Thursday, September 19, 2024

Marigold 9/14/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 3

Marigold 9/14/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 3

The last show is here:

Nao Ishikawa vs. Myla Grace vs. Yuuki Minami

We get a triple handshake to start. They do a triple lock-up then a double wristlock on Yuuki. Yuuki takes a double back elbow and a double basement dropkick. Myla and Nao go for a high 5 but Nao rolls her up. Myla yells at her for it then Myla takes a double dropkick. Nao slams Yuuki onto Myla for 2. Nao gets booted out by her opponents.

Myla forearms Yuuki. Myla hip attacks Yuuki on the ropes then Yuuki cradles her for 2. Yuuki backrolls her then Nao rolls both over and goes for a double pin. Nao hits a double clothesline.

Nao back rolls Myla for 2 then crossbodies her for 2. Nao hits a double underhook suplex for 2. Nao axe kicks Yuuki's back. Nao shoulders Yuuki over. Yuuki flies at Nao and takes a shot. Yuuki dropkicks Nao then throws her by the arms.

Nao side headlocks Yuuki and throws her. Nao slams Yuuki and gets caught up top. Nao is thrown down by 2 people. Myla backdrops Nao then Yuuki does the same. Myla superkicks Yuuki then swinging neckbreakers her. Myla hits a michinoku driver on Yuuki and wins.

Thoughts: It was your usual 3-way. It wasn't a disaster and was somewhat watchable so this was a success. 

MIRAI, Misa Matsui & Utami Hayashishita vs. Chika Goto, Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Chika goes after an opponent then Miku slams Misa. Misa takes kicks to the back then Misa rolls Miku into a double stomp for 2. Mirai top rope dropkicks Miku then dropkicks Mirai in the corner. Nat corner meteora's Mirai then fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Utami samoan drops Nat then Mirai 2nd rope corkscrew elbow drops Nat for 2. Mirai spins Nat and Nat rolls her up for 2. Nat does an abdominal stretch on Mirai then Mirai dragon screws her. Mirai does a wheelbarrow into a half-nelson suplex for 2.

Miku and Misa nail their prtners on the apron on accident en stereo then Misa flying knees Miku. Nat step up enzugiri's Misa then high kicks Mirai. Mirai does a drop on Nat.

Utami and Chika get in. They shoulder each other over then Chika drops her on a giant swing attempt. Chika then tries it again and gets it right. Chika running hip attacks Utami for 2. Mirai lariats utami on accident then Utami takes a double high kick. Chika landslides Utami for 2.

Chika takes corner attacks and Utami nails her own partner on accident. Utami hits an air raid crash on Chika for 2 then germans her for the win.

Thoughts: Chika had a rough time with Utami here, struggling to lift her. Utami got her mouth busted open. The match was unusual with everyone nailing their partners on accident. I don't think I would call it good.

Mirai and Utami stare down after.

We get another Dream Star Grand Prix ceremony and Utami talks about it.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Sareee vs. CHIAKI

Chi nails Sare on the stage as she enters. Chi chokes her with a sash then Chi throws Sare into the ring. Sare's head is banged off the buckles and Chi does facewash kicks. Sare hits dropkicks for 2.

Sare stomps and kicks Chi while she's down then Sare hair throws her. Sare slams her then pulls on Chi's legs. Sare stands on Chi's back and double stomps it. Chi bangs Sare's head off the buckles and rakes her eyes on the top rope.

Chi wristlocks Sare then pulls the arm around the ropes. Chi bites Sare's arm and bangs it over the top rope. Chi and Sare trade chest forearms. Chi powerslams her. Sare takes a chair shot in front of the ref then Chi rolling spears her for 2.

Chi fisherman suplexes Sare multiple times. Sare dropkicks Chi against the ropes then dropkicks her through the ropes. Sare fisherman suplexes her for 2. Sare double stomps her. Sare top rope double stomps her for the win.

Thoughts: It was a solid match here. Chi heeled it up and Sare made her comeback to win. It made sense and it was one of Chi's better effots. I didn't like her using the chair in front of the ref though.

Chi throws something at Sare after and is stomped for it.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Kouki Amarei vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria

I have concerns about this one. We will see how it goes. Kouki boots her and rolls over her when she drops down. Kouki running facekicks her. Yuz pops up and rolls her up. Yuz flying headscissors her then basement dropkicks her.

Yuz kneels on her throat on the ropes then sleepers her. Yuz boots her then takes a facekick. Kouki corner facekicks her twice. They trade chest forearms. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusters her. Yuz basement dropkicks her for 2. 

Kouki powerslams Yuz then pulls both of her arms back. Kouki hits a dominator on Yuz for 2. Kouki gets on the 2nd rope and is dropkicked down. Yuz superkicks her then lightning spirals her. Kouki hits a decent dropkick then Yuz superkicks her in the body. Yuz superkicks her in the head.

Kouki facekicks her twice. Kouki flips her on a backdrop for 2. Kouki hits a top rope 180 splash and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like Yuzuki doing all kinds of superkicks here. I don't want to see her turn into that kind of wrestler. Kouki did her usual facekicks here and not much else. It was so-so and nothing too special. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Nagisa Nozaki vs. NORI

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Nori backs her up on the ropes and leg kicks her. NN fires back with forearms and boots to the face. NN basement dropkicks her then side headlocks her. Nori hits kicks to the back and rolls her up for 2.

Nori hits kicks to the leg then leglocks NN. Nori hits a chest kick combo then headkicks NN. Nori double stomps her off the ropes and hits leg kicks. NN hits knees to the bod yand throws Nori into the seats.

NN suplexes her on the floor. NN stands on her gut inside then curbstomps her for 2. Nori shotgun dropkicks NN and kicks her in the back. Nori ankle locks NN. NN does her reverse pendulum kick on her and 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2.

NN sleepers her. NN shotgun dropkicks her then facekicks her in the corner. NN meteora's her for 2. NN boots her around. Nori spin kicks her then rolling leglocks her. Nori buzzsaw kicks her then hits a top rope dropkick. NN facekicks her then headkicks her. Nori hits a step up enzugiri. NN shining wizards her for 2. Nori hits kicks to the head and NN crucifixes her for 2. Nori fishermna suplexes her for 2 and the time limit expires.

When they had started announcing the time, I knew it was probably going to a draw. It wasn't anything too great but Nori and NN having strike heavy styles kind of worked. This didn't need s much time as it got.

They fight more after and NN knees her down.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Kizuna Tanaka

NT = Nanae Takahashi, Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz running dropkicks her several times to start. Nori hits chest forearms. NT forearms her back and hits a chop flurry. NT shoulders her over then does a bow and arrow variation.

NT gets on top of her then half-crabs her. NT hits kicks to a downed Kiz then side slams her for 2. Kiz flying lariats her then NT suplexes her for 2. Kiz flying dropkicks her then is knocked over with a chest forearm.

Kiz rolling armbars her. Kiz top rope dropkicks her a couple of times. Kiz armbars her. They trade slaps then NT backdrops her for 2. NT lariats her over and Kiz does a bad roll into a pin attempt. Kiz dropkicks NT for 2. Kiz slaps her and takes a german. Kiz then runs into a lariat.

NT hits another lariat for 2. NT hits a northern lights bomb and wins.

Thoughts: Kiz got a surprising amount of offense in here and took the fight to NT. I thought it maybe hurt the match some as NT didn't get to beat her up enough and therefore, Kiz didn't get the big comeback pops. Kiz did okay here as the underdog and it was a decent match.

NT pciks up Kiz after then Kiz slaps her. NT throws ice packs at her.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Mai Sakurai vs. Bozilla

Boz seems to have put on a few pounds. Mai runs at her and hits her with a title belt. They roll on the mat and go out. Boz pounds on her outside and Mai hits chest forearms. Boz drops her with a chest forearm outside and sends her into the seats. Boz is thrown into a fan, knocking them into the seats.

Mai grabs her by the hair and bangs her head off the apron. They fight on the apron and Boz headbutts her. Boz shotgun dropkicks her. Boz corner splashes her and short arm lariats her for 2. Mai misses a 2nd rope dropkick and lands hard.

Mai dropkicks her in the knee then running facekicks her for 2. Mai armbars her and Boz rolls out. They trade headbutts on their knees. Mai facekicks her then top rope dropkicks Boz. Boz hits a razor's edge for 2. 

Boz goes for an F-5 and Mai ddt's her out of it. Mai pump kicks her then hits a top rope elbow drop for 2. Mai STF's her then Boz upkicks her. Boz powerslams her then sentons her for 2. Boz hits an F-5 for 2.

Mai hurricanrana's her out of a powerbomb attempt and facekicks her on the ropes. Boz powerslams her on the apron. Mai stunners Boz over the top then Boz germans her.

They fight on the ramp as we hit 10 minutes. Mai throws water at Boz and puts a bucket on her head. She then bangs her head off the entrance rig. Mai paradise locks Boz on the stage and gets her counted out as she can't break out of the hold.

Thoughts: The match was good for about 90% of it but then slowed down at the end. The finish was clever way to have Boz lose without her taking a fall. I'd rather her not get pinned, so I guess I'm okay with the finish. They did a great job early on with lots of fire and stiffness but the last part of it was a bit slow. I still liked it overall though and thought they did a good job with it. They had a chance to do something great though if they had kept going.

Boz goes after Mai after and various people break it up. Mai does a speech after.

Overall thoughts: It was good overall. The main could have been great with more time and a different finish. Kizuna Tanaka did good against Nanae and Sareee vs CHIAKI was a similar match in quality and style. The opener exceeded expectations as well.

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