicks Kip. Kip hits a sitout burning hammer on RR then Nick steals the pin and wins.

Nick and Kip have words after to end the show.

Thoughts: It was your usual 4-way with fast paced action. Nothing memorable about it but it was okay. They pushed the Nick/Kip feud some but it was random otherwise.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing of importance here. It was just a bunch of midcard matches. Nothing was particularly great or bad and the show was just average. I wouldn't recommend this one. 

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