Sunday, September 15, 2024

AEW Rampage 9/13/2024

AEW Rampage 9/13/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly) vs The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds and John Silver)

Alex is clean shaven and slaps Mark. Mark hits chops. OC helps do a double suplex with his sunglasses on. Alex running facekicks OC and The Order take over. OC is double hiptossed forward then thrown back. OC takes a triple basement dropkick.

Silver slams OC. Kyle hits leg kicks on Silver. Silver his his partners on accident on failed double teams. Kyle spin kicks Silver then OC top rope crossbodies Silver. Mark hits a top rope double dropkick on The Order. Silver takes corner attacks and a basement dropkick. Mark is pushed off the top then Silver germans Kyle. OC stunners Silver then OC is thrown into a ddt on him.

Mark pele kicks Uno then Alex spinning forearms Mark. Mark lariats Alex. We go to PiP break and return. Silver and Mark are down. Kyle facekicks Alex and hits kicks on him. Silver takes kicks from Kyle and OC.

Alex topes Mark outside. Silver cannonballs off the apron and Uno ddt's Kyle. OC takes a combo from The Order then is german'd into a pin attempt. OC hits a double hurricanrana. Mark jumps off a chair into a tope con hilo outside. Alex takes a superman punch then a jay driller and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced trios match as expected. It was fine for what it was and had a bunch of highlights. The Conglomeration won here as expected. Mone was not here with Kamille.

The Undisputed Kingdom, Sammy Guevara and Dustin Rhodes are interviewed. Sammy said they beat them at Wembley. Mike blamed it on Kevin Von Erich's interference. Matt says he'd be ashamed of himself if he acted the way Dustin does and says Dustin paints his face to hide his shame. The heels ask for a Fight Without Honor match. Taven calls Dustin's family a loser family and Dustin slaps him. Sammy says Dustin has earned respect. Dustin said he has done nothing but be honorable for 30 years. Dustin then asks for a Bunkhouse Brawl match and says he will rip their eyeballs out. 

Kamille vs Robyn Renegade

Kam drives her into the corner and hits forearms. Kam hits a high kick. Kam overhead throws her. Kam carries her around outside and rams her into the post. RR crossbodies her off the buckles and gets on her back for a sleeper. Kam hits an oklahoma stampede then a sitout dominator for the win.

It was a quick squash as expected. RR getting her back rammed into the post looked like it really hurt.

Christopher Daniels does an interview. He talks about his problems with The Elite. He says he has done his best to offset The Elite. He said he hasn't forgotten that he's still a wrestler at heart. He said he wouldn't ask anyone to fight a battle he wouldn't fight himself. He challenges Jack for Collision and tells him to pack a lunch as he's coming to kick his @ss.

Roderick Strong vs Beef

Anthony Henry is with Been and Taven/Bennett are with Strong. They say Beef's splash off the top is called "The Kentucky Meat shower". Beef shoulders him over. They trade punches. Beef gets a bunch of shots in and hits a dropkick after a cartwheel.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade punches. Beef hit a butterfly suplex and corner lariats. Beef bulldogs him. They go up top and Strong superplexes him. Beef crossbodies Strong against the 2nd rope. Taven and Bennett beat up Henry on the outside. Beef double lariats them then Strong hits a flying knee on Beef and wins.

Thoughts: While I appreciate Beef getting some shine, this was mostly a 50-50 match that probably helped him more than Strong. I'm fine with that but they have been trying to push Strong and I don't think him going 50-50 with jobbers is real helpful. There was a bunch of shenanigans on the outside here that will probably lead to a match.

The Righteous do a promo. They say there's a light in the AEW tag division and says they are the candle that in the corner of the dark house. Vincent says they were here because they are not all there in the brain. Dutch says "House of Black" and then laughs.

Harley Cameron and Saraya vs The Hex (Allysin Kay and Marti Belle)

The Hex weren't announced as The Hex, though it is their team name. They were in TNA a mont hor two ago but haven't been used lately. Saraya bangs Belle's head off the buckles then stomps her. Saraya stomps on Belle. Harley foot chokes Belle then high kicks her from the apron. Harley axe kicks Belle then Saraya sends Belle into the rails.

Belle gets tripped and tags Kay in. Kay hits a lariat and stun gun. HC hits soul foot on Kay then leg lariats her. Saraya lifts Kay and nightcap ddt's her to win.

Thoughts: It was a short one as expected and Saraya's team won as expected. This wasn't anything special.

Jamie Hayter comes out after. Saraya leaves Harley on her own and Hayter drops Harley with a forearm as Saraya runs.

Konosuke Takeshita vs Action Andretti

They pieface each other after a lock-up. AA armdrags him. AA walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags him down. AA flips out of a back body drop and headscissors then dropkicks KT. AA is pulled down on the apron face first then KT throws AA into the steps.

KT hits chops and forearms. KT superplexes him. We go to PiP break then return. KT eye rakes him. AA blocks a knee. AA hits punches then step up enzugiri's him off the apron. AA rolls through the ropes to the apron and rolling sentons him on the floor. AA tope con hilos him.

KT release germans him inside then hits a big lariat. AA hurricanrana's him off a powerbomb attempt for 2. AA misses a running ssp. AA misses a standing ssp and goes face first into the mat. AA shotgun dropkicks him. KT blue thunders him off a handspring for 2.

KT goes up top and takes a kick then AA jumps up to the top rope and hurricanrana's him. AA springboards into a KT forearm. KT pumping knees him and lifts him up on the pin attempt. KT hits a raging fire and wins.

Thoughts: It should have been better than it was. KT didn't seem to be 100% here and it was just not the fast-paced high flying affair you would expect. The crowd didn't care either since it was random.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing to really see here and it wasn't that interesting. All of the matches were random and meaningless and nothing was that great. I wouldn't recommend this.

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