Wednesday, July 17, 2024

WWE Speed 7/17/2024

WWE Speed 7/17/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contender's Tournament - Ilja Dragunov vs Carmelo Hayes

They evade and block shots from the other. Melo springboard twisting clotheslines him for 2. Melo hits chops in the corner then hits la mistica for 2. Ilja hits double germans and Ilja enzugiri's him. Ilja running knees him for 2. Ilja german him from the crotch hold. Melo superkicks him and hits a version of oblivion on the knee for 2. Ilja blocks l mistica then tiger feints into a spinning lariats. Ilja hits a powerbomb and the time runs out. This is a draw and both men are eliminated from the tournament. Baron Corbin now gets to fight Andrade for the title.

Melo up kicks Ilja after.

Thoughts: Well, we finally got our first three minute draw here. They did what they could but it wasn't really enough time for them and was certainly not must see.

Overall thoughts: We only got one three minute match here and it was a draw. It wasn't anything worth going of your way to see. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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