Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/15/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 9/15/2024

Last week's show didn't have any new matches, so I didn't cover it. The show from 2 weeks ago is here:

Drew Abenhaus welcomes us to the show and runs down the card.

The Professionals (Shawn Santel and Mauler McDarby) vs Jaqwon Wright and Kaylin Thomas

Lucky P. Larson is back with The Professionals. Wright is in the red and black and Kaylin is in the black pants. Wright and Kaylin get nailed from behind. Mauler works Kaylin and bangs his head off the buckles. Kaylin takes double headbutts to the back then corner shoulderblocks to the back. Shawn russian legsweeps him for 2.

Shawn chinlocks Kaylin and drops a knee on him. Shawn clubs on Kaylin and The Pro's work the back. Mauler is on Shawn's shoulders and they knee drop Kaylin. JW is tagged in and hits shots on both opponents.

Shawn knees JW in the gut then JW takes a flying lariat + neckbreaker combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here with The Pro's dominating.

Lucky P. Larson joins commentary and he says The Pro's are the measuring stick of wrestling. Lucky welcomes himself back and says he got millions of cards wishing him a speedy recovery. Drew says his card got lost in the mail.

We see clips of Billy McNeil vs Glenn Williams in No DQ a hair vs servitude match. We join in progress as Billy hits forearms and then oblivion. Billy elbow drops him off the 2nd rope and Trent Daniels is distracting the ref, so the ref misses the pin attempt. Billy hits Trent while he is distracting the re. Glenn misses a chain punch but then hits it and drops Billy. Glenn gets the pin and Billy McNiel must cut his hair!

Curtis Wylde tries to tell the ref what happened and tries to prevent the haircut. Glenn says it was No DQ and tells Drew to tell the fans who the winner of the match is. Glenn tells Billy that he made this personal and said he will shave his head. Glenn shaves off some of Billy's hair as Trent chokes Billy. The segment then ends before we see the majority of Billy's hair get cut.

Glenn Williams comes out with a big of Billy McNeil's hair. He welcomes back Lucky P. Larson. He says Sean Vincent has canadian poison ivy on hits nuts. He thanks Trent Daniels for helping him out and asks why Curtis Wylde didn't come out during the match. Glenn says he beat Curtis and Billy in singles matches and should get a tag title shot since they are the tag champs. Glenn said he did what was legal in the match and just did what he had to do. 

Glenn says he's the tag champs by proxy. He says he has Billy's hair and needs gold. He then says he will sell the hair on Facebook.

Kyle King vs Waco

Waco chops King in the corner and throws him by the head. Larson asks where Waco is from. King uppercuts and chops Waco. King is thrown into the 2nd buckle then Waco stands on him on the ropes. King elbows him in the back of the head as he hangs over the apron then he foot chokes him.

Waco sleepers him and King gets out with back elbows. King criss-cross single leg dropkicks him for 2. Waco jawbreakers him then side slams him for 2. Waco misses a 2nd rope splash then King step up enzugiri's him. King does a kneeling springboard swanton on Waco and wins.

Thoughts: It was nice to see Waco not get squashed. It was an average match for the most part but nothing was wrong with it. Waco usually loses so him losing here wasn't shocking.

Big Joe Helms is interviewed. He said he went to Florida on someone else's money (Stephen E) and relaxed and reflected. Destiny says she doesn't think Stephen E. is happy about how the money was spent. Joe says he doesn't think it matters or will do much good. Joe says let's see what happens. Joe says he will target Devastation Inc 1 by 1 until he gets to Stephen E.

"Trending" Trent Daniels vs Joey Vinetti

Joey backs up Trent in the corner. Joey wristlocks him and Larson predicts jealousy between Joey and Brandon Baretta. Trent hammerlocks Joey and Trent side headlocks him. Trent side headlock takeovers him then Joey headscissors him.

Joey side headlocks him. Trent shoulders him over and Joey flips him with his feet. Joey goes up and over then armdrags him. Joey armdrags him. They talk about Sunny and Larson mentions Sunny being in Jail. Trent chop blocks Joey then stomps on him.

Trent bangs Joey's leg off the mat then ddt's the leg. Joey hits shots to the gut and Trent back elbows him. They mention some of the wrestlers who passed away recently like Villano V (Larson suggests Kevin Sullivan could be under the hood), Kevin Sullivan and Sid Vicious. Trent sunset flips him then Joey basement dropkicks him.

Trent misses a corner facekick and Joey top rope dropkicks him for the win.

Thoughts: I liked Joey's top rope dropkick here. They didn't really have enough time of match they were doing. It was just average. I don't know if Trent has yet won on SICW TV.

Billy McNeil is interviewed and has had his head shaven. He looks a bit tougher with his new haircut. He says it was a rough night at the last show and is not happy how things turned out. He said he had Glenn beat many times but made mistakes. He says he used to be a wildcard and says it's time he brings it back. He says it's time to bring back the Billy who will put himself in the hospital to put Glenn in the ground. He says he will see him in hell.

Promoters Corner - Bruce Reed vs Bobby Jaggers

This was reviewed here:

Peyton Ayres vs Big Joe Helms

Stephen E is with PA. PA backs Joe up in the corner then hits punches. PA chokes him in the corner. Joe corner pslashes him and hits a chop. PA blocks the irish whip and PA back elbows him. PA chops him on the ropes then bangs his head off the buckles.

PA rakes Joe's back and chest clubs him. Joe hits some punches and chops then corner lariats him. Joe suplexes PA then sleepers him. PA jawbreakers him then chokes him.

PA hits a big slam and chokes him on the ropes. Stephen E hits Joe with his riding crop then chokes him on the ropes. PA back rakes Joe. Joe hits shots to the gut and PA clubs his back. PA back elbows him then Joe hits a big slam on PA.

Joe legdrops PA for 2. PA eye rakes him and chokes him on the ropes. Lilith Khan does something to Joe on the outside then Joe corner forearms PA. Joe gets tripped by Stephen E. Joe grabs E then PA nails Joe from behind. PA slams Joe. Joe's foot is on the ropes but the ref counts the pin anyway.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as I had hoped as they were just not on the same page and they had a rough section early here.

Overall thoughts: It was just an average show. It was nice to have Lucky P. Larson back on commentary again. The main wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be and none of the matches were that great.

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