Sunday, September 29, 2024

AEW Collision 9/28/2024

AEW Collision 9/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

Saraya's Rules Match - Saraya vs. Jamie Hayter

All kinds of weapons are scattered around the ring. The rules are way too complex to go into here. Harley Cameron is with Saraya and says there's one more rule here - the match doesn't begin until Saraya slaps the slag.

Sar slaps her then JH boots her in the corner. JH throws Harley into the buckles. Saraya fights some plants (one of them was surely Sloane Jacobs of NXT). Saraya hits JH with a VCR and a keyboard (while Harley holds JH down).

Sar chokes JH with the keyboard cord. JH is thrown out and Harley beats up on JH. JH is thrown into the rails then hit with a baking tray. Sar then hits Harley on accident and takes a german on the floor from JH. 

Harley chokes JH with a bat and is rammed into the rails. Sar hits JH with a pipe and sends her into the steps. Sar puts toy cars onto 2 tables. JH stomps on Sar and sends her into the rails. Sar comes off the apron onto JH and gets powerslammed. Sar tries to german JH off the buckles through a table. Sar hits JH's fingers with a chair and both go through one of the tables.

Sar hits her lifting cradle ddt for 2. Sar is rammed through a table in the corner then a chair in the corner. JH tombstones her and wins with a lariat.

Thoughts: It was basically a hardcore handicap match. It was all based around interference and hardcore spots with not much wrestling otherwise. They did okay with it but it was nothing too special. 

We see clips from the Ricochet and Will Ospreay are interview. Ric says he has done this match 1,000 times before and is like Kobe Bryant. Will says Ric forgot who he was and says that's why everyone is bugging him since he returned. Will says Ric is in the ring with the best wrestler in the world.

Tornado Trios Match - The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy and Mark Briscoe) vs The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith)

Everyone fights to start. OC fights with a backpack on and CJ chops him. CJ runs at him and OC turns around, making him run into the backpack. OC hits him with the backpack and pulls out a brick. BK headbutts OC then exploders Kyle.

OC stunners him. Kyle spinning forearms BK. Bill takes a double team then is thrown over the top. Kyle flying knees Bill off the apron then OC topes Bill. CJ hits an attitude adjustment on Mark on a chair. We go to PiP break and return.

CJ is pushed into BK on the buckles. Bill facekicks OC then black hole slams Kyle. ark fights off CJ and Bill then uppercuts CJ. Bill mocks Mark's kung fu and Mark facekicks BK off the apron. Mark 2nd rope dropkicks Bill. CJ codebreakers a chair into Mark's face.

Kyle hits knees on CJ. CJ is put in a chair and OC hits weak kicks on him. BK is put there then Kyle and OC hit kicks and dropkick both over. Bill double lariats OC and Kyle. Kyle dragon screws Big Bill then leg kicks him on the apron. OC hits an orange punch onto Bill, sending him onto BK outside.

CJ hits OC and Kyle with a chair then Mark dropkicks the chair into CJ. Mark flip dives off the chair onto CJ outside. CJ rolls up Mark for 2. Mark hits a jay driller on CJ. CJ is put on a table for shots from Mark. Bill chokeslams Mark through a table and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like OC screwing around here as usual. Otherwise, it was a decent and entertaining trios match with some nice hardcore spots.

Brody King vs. Action Andretti

AA goes after King and hits punches. King shoves him back and misse a corner splash. AA clips him then basement dropkicks him. AA running SSP's him. AA flips over him. AA springboards and runs into a forearm.

Brody corner cannonballs him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short squash and was what it needed to be with AA being the underdog and King being the big bully.

Top Flight are on the stage and aren't real sure about things. Brody then stares at them as he walks past. The Righteous and Lance Archer jump Top Flight after. AA tope con hilos The Righteous and it gets broken up.

AEW TNT Title Match - Jack Perry (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki

We get a long video with Jack arriving in his bus. Jack hits forearms and MS forearms him down. MS laughs at his chops then hits more chops of his own. MS running facekicks him. MS splits the fingers and stomps the arm.

We go to PiP break, full break and return. Jack hits a neckbreaker for 2. Jack hits mounted forearms. Jack eye rakes him and MS sleepers him. Jack back body drops him and MS hanging triangles him over the top rope.

Jack is sent into the rails outside. MS hits him with a chair in front of the ref. MS forearms Jack down then Jack running knees him off the apron. MS is sent into the steps. MS takes a nasty bridging ddt on the floor with his head really hitting hard. Jack running knees him against the steps and wins by countout.

Thoughts: Uh, it was a match alright. MS did his usual chops and forearms and the brawled outside before the countout finish. The ddt MS took on the floor sounded real nasty and Jack winning was no surprise as MS was like an open challenger.

Jack beats up on him more after. Katsuyori Shibata comes out to make the save and Jack goes out. Shibata and MS shake hands after.

AEW World Trios Title Match - Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) & PAC (c) vs. Komander & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Kom and PP are wearing matching outfits. Quen pounds on Pac to start then hits a dropkick. Pac stomps on Quen then CC euro flurries Quen. Quen is beat up more in the corner.

Quen hits forearms on CC then is slammed. CC double stomps Quen. CC uranage backbreakers him. Yuta refuses to tag in and does not look pleased at what is going on. Zay tags in and pounds on Pac. CC runs his throat into the ropes on accident. Zay hits a forearm flurry on Pac. Zay is popped up and hits a ddt. Pac botches it and takes a nasty bump.

CC giant swings Zay. Yuta refuses to help. Kom dropkicks Pac and flips out of a chokeslam. Kom walks up the buckles and springboard planchas then Quen does a dive out. Zay rolls up Yuta for 2. Yuta does a suplex on Zay.

Yuta works on Zay's injured hand and bites it. Yuta hits downward elbows on Zay then makes the ref stop it when he puts on cattle mutilation.

Thoughts: I liked this. It told a good story with Yuta not wanting in then flipping out on Zay when forced to. It made sense and was well done.

Pac and CC want to raise hands with Yuta after but he refuses.

We get an Outrunners video with them hanging out on the beach. They say they don't play by the rules and cheat at a carnival game.

The Beast Mortos vs. Dralistico vs. Hologram

Mort hits a double clothesline to start then hits clotheslines in the corners. Holo headscissors Mort into a Dral superkick. Dral flying headscissors Mort then Mort armdrgas him. Holo rolls over Mort' sback and armdrags him. Mort and Holo get out of headscissors then try roll-ups.

We then get a 3 person stand off. Dral tope con hilos Mort outside then Holo topes Dral. We go to PiP break and return. Dral hits a belly to belly in the corner on Holo then springboard headscissors Mort. Holo headscissors Mort.

Dral kicks the buckle into Holo then top rope diving headscissors Mort outside. Holo rope walk tope con hilos Mort outside. Dral springboard codebreakers Holo. Mort pop-up samoan drops Dral. Holo top rope double stomps Mort. Holo stnads on Mort's shoulders and poisonrana's him. Dral springboard crucifix bombs Mort.

Dral reverses Holo's standing spanish fly and Mort double clotheslines them. Holo spin kicks Mort then Mort backbreakers and spinning lariats Holo. Dral and Mort shove each other. Mort powerbomb backbreakers Holo then dral springboard canadian destroyers Holo.

Mort is thrown over the top. Holo crucifixes Dral and wins.

Thoughts: It was a high flying, fast paced three way. There was lots of cool spots and not much selling or story. They didn't overdo it too much here

Dral and Mort push each other after. Rush comes out and plays peacemaker. He then grabs them both and tries ot hug them. Holo forearms Mort and gets nailed by all 3 heels. Holo then takes a Rush headbutt. The heels then do the LFI pose.

Thoughts: This is attempt #3 or so at doing LFI. They never push it that hard then someone gets injured or runs into visa issues and it goes away. I can't say I expect things to turn out any different this time around. This is a problem though because Rush has been with The Don Callis Family (though it was not featured much). It's unclear now what happens with that partnership.

Lexy interviews Kris Statlander. She mocks Lexy. She says she's not insecure and knows what she is and what she does. She does not feel sorry for herself and says she calls her shots. She says she will let her know when she's ready. She says everyone should thank her as when you face her, you either get better or get destroyed.

MxM Collection come out. They have someone in a cloak with them. They rip Max Caster, calling him ugly and said they re-made his jacket. They do a fashion walk with people modelling clothing, holding up pictures of MXM's faces. They then have someone named Hans model Max's new jacket. it has a heart cut out on it and some fishnets on the sleeves. The back of it now says, "Bratinum Max Caster, Best Dressed Alive".

They put over Hans and say he'd be perfect for their group. He asks them to touch their tips. Hans then turns out to be Billy Gunn, who then lariats both over. The models try to stop Billy and MxM beat up on him. The Acclaimed then come out to help and beat up the heels. One of the models takes their double team gorilla press bomb. Max then puts the jacket on after and scissors with his buddies.

Thoughts: I didn't know what to expect out of this one but it made sense and seemed like something the heels would do. It was something different.

Lumberjack Match - "Hangman" Adan Page vs Jeff Jarrett

Satnam Singh, The Bang Bang Gang and The Dark Order are around the ring.

The two trade punches. Page facekicks him and beats up Jeff in the corner. Page fallaway slams Jeff. Jeff stares down The Dark Order outside. Jeff pulls Page over the top and The Orer go to whip him with belts. Tony calls Jeff "Jericho". Page bites Jeff. Jeff is thrown out into his budides and hugs them.

Jeff is then thrown out on the other side and gets whipped. Juice is dressed up like a goofy looking lumberjack. Page belly to belly suplexes Jeff.  

We are supposed to go to PiP break but we do not and the match just continues. Jeff gets knocked off the apron and is whipped. Page then hits an attitude adjustment for 2. Jeff hits shots and the screen goes black. The screen then rewinds and goes black and they say we are are back from PiP break. The screen then says, "AEW Collision #2436: Part 4 - Seg 7, 8, 9, 10". We then go to PiP break and full break.

Page misses a shot and takes a russian legsweep. Page is thrown out and whipped by lumberjacks. Jeff leg lariats him on the ropes then Page lariats Jeff over the top. Page beats up lumerbacjsk outside and nails John Silver. Juice whips Page on a buckshot lariat attempt. Page stares down Juice and grabs him then Jeff dives onto everyone off the top.

Page whips Jeff with a strap. Karen Jarrett gets in the ring. Page holds the strap up at her to hit her but doesn't. Lethal protects Karen and is hit with the strap. Jeff then gets the strap and hits Page. The Dark Order and other lumberjacks hit Page with straps. Karen whips Page with a strap. Page low blows Jeff then hits a deadeye on him. Page then picks up the win.

Thoughts: This was a wild circus here with bizarre production issues and Page seemingly fighting off everyone en route to beating Jeff. The production issues really took away from this one. There wasn't a ton of wrestling especially in the 2nd half of this with so many people getting involved. This was a rare lumberjack match where everyone wanted to beat up the heel.

The Bang Bang Gang help out Jeff after. Page tries to hang Juice and The Gunn's fight off Page. It seems like they are headed for a feud. 

AEW Continental Title Eliminator - Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Sammy Guevara

SG waistlocks him. Okada wristlocks him. SG flips out of it and wristlocks him. Okada snapmares him and baseball slides him. SG backflips him over him as he runs the ropes and dropkicks him. SG then poses while Okada is outside. SG does a corkscrew dive outside onto Okada.

SG jumps off the steps and hits a cutter on the floor. SG misses a moonsault off the apron and takes a ddt on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. SG gets out of a hold and headscissors spikes him into the mat. Okada euros him down then Sg flying forearms him. SG lariats him over the top then topes him. SG hits a top rope moonsault outside.

Sammy pump kicks him outside then takes a back body drop onto the steps. Okada dropkicks him inside then slams him. Okada hits a top rope elbow drop. Okada goes for a rainmaker and SG spanish flies him.

SG superkicks him then hits a GTH. SG corner spears him then springboards. Okada catches it and rainmakers him to win.

Thoughts: The match went over the DVR time here so I had to watch the ending elsewhere. Sammy did too much as always. The back body drop on the steps really should have finished things. Okada got his lip busted open here. Sammy did a lot of flying as usual. I really don't get why this was an eliminator instead of a title match and why they made this the main over Jeff/Page. Jeff/Page was the bigger of the match.

Overall thoughts: They put out some bigger matches than usual and gave us a better card than usual. While I didn't like all the matches, I thought it was pretty good effort overall and most of the matches had some kind of story behind them. They do have to fix the production issues though. I had never seen the issue they had with the PiP break ever happen before and they really do have to let the cable companies know that their show is going overtime so people don't miss the endings.

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