Thursday, August 1, 2024

AEW Dynamite 7/31/2024

AEW Dynamite 7/31/2024

Last week's show is here:

MJF comes out to talk, wearing an American flag themed coat. He said he beat that redcoat terrorist, Will Ospreay, and brought gold back to the country. He said he will beat him again at All In and asks people to rise for him. Will Ospreay comes out and MJF runs.

Will gets on the mic. He says he will put him through pain he can't even imagine. Will says yanks love his flag like he does. He said people have worked hard to make the title mean something. He says MJF is not worthy of holding The International Championship. Will says MJF isn't representing the American spirit and he says he will restore honor to the International Title. MJF says the crowd are disgusting turncoats.

MJF says he's an American hero with murals. He says he lets his action do the talking and says he will annihilate him in front of his crooked teeth countrymen. He said Will won't make it to Wembley as everyone dies in South Carolina.

Thoughts: It was pretty much the usual MJF stuff with him insulting the crowd in various ways.

Will Ospreay vs Lance Archer

Lance piefaces him then chokeslams him. Lance hits corner attacks and knocks him down with a forearm. Will hits a handspring corkscrew kick. Will flying space tiger's out but Lance catches him. Lance slams him on the floor.

Will hurricanrana's Lance into the rails. Lance pushes him over and Will springboard dropkicks him when he tries to get in. Will goes up top and is thrown down. We go to PiP break and return.

Will flips out of a chokeslam and hook kicks him. Will springboards and is caught with a black hole slam for 2. Lance pop-up spinebusters him for 2. Will superkicks him then standing spanish flies him. Lance footpresses him down in the corner. Lance walks the top rope and is crotched on it. They go up top and Lance takes a top rope spanish fly for 2.

Will hits an os cutter for 2. Lance lariats him for 2. Lance step up knees him on the buckles. Will ddt's him then hits a hidden blade for 2. Will hits another hidden blade and wins.

I didn't like this at all. They did way too much here and Lance was somehow kicking out of top rope spanish fly's. I also didn't like the os cutter and hidden blade being kicked out of.

MJF attacks Will after and brainbusters him. Kyle Fletcher saves Will. MJF splits his jacket as he runs.

Kyle says Don Callis told him not to get involved in non-family business, but this is his best friend and brother. He says he's the karma coming to bite MJF in the @ss. He says MJF doesn't care about America and only cares about what is best for MJF. He says this is where the best wrestle. He puts over the US and says we are all sick of the same MJF bullcrap. He tells him to get down here so he can punch him right now. MJF says he will get a match with him next week if he wants it. He says he will kangaroo kick his face off. He says he will break his neck and leave him in a pool of blood. He says Will will be the one to blame and he says he can't wait to see the look on his face when he's done dismantling him.

We get a video on Swerve.

The Learning Tree are interviewed and Big Bill has a cake for Jericho, celebrating 102 days as FTW champ. He says 100 days is one thing, but 102 is next level. Jericho says there's never been a cake that didn't get smashed in someone's face in wrestling and says Shibata's face will be smashed tonight. He says he can't take him out but Bryan Keith will. He says Shibata needs to mind his own business and he's his business next week. Alex Marvez is given the cake and Bryan teases putting it in his face. He tells him to eat the cake if he respects Chris Jericho.

CMLL Women's Title Eliminator - Willow Nightingale vs Kris Statlander

Kris pulls Willow's throat over the top rope then top rope dropkicks her. The match then officially starts, which is dumb. Kris hits chops on Willow. Willow chops her back and back splashes her. Willow front kicks her.

Willow hits a big forearm and fisherman suplexes her for 2. Willow bangs Kris' head off the apron and throws her into the rails. Willow cannonballs the rails when Kris moves.

We go to PiP break and return. Kris hits forearms then Willow gordbusters her. Willow hits short arm lariats then spinebusters her. Kris drops her down face first out of the electric chair and axe kicks her for 2.

They trade chops on the apron and Willow death valley drivers her on the apron. Willow grabs Stokeley Hathaway outside. They get back in. Kris comes off the top and is caught with a powerbomb. Willow ddt's her for 2. 

Willow is knocked off the buckles and Kris 450's her for 2. Aubrey does a terrible count for the pin attempt. Stoke hands Kris a chain. Kris spinning lariats her with the chain and wins.

Thoughts: They did too much here and Aubrey did a horrible job on the nearfall in full view of the camera's. We also had a dirty finish here which didn't help things.

Kris chairs Willow after. Security comes down to help out and of course Kris beats up the male security guards.

We see the Jeff Jarrett and Bryan Danielson segment from last week.

Bryan Danielson comes out to talk. Bryan says it's great to be in Greenville. Bryan says he and his wife got his engagement pictures taken here. Bryan says you don't realize it's the good ol' days until they are almost gone. He says he was forced to retire and said he was able to be present in the good ol' days. He says the last few years in AEW have been the funnest time of his life.

He said he promised that he would stop wrestling when his daughter was 7 and said he wouldn't sign a new AEW contract. He said he kicked a lot of people's heads in during the last few years but didn't win the AEW Title yet. He says this will be his last shot at Wembley. He says he will be present at Wembley and give everything he has. He says he will go all in at All In.

Swerve Strickland comes out. Swerve says he respects him and said Bryan inspired a generation of wrestlers to pursue their dreams. He said he would be rooting for him if it was any other time. He says its his time though. He said Bryan said he would kick everyone's head in but couldn't handle it when they started kicking back.

Swerve says it's not an achievement award, it shows you are the best in the world and he says he's the best in the world. He said he competed at All In while Bryan was too broken down to get on a flight to London. He says maybe Bryan's body can't handle the pressures of being champ.

He said he promises that he is the most dangerous man in AEW. He says he won't be walking out of All In as champ and may never walk again. Bryan says he promises if he doesn't win the AEW Title, he won't wrestle again. He asks for a title vs career match at All In. Swerve shakes hands on it and says don't make the promise to him, make it to your family.

Thoughts: I liked Swerve's lines here. I don't really get Bryan putting his career on the line since he already had a shot and since he was maybe retiring anyway according to his own words. 

Renee asks Bryan for comments. Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal and crew says this is how you go all in. Bryan says if he wants to see if he's all in, see if he's all in next week on Dynamite.

The Conglomerate (Mark Briscoe, Tomohiro Ishii and Orange Cassidy) vs Roderick Strong, The Beast Mortos and Rush

4 of the 6 start fighting and OC of course goofs around, casually taking off his jacket like an idiot. He tries to do the bull thing with Mort. OC satellite headscissors Mort. Mort spears him. Mort belly to belly suplexes Ishii. Ishii no sells it and shoulders him over. Mort superkicks him then headbutts him.

Ishii suplexes him. Ishii and Rush grab each other by the throat and shoulderblock battle. They trade forearms. Ishii forearm combos him then Rush spinning forearms him. Mark and Rush trade forearms and chops. Mark flying kicks him in the corner then Rush splashes him in the corner.

Mark flying forearms Rush. Strong dropkicks Mark. Mark runs the apron and blockbusters Strong on the floor. Mark jumps off a chair on the apron and hits a double cannonball on opponents.

We go to PiP break and return. OC is slammed down off a double hiptoss then takes a double shoulderblock. OC stunners Mort. Mark gets and hits shots on Rush and Mort.

Ishii forearms Mort and Rush. Ishii germans Strong. OC tornado ddt's Strong then Mark tope rope elbow drops Strong. Ishii sliding forearms Strong for 2.

Mort tornillo dives out. OC dives out and is caught. Rush tope con hilos out. Strong olympic slams Ishii then tiger drivers him.

Ishii headbutts Strong down. Mark 2nd rope dropkicks Mort then is belly to belly suplexed into the buckles by Rush. Everyone gets a move in. Mark takes a headbutt and a driver on his head. Mort pins Mark.

Kyle O'Reilly checks on Mark after. I actually thought it was a medic at first because of what he was wearing and how normal he looks.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining tag here with fast paced action and some flying. OC goofed around as usual and tried so hard to bring it down. Mortos pinning Mark was an unusual ending.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are interviewed. Billy says they are coming to Collision. Max says they are looking for FTR but they are nowhere to be found. Max asks if they are afraid. Max says maybe they aren't serious wrestlers. Bowens says they will come to them on Collision. 

Mariah May is interviewed by Renee. She said she said what she had to say. She says from Day 1 she wanted to be like Toni. She says she sliced her open and wore her skin. Rene asks what Toni did to her. May says nothing and that's why she's perfect. May said Toni said she could eat her alive and May said maybe it was her turn to eat.

Toni Storm comes out. She said May said she loved her and she says she loved her too. She says All In will be the romance of a bloody lifetime.

"The Brickhouse" Kamille vs Brittany Jade

Kam does a hard running spear into the corner. She hits forearms and boots in the corner. Kam lifts Jade by the head then throws her. Kam does a jumping leg lariat then high kicks her. Kam dominators her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good squash here that made Kamille look big and bad.

Mone says to say hello to your CEO and say hello to the newest member of Money corporation. Mone says she's been victimized for weeks by Britt Baker. She says Britt is obsessed with her but asks who isn't. She said Britt attacking her at Comic Con got her suspended by the EVP's. She said Britt can't beat down this brickhouse. She says AEW is her house now and she will turn it into a mansion. She says the money changes everything. 

"Hangman" Adam Page vs Darby Allin

Darby side headlocks him then springboard armdrags him. Darby dropkicks him out then Page catches his coffin drop outside. Page germans him on the floor. Darby is sent into the rails.

Page gets yelled at for grabbing a chair and Darby goes over his back and stunners him on the stage. Darby coffin drops him off the entrance. WE go to break and return. Darby back rolls him and springboard twisting crossbodies him off the bottom rope.

The lights go out in a power outage of some sort then thye come back on. Darby is sent into the steps. Page clubs on Darby. Darby jumps off steps but is caught. Page bangs Darby's back off the post and apron. Page hits multiple apron powerbombs then fallaway slams him into the steps. 

We go to another PiP break and return. Page top rope fallaway slams him. Page is tripped onto the side of the steps and Darby rakes his eyes. Page is on the steps and Darby topes him down to the floor. Darby whips Page with a belt. Darby shotgun dropkicks him in the corner. Darby hits a code red for 2. Darby tries a coffin drop and is caught with a sleeper.

Darby tries a buckshot lariat but Page lariats him during it. Page powerbombs him for 2. Page hits deadeye and then does another one. Darby then wins with a surprise pin attempt.

Thoughts: This was a random match, maybe loosely built up on at Blood and Guts. I don't know why they gave this away for free. I didn't like this one. They did way too much here and it went longer than it needed to. Darby took a whole bunch of nasty bumps like he always does.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like the show. They did too much in almost every match here. The Bryan/Danielson/Swerve segment had some good points to it though, the 6-man tag was good and Kamille had a decent debut.

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