Friday, August 2, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 8/2/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 8/2/2024

Last week's show is here:

Blake Howard and Byron Saxton are on commentary. Tatum Paxley touches Blake while he talks.

Tatum Paxley vs Tyra Mae Steele

TP misses a shoot in and Tyra rolls her up into a pin. Tyra rolls her around by the legs then rolls her into a pin attempt. Tatum flips over Tyra's back and tries her own pin attempt. Tatum goes for the leg and is rolled over. Tatum hits upkicks and corner crossbodies her.

Tyra fireman's carries her. Tyra does an up and over but hits her in the face with her butt. I don't know if that was planned or not but it could work. Tatum elbow drops Tyra's back. Tatum hits kicks to the body then pulls on her arm around the ropes.

Tatum does an armbar with a bridge. Tatum triangles her. Tyra deadlifts her and sitout powerbombs her. Tyra shoulders her over then hits snake eyes on her. Tyra does a pounce for 2. Tatum throws her down by the arm then hits her psycho trap to win.

Thoughts: This was all amateur wrestling and rolling around on the mat. Tatum did pretty good with it. It was different than your usual match here with few actual moves.

Shiloh Hill is interviewed. He says Riley Osborne is super talented. He says he has a plan and it works for chopping down trees and linemen. He says his plan has 3 steps to success - step 1: hit em, step 2: hit em harder, step 3: repeat step 2. He says it's about heart, grit and work and says it's about time.

Thoughts: This was alright and clever.

Shiloh Hill vs Riley Osborne

They slap hands and lock up. Riley hammerlocks him. Hill tries to roll out of it but Hill rolls with him. Hill hammerlocks him. Hill is sent out and Riley rolls out of a throw. Riley is upkicked and does flips to get out of it.

Riley rolls him up for 2 then sunset flips him. Hill hits a nice lariat. Hill corner lariats him then throws him hard into the buckles, sending him down. Hill double underhook suplexes him for 2. Hill armlocks him with a chinlock. Hill does a twisting slam off the double underhook.

Hill clubs Riley's chest and pulls both arms back. Riley cradles him then hits dropkicks. Riley hits another running dropkick then top rope SSP's him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here. Hill overpowered him here and used basic holds then Riley made his comeback and won. Nothing great or anything but it made sense and worked.

NXT Anonymous films Uriah Connors talking in the back to two unknown people. He says he has an issue and asks if these two guys will help him with it.

Malik Blade vs Bronco Nima

Nima has a medical facemask on. I don't know if two people ever had one at once in the same promotion. Jacy Jayne also has one.

Nima does a huge throw on Blade. Blade hits a big chop and side headlocks him. Blade hits an unplanned back elbow. Blade hits a dropkick then uses the ropes to do a headlock takeover. Nima does a single leg M. Bison stomp to Blade. Blade gets distracted on the 2nd rope and takes a hard lariat down to the floor.

Nima facewash kicks Blade. Nima hits corner spears and sends Blade into the buckles hard. nima slaps him around. Nima does a fireman's carry style drop and boots him on the ropes. Nima cranks Blade's head.

Nima misses a corner charge. Blade hits shots then hits flying forearms. Blade hits a flying headhunter then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Blade then cradles him for the win.

It wasn't that good here. Nima definitely elbowed him in the face on accident and they just didn't work that well together here.

Overall thoughts: The first two matches were average and acceptable but nothing I would go seek out. The main wasn't any good. I wouldn't recommend this.

1 comment:

  1. Tatum is a lot better than people give her credit for. I’m glad to see she’s finally beginning to move up the card.
