Sunday, August 4, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/3/2024 Season 4, Episode 47

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/3/2024 Season 4, Episode 47

Last week's show is here:

The Tonga Twins and Tiki Chamorro vs Miami's Sweet Heat and Penelope Pink

They all fight to start. Laurie (black hair) is thrown out. Tiki thesz presses Pink and hits punches on her. Tiki slams Pink. Kona (green laces) hits shots on Lindsay. Lindsay takes a t-gimmick for 2.

Kona lariats Lindsay then Kaoz takes an enzugiri from Laurie. Laurie hits shots on Kona. Kona is held for a Pink blockbuster from the 2nd rope for 2. Lindsay stomps on Kaoz. Kaoz takes boots in the corner and Laurie foot chokes her. Pink foot chokes Kaoz.

Lana Starr helps choke Kaoz from the outside. Kaoz pushes Pink off the buckles then backdrops her for 2. Tiki gets in and hits shots on Pink. Tiki trips Pink into the 2nd rope. Vicki Lynn McCoy blocks Tiki's 619 and Lindsay takes a double spear from The Twins. Tiki lariats Pink. McCoy gets in and is superkicked. Tiki sto's Pink and wins.

Thoughts: It was short and compact here. There were no real boring or wasted moments in this and they kept it moving. It was okay but it really needed more time to be anything special. I swear the announcers messed up Kona and Kaoz's names at one point here.

Jessie Jones comes out. The fans boo her and she says she doesn't care what they think. She says if she sucks, every other girl on the roster must be terrible with her good win/loss record. She asks Dave McClane why Tormenta gets a title shot tonight. She says Tormenta has lost more title matches than she has lost since 2013. She says nobody has a winning record that compares to her. She says she will be a thorn in Dave's side until she gets a title shot.

Top Tier talks in the back. They say Ariel Sky wishes she was part of their team. She says they beat her once and will do it again. They say Kandi Krush will walk circles around her.

Ariel Sky says Coach has done nothing but manipulate her and make a fool out of her. She says she made some real friends in WOW who had her back. She says Coach will regret making an enemy out of her.

Kandi Krush vs Ariel Sky

They say Sky's dad prints shirts for WOW. Sky takes her down and hits forearms. Sky rolls her up for 2. Sky crucifixes her then side headlocks her. Sky sunset flips her out of the corner. Sky flips out of a side slam and hits a bulldog for 2.

Kandi boots her and bangs her head off the buckles. Kandi hits corner spears. Kandi hits spears to Sky's back. Top Tier mess with Sky while the ref isn't looking. Kandi boots her then throws her off the front facelock.

Kandi stands on her on the ropes. Sky hits lariats on Kandi then they blow some spot. Coach trips up Sky on the ropes and Kandi pulls Sky down. Kandi hits an olympic slam and wins.

Sky is triple teamed after. Stephy Slays and Lil' J-Boogie save Sky.

Thoughts: Sky's either the best seller ever or she gets knocked loopy every match. I don't know which one it is but I'm guessing it's the latter. They had one bad botch here on what looked like a russian legsweep. It was mostly just Kandi beating up on Sky and Sky doing some roll-ups. I really don't get why someone new saves Sky every week. Everyone likes her but not enough to help her the next week.  

The Heavy Metal Sisters (Rebel Haze and Fury) vs The Dojo Defenders (Kara Kai and Tara Strike)

They say we haven't seen The Sisters wrestle together in six weeks. Tara (silver gear) rolls up Rebel and kicks her. Tara hits kicks on Fury and trips her. Fury takes a double boot. Kara headscissors Fury out of the corner then hits kicks on Fury. Kara step up enzugiri's her for 2.

Tara running knees Fury for 2. Fury back hands Tara. Rebel is tagged in. Tara takes a double clothesline for 2. Rebel slides out of a lariat then back splashes her on the mat for 2. Tara is sent into a Fury lariat.

Fury chokes Tara on the ropes then pumping knees her. Fury chinlocks Tara. Tara hits a jawbreaker and Kara is tagged in. Kara hits shots on Rebel then northern lights suplexes her for 2. Tara flying kicks Fury. Kara hits soul foot on Rebel and wins.

Wow, The Defenders actually got the win here. It wasn't a bad effort and both teams got a little in.

Tormenta does a video. She said she always wanted to be a wrestler. She said she likes the anonymity of wearing a mask. She says she can do the things in the ring that she can't do in real life. She said she had a child young and was married. She said she got divorced. She said she move to Mexico City so she can live lucha libre every day. She said she left her son in another city while she went on to wrestle. She says her son said lucha libre took his mom away. She says her son was able to get ahead though in the end.

WOW Title - The Beast (c) vs Tormenta

Jessie Jones and Sofia Lopez are on commentary. Tor hits her in the gut and does a neat standing submission on her. Beast powerslams her for 2. Tor throws down Beast for 2 then knee drops her.

Tor hits forearms and goes for the casadora but takes a wheelbarrow german. Beast misses a corner splash. Tor euros her then hits a corner cannonball for 2. Tor misses a top rope dive and Beast spears her for 2. Beast powerbombs her and her legs buckle on it. Beast pins Tormenta.

Thoughts: It was a short but good match. They had some high impact offense here and it was a heavyweight style match. Beast winning wasn't much of a surprise since this was basically random.

Jessie Jones points at Beast from the commentary table and Beast holds her title up to close the show.

Overall thoughts: The opener was okay but short. I didn't like Krush/Sky. The tag match was acceptable and the main was good. I thought this was average overall and not must see.

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