Sunday, September 15, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/14/2024 Season 5, Episode 1

WOW Women of Wrestling 9/14/2024 Season 5, Episode 1

Last week's show is here:

It's a new season of WOW. We have new intro music and a new white and black entrance stage with a ramp that looks great.

Dave McClane walks out and welcomes us to the show. Dave brings out Top Tier and has something under a sheet. Top Tier has a new graphic logo. Dave brings some refs in the ring and presents Top Tier with official trios titles. The belts have red straps, with a low of jewels and don't look like the usual WOW belts.

Dave interviews Top Tier. Dave said Coach recommended they get belts. Coach says she knows best. She says trophies are nice but sometimes they break. Dave says like against Ariel Sky's head. Coach says they deserve to be recognized as champs and now they have belts. Coach says they are the greatest team in wrestling.

Lauren Hunkele is out as the ring announcer and Katie Marie Jones is the new ring announcer.

WOW Trios Titles - Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Gloria Glitter and Kandi Krush) vs Island Girl Kalaki, Chantilly Chella and Holidead

IG = Island Girl

Island Girl is a new wrestler. She has a large hat with feathers, blue hair and blue gear. Holi lariats Kandi over. Coach takes a boot then Gloria tries to crossbody Holi. Holi fallway slams her.

IG armdrags and headbutts Glitter. IG hits a big leg lariat and snapmare drivers her. IG then gets on Glitter's back and pretends to swan and surf. IG is pulled into the buckles. Chella ges in. She has blonde and purple hair, neaw gear and looks good. Chella upkicks Kandi then bangs her head off the buckles.

Chella slingshot sunset flips Kandi and Gloria trips up Chella. Kandi boots Chella then low forearms her in the corner. Coach and Gloria choke Chella in the corner. Coach elbow drops Chella then Chella cradles her. Chella hits leg kicks. Gloria hits knees to the gut of Chella then does jawbreakers.

Gloria lariats Chella for 2. Chella takes a double backdrop and Kandi walks on her. Kandi misses an elbow drop. Holi backbreakrs Gloria and swings her into her partners. Holi hits a triple splash in the corner then hits a nice splash on Coach.

Holi airplane spins Gloria and drops her down. IG does like a quick gutwrench suplex that they call a barrel roll. Chella and Holi are pulled over the top. Gloria double throat thrusts IG then codebreakers her. IG is lifted like a backdrop then is double pendulum dropped down. Top Tier pick up the pin.

Thoughts: It was a decent opener here with everyone looking good. I don't like Island Girl losing on her debut here as that's not a good introduction to her. Chella looks like a new person and I'd say it's an upgrade as she looks good.

Top Tier talk on the mic after. Coach says they remain the trios champ and says "to the greatest team in all of professional wrestling".

Ice Cold vs Fury

I think both have new and improved intro graphics/videos. Fury hits a big lariat to start then hits mounted punches. Fury clubs on her then Ice steps up and knees her in the corner. Ice hits boots to the gut then misses a pendulum double knee in the corner. Fury germans her.

Fury chokes her on the ropes then pumping knees her. They say they have a 24/7 channel on Pluto TV. Fury back hands her then flatliners her. Fury does a reverse koji clutch and Ice rolls her up for 2.

Ice misses a leg lariat and bangs her butt off the mat. Fury clubs on Ice then they swinging facebuster each other at the same time. Ice does a rare asai moonsault and misses. Fury hits a la rosa driver and wins.

Ice throws a fit after, rolling around and screaming.

It was an average match. Nothing was wrong with it but it wasn't great. 

Animal Instinct (Katarina Jinx and Goldie Collins) vs The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice)

More new HD videos for the girls' intros here. Kat whips her whip along with her intro music. Spice is in the red and Sugar is in the yellow. Sugar dropkicks her in the knee and is thrown off on a cutter attempt. Spice snapmares Kat and they say Spice is 4'6. Spice crossbodies her then springboards into a casadora bodyscissors takeover.

Sugar walks up the buckles and armdrags Kat down. Sugar monkey flips her then cartwheel splashes Kat. Spice then does a cartwheel splash. Goldie boots Spice and Spice gets her head banged off the buckles. Goldie suplexes Spice for 2.

Goldie boots Spice in the gut. Spice is seated on the 2nd rope and rocks back and forth due to Goldie's forearms. Spice uppercuts Goldie and spinning punches her in the gut. Goldie pulls Spice down by the hair.

Spice is sent into the buckles. Kat and Sugar get in. Sugar hits chest forearms and a double chop. Goldie is rolled up then kicked in the head. Goldie and Kat dosey-do then hit kicks. Goldie puts Sugar on her shoulders in a rack position and Kat does a flipping neckbreaker from it. Kat and Goldie pick up the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match and there was nothing wrong with it. The heels were heels and the faces were faces. I like Animal Instinct's new finisher.

Ice Cold is in her locker room and is throwing a fit. She throws her cape into the trash can and walks off.

Princess Aussie does a promo backstage. She says Pink thinks she deserves everything while Aussie says she understands you have to earn it. Aussie says she will walk out as the new top contender.

Penelope Pink says here we are again and says Aussie is obsessed with her. Pink says she will get her title back that she never lost and tells Beast to get ready to get in the ring with the best thing WOW has ever seen. Pink says she will see here out there.

Next week has The All American Girls vs Miami's Sweet Heat in a WOW Tag Title match.

Jessie Jones wheels out Abilene Maverick in a wheel chair. Jones gets in the ring and says to cut the music. Jones says she's the #1 contender and is the only person on the roster with a win over The Beast. Dave says there was no victory, Beast never got in the ring due to Abilene Maverick maybe taking her out. Jones says she will watch the match tonight and Dave says she's welcome to do that.

#1 Contender's Match - Penelope Pink vs Princess Aussie

Dave tells Abilene Maverick that she should be healed and out of the wheelchair.

Pink and Aussie shove each other and Aussie is backed up on the buckles. Aussie side headlock takeovers her. Pink headscissors her then shoulders her over. Aussie goes up and over and hits armdrags then trips her. Aussie elbow drops her.

Aussie gets stuck on the 2nd rope and is neckbreakered. Pink trips her then kicks her. Aussie trips her and then they forearm each other down together. Aussie hits lariats and back elbows. Aussie backdrops her.

Pink forearms her against the ropes then buckingham drops her for 2. Aussie hits a neckbreaker while Pink is on the 2nd rope and Lana Starr distracts the ref. Pink hits Aussie from behind and rolls her up for 2. Pink hits a forward flipping dragon sleeper driver and wins.

The match was about average. I kind of expected Pink to win here and wasn't totally surprised. I was surprised Jessie Jones didn't try to disrupt the match though. I really hope Pink wins against Beast but I don't have a ton of confidence in it.

Overall thoughts: I like the new set. It makes the show look fancier and there's some very noticeable upgrades. The show was finebut not great. We got some pre-match promos before the main which I liked and we got a vignette with Ice Cold possibly taking on a new character role. A lot of people weren't on this one, but that's not out of the norm and we'll have to wait a few weeks to see who exactly has stayed and who has not. My guess is that Tiki Chamorro is gone as she was rumored to have quit and Island Girl has a similar gimmick. It's worth seeing if you are a WOW fan as it's a new season with a new look and new ring announcer.

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