Friday, July 19, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 7/19/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 7/19/2024

Last week's show is here:

Blake Howard and Byron Saxton are on commentary.

Jakara Jackson vs Kendal Grey

Lash is with JJ and Carlee Bright is with Grey. JJ takes her down. Grey trips her then fireman's carry takeovers her. Grey armdrags her then shoulders her over. Grey does another fireman's carry then armlocks her.

Grey jumps over her off the ropes then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Grey armlocks her. JJ knocks her over then side slams her. JJ snapmares her. Grey tries to roll her off but JJ keeps the cravate on. Grey tries to slam her but JJ keeps it on.

Grey neckbreakers JJ with JJ's own arm. Grey hits back elbows then does a nice variation of the saito suplex. JJ knees her in the gut then headbusters her. JJ upkicks her then does an over the back fameasser to win.

Thoughts: I don't know if I've seen JJ do her finisher before. They called it the "sugar rush". Grey had a good showing her like usual as she moved well on the mat and helped carry this some. I liked Grey's saito suplex variation here. I've never seen that done the way she did it.

Dion Lennox is in the Performance Center. He said Uriah Connors has to talk about what happened last week. UC said he was trying to help him win and said Dion didn't want any of it. UC says nice guys finish last. Dion says he's his problem now. UC says Dion's filled with rage and says that's why he will be better than Dion.

Adriana Rizzo vs Lainey Reid

LR really only makes Level Up about once a month or so and I often forget she exists because of it. They lock up and Riz does the Italian hand gesture. LR does a nice takedown with the arm. Riz headscissors her then headlock takeovers her.

LR is thrown by the wrist. Riz catches LR's boot then trips her. Riz jack knife pins her for 2. LR is thrown into the corner but flips out and lands on her feet on the apron. LR kicks her while laying on the buckles then neckbreakers her.

LR elbow drops her then bangs Riz's head off the buckles. LR foot chokes her then Riz backslides her. LR hits another neckbreaker. LR straightjacket chokes her.

Riz rolls her up for 2 then neckbreakers her. Riz takes her earrings off and hits punches. Riz hits jumping forearms then northern lights suplexes her. Riz kips up. Riz forearms her in the corner and does something like an attitude adjustment. Riz then does a flipping butt drop on her and wins.

Thoughts: Riz showed some new moves here and really looked different than what we had seen before. It wasn't perfect but it was interesting and helped her stick out. It wasn't great but I did like it and it was something different.

Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright are interviewed. Grey says it sucks to lose. CB says it's only  matter of time until she wins. Grey says winning is her standard but losing is her standard here. She says she's not used to losing. She says the transition to sports entertainment is tough. CB tells her to find her killer instinct from her college days. Grey asks if she will train with her and let her throw her but CB says not to take it that far. Grey says hopefully she gets a win next time. 

Thoughts: This was a rare post-match interview for this show. 

Eddy Thorpe vs Shiloh Hill

This is Hill's 3rd match in a short period of time. Maybe they think they see something in him. Lexis King comes out right as this is about to start to do commentary (Byron promised a surprise person on commentary).

Hill waistlock takedowns him then front facelocks him. Eddy wristlocks him then Hill reverses it. Eddy hammerlocks him then Hill reverses it. Hill side headlocks him then shoulders him over.

Eddy jumping crossbodies him. Eddy knees him in the gut then hits kicks to the body. Eddy backdrops him for 2. Eddy back elbows him and chops him. Hill side slams him. Hill stomps him and armlocks him. King goes off on Eddy's "crap music".

Hill abdominal stretches him. Hill slams him for 2. Hill chinlocks him. Eddy suplexes Hill. Eddy hits chops and germans him. Eddie elbow drops him then imperial ddt's him for the win.

Thoughts: Eddy looked a little better than usual here but it was just an average match. Hill did okay in his second singles match here and didn't botch anything.

King mockingly claps for Eddy after and Eddy gets mad.  

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here but nothing awful either. Adrianna Rizzo did some new offense here and Kendal Grey continued to look good. The main wasn't anything special. We got some rare storyline follow-ups here with Eddy/King and Dion/Connors.

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