Thursday, September 19, 2024

WWE Main Event 9/18/2024

WWE Main Event 9/18/2024

Last week's show is here:

NOTE - WWE is leaving Hulu in a week. Hulu is the only place in the US where we can see Main Event close to when it happens (it airs somewhere internationally I think but nobody knows where). It does air on Peacock on a 2 week delay though. It is unknown right now what will happen to Main Event going forward. I'm not sure if next week's episode will air on Hulu.

Sol Ruca vs Alba Fyre

Isla Dawn is with Alba as usual. Alba throws her backwards and Sol kips up then dropkicks her. Sol flips over her off the top rope and headlock takeovers her. Alba headscissors Sol. Sol flips out of a hiptoss and hits a facebuster. Sol then surfs on Alba's back and superkicks her for 2. Isla Dawn distracts Sol and Alba knocks Sol off the apron.

Alba side headlocks Sol. Sol hits a forearm then is swept off the 2nd rope. Sol side slams her then does springboard crossbodies. Sol top rope crossbodies her for 2. Isla gets on the apron and the ref misses Sol doing a backroll to Alba. Isla gets in the ring and Sol hits a sol snatcher on her. Alba then rolls up Sol with her feet on the ropes and wins.

Thoughts: I'm not a big fan of outside wrestlers being in the ring for any reason and think it should be a DQ. Sol lost but they did protect her here. Sol seemed to have gotten somewhat over with the crowd and did an okay job here.

Alpha Academy (Otis and Tozawa) vs Gallus (Joe and Mark Coffey)

Wolfgang and Maxxine Duprii are at ringside here. This is the first time we have seen Joe and Mark as a team in a while. Mark hip throws Akira then Akira gets on his back. Mark throws him off then Akira 2nd rope diving headscissors him. Akira armdrags Joe. Otis belly bumps Joe and nails Akira with it too.

Joe headbutts Otis. Otis hits a double shoulderblock on Gallus then bangs Akira's feet into Gallus. Otis gorilla presses Tozawa onto Gallus outside. We go to break and return.

Akira ducks a shot then runs into a running lariat from Joe. Joe finlay rolls Akira then 2nd rope vader bomb style elbow drops him. Akira takes a double chop and a flying back elbow. Mark and Joe boot Akira in the corner. Akira's throat is pulled against the ropes and Wolfgang nails Akira.

Akira is popped up but ddt's Mark. Otis comes in and body blocks Mark. Otis spinning back elbows him then back body drops Joe. Otis hits corner splashes and backsplashes. Otis hits a caterpillar elbow on Mark for 2 when Wolf puts Mark's legs on the ropes. Maxxine slaps Wolf in our routine instance of female on male violence and Otis flying cannonballs Mark. Akira hits a top rope senton on Mark and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent match as expected. Otis' flying cannonball as nice. It wasn't anything great but there was nothing wrong with it. 

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. Both were okay enough but the main was better. There was nothing must see here and I wouldn't recommend it unless you had a few extra minutes to kill.

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