Saturday, July 20, 2024

AEW Rampage 7/19/2024

AEW Rampage 7/19/2024  

Last week's show is here:

Orange Cassidy, Kyle O'Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii vs The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven, Mike Bennett and Roderick Strong)

Kyle and Strong lock up. Stong side headlock takeovers him and headlocks him. Kyle takes him down then armdrags him. OC and Taven go at it. OC blocks a hiptoss and hits his own. OC armdrags him then shotgun dropkicks him. Ishii knocks over Taven, Bennett and Strong with shoulders.

Ishii is double pounded on then the faces hit a triple suplex. Mike takes shots from all 3 opponents on the ropes and OC goofs around during it.

We go to PiP break and return. Ishii hits chops on Mike and Taven. Ishii double shoudles them then is dropkicked by Strong. Strong backbreakers Ishii and hits chops. Strong hits punches on him.

Ishii release germans Taven. Kyle hits kicks on Tave and Mike. OC topes Strong outside. Taven eye rakes Kyle then Kyle guillotines him. OC top rope crossbodies Mike then topes Strong outside again. Taven takes chasing the dragon for 2.

OC stunners Mike then Ishii lariats Mike. Taven takes corner attacks. Ishii takes a proton pack + flying kick then Taven frogsplashes Ishii off the top. Stong hits shots on Ishii then Ishii headbutts him. 

Taven and Mike are pulled over the top by OC. OC tries to tope them but is thrown into the apron edge and rails. Strong dropkicks OC through the ropes. We go to PiP break then full break. Ishii brainbusters Strong and Mike.

Ishii 2nd rope superplexes Taven for 2. Kyle and Strong trade forearms. Kyle knees Strong in the body and Ishii sliding lariats Strong. Taven running knees Kyle.

OC botches a move and rolls up Taven. OC ddt's Mike. Mike takes a high/low. Strong jumping knees KOR. Strong lariats Ishii. OC superman punches Taven and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent trios match here. It was fast paced and we got some dives on this one. 

Don Callis comes up to OC after. OC threatens to hit him. Kyle Fletcher nails OC from behind. Mark Briscoe comes out and beats up Kyle. Strong flying knees Mark.

Saraya and Harley Cameron are interviewed. HC asks why it's Saraya's fault she lost in the first round of the Owen Hart Tournament. HC says maybe it is AEW's fault. Saraya says the locker room is scared of her and says AEW is trying to keep her off the show. Saraya says she is the show and says she doesn't care who she has to step on to get to Wembley.

The Learning Tree (Chris Jericho and Big Bill) vs The Outrunners

Bill throws Truth off a side headlock. Jericho has his title belt on and has his phone with him on the apron. Bill knees Turbo in the gut. Truth is caught on a crossbody and Bill slams him.

The Runners hit a double dropkick and pose but Bill doesn't fall over. Bill hits both then facekicks Truth through the ropes. Bill pounds on Turbo in the corner and stomp flurries him into the mat.

Truth chops Bill. Bill no sells it and pushes him into the buckles. Bill splashes both Runners. Bill chokeslams Turbo. Jericho then gets the pin posing on Turbo's chest.

It was a total squash here as expected but at least The Outrunners made TV.

Jericho poses on the ramp then Minoru Suzuki comes out and points at him. Jericho waves at him.

Minoru Suzuki vs The Butcher

They trade forearms. Suzuki hits forearms and a running facekick in the corner. Butcher stops a PK then Butch works the leg.

Butch clubs and forearms Suzuki. Butch hits chops and Suzuki laughs at him. Butch jackhammers Suzuki. Butch is put in a sleeper. Suzuki hits a gotch style piledriver and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short squash as expected with Suzuki picking up the win.

The Conglomeration do a promo. Mark says there's only 2 rules - you gotta be down to conglomerate and you can't be a sh!thead. Mark says the word of the day is discombobulation. Mark says Strong hit him in the face with a knee and p!ssed him off. He says he has something for him at Death Before Dishonor. He says Ishii takes him on before that. Mark then starts barking and the promo ends.

Kris Statlander vs Sydni Winnell

Kris spinning lariats Syd then hits forearms and stomps on her in the corner. Kris suplexes Syd. Syd hits back with forearms after taking one. Kris then hits a single leg package tombstone and wins.

Thoughts: It was another quick squash here with Kris winning as expected.

We get another video of someone in a superhero suit and mask (Hologram). It says "tomorrow" on it.

The Lucha Bros vs Private Party

Zay and Rey trade forearms. Rey springboard twisting crossbodies him and hits kicks. Zay spin kicks him then hurricanrana's him off the pop-up. Rey slingshot swantons him. Quen rolls up Rey and pop-up dropkicks him. Quen is on the buckles and Penta headscissors him into the ring.

Quen goes out, Pent goes to dive but takes a springboard crossbody from Zay. Quen hits a pele kick then takes a superkick from Penta.

We go to break and return. PP do the silly string and Zay hits a ddt off of it on Penta. Rey takes a double stomp + neckbreaker combo. Quen walks up the buckles and tope con hilos Penta. Zay top ropw swantons Rey for 2.

Rey blocks gin and juice. Rey ropewalk kicks Zay then Penta hits slingblades. Rey tsakes gin and juice for 2 then Penta canadian destroyers Zay off of Quen's back.

Quen boots Rey. Rey hits a double underhook bomb on Quen for 2. Zay takes a double superkick, as does Quen. Quen takes a package piledriver + double stomp and is pinned by Penta.

Thoughts: It was a high flying match was expected. I didn't like the canadian destroyer kick out but I still thought it was okay for what it was. The two teams matched up well together.

Overall thoughts: 5 matches is a record for Rampage, though 3 of them were squashes. It was an okay hour of wrestling here with a decent main and opener.

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