Tuesday, July 9, 2024

WWE NXT 7/9/2024

WWE NXT 7/9/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/wwe-nxt-722024.html

Ethan Page comes out to talk. He says it only took him 6 weeks to take over the brand. He says the entire locker room hates him and that's why he has security out with him. Oro Mensah comes out after him and is stopped by security. He says Heatwave was a good opportunity for him to main event in Toronto.

He says he will make sure outsiders don't ruin what we have in NXT. He says it's not "We are NXT", he says it's, "I am NXT". He said we are entering the era of ego.

Trick Williams comes out. He says he will get even and will get even by getting his rematch. He says he wants his rematch tonight. He thanks him for the trickshot as he says he fell into the NXT Title.

He says Trick isn't the guy around here anymore, he is. He says the title proves it. He says his title request rematch is "denied". Shawn Spears comes out. He says Page wouldn't be champ if his view wasn't obstructed and said he should be thanking him. Shawn asks Trick, "who's the goofy @ss now?".

Shawn said Trick wouldn't listen to his advice and he won't let him get a rematch. He says Trick goes to the back of the line. Je'Von Evans comes out. He says they need to shut up. He says he knocked them out and pinned them and got close to winning the NXT Title. 

He said he's calling his shot now then all four fight. The two heels are knocked out of the ring then refs come down to stop it.

We see Lexis King's challenge to Tony D from Twitter and we see Tony's response.

Karmen Petrovic vs Arianna Grace

KP spinning lariats her and slaps her. KP hits chest kicks. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx come out. KP indian deathlocks Grace. Grace 2nd rope elbows her in the neck then kneelifts KP. They trade shots. Grace kicks her form the buckles. KP leg kicks her and screw kicks her to win.

Thoughts: This was too short and the finish was lame. The screw kick doesn't look real good as a regular move and I can't buy it as a finisher.

Fallon Henley attacks KP after.

We see Ava meeting with Brooks Jensen. She said his actions have gotten out of hand. Brooks says he's been in his own head trying to figure out what's going on and says he owns it. Ava says this life isn't easy and there's highs and lows. He says he's under pressure. Ava says her and Shawn Michaels were ready to release him. Ava said they decided to give him a second chance. She says you are a WWE superstar 24/7 and have to carry yourself that way.

NXT Heritage Cup Match - Tony D'Angelo (c) vs Lexis King

Round 1 - Eddy Thorpe has a DJ set up on the rister for some reason. Tony wristlocks King. King rolls and upkicks out of it. Tony shoulders King over. Tony drops down and King walks on him. Tony spinebusters him then does some takedowns. Tony armlocks him.

Tony armdrags him and King dropkicks him. Tony takes him down and crabs him but the time runs out.

Round 2 - King piefaces him between rounds. Tony hits a perfectplex and pins him to win the fall. 

Round 3 - This starts during PiP break. King is thrown out and pulls Tony out with him. King stomps on him and knees him in the gut. King hits corner spears. Tony rolls him up. King slingshot double stomps him for 2. King grounded abdominal stretches him.

Tony hits shots to the gut and underhook suplexes him. Tony misses a splash and King hits him from behind. King hits a coronation neckbreaker and wins the fall.

Round 4 - King hits a john woo then lariats him. Tony lariats him. Tony hits punches then hits belly to belly suplexes. King 2nd rope diving ddt's him for 2. King cradles him and superkicks him. Tony hits a spinebuster and wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too good as expected. Neither of these guys are NXT's best in-ring guys. Putting them together and under Heritage Cup rules was making it even more unlikely that the match would be good.

We cut to the back and Brooks Jensen is beating up Je'Von Evans. The refs try to break it up. Josh Briggs asks what he's doing. He says he's trying to make an impact and Briggs says come on and get the h3ll out of here.

Chase U and Ridge Holland talk in the back. Ridge says Chase U stole the show and weekend. He says he needs to make it up to them. He says he thinks Thea is ready for a shot at the NXT Title and says after she beats Izzi tonight, Ava will see what he says. He says he got Duke Hudon a North American Title match next week. Reilly says Oba will kill Duke.

Thoughts: This was weird. How is Ridge getting all these people title shots?

Gallus (Wolfgang and Mark Coffey) vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

Gallu get jumped as they enter. Wolf is thrown into the rails then Dupont jumps off the steps and lariats Joe Coffey. Tyson running euros Mark and hits shots. Mark is double shouldered. Igwe facekicks Mark then Mark dropkicks him.

Mark backslides Igwe and Wolf knee drops him right in the teeth. Igwe hits forearms on Wolf. Wolf splashes him in the corner and Mark lariats Igwe from the apron. Wolf slams Igwe for 2.

Tyson gets in and hits nice dropkicks. Tyson does a Tim Horner side slam on Mark then splashes him. Tyson takes a while bump over the top to the floor. Mark hits a big forearm on Igwe. Igwe takes a flying knee + reverse F-5 and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was short but stiff and aggressive. I liked it.

Trick Williams is interviewed. He said Brooks did Evans dirty. Trick says no one will stop him from getting his title match. He said he doesn't care if he has to fight 2v1 tonight but says he better look for a tag partner. Joe Hendry's face then appears on the video tron behind the interviewer.

Wes Lee comes out. He said he believed he could beat Oba Femi but everyone saw what happened. He's wearing some super ugly sweater and said Oba was the better man. He says he doesn't know where to go from here. He said he had a good run in NXT but needs to be hones with himself.

MSK/The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) then come out. Zachary Wentz makes his return after being fired years ago. Wes asks what they are doing here and Wentz asks what he is doing here. Wentz says they and the people don't want to see Wes go. They say they have missed him so much.

Trey says he can't believe he's here. Wes said he's missed them and is proud of them. They say "we know". Wentz says Wes is the greatest N-A champ ever. Trey says Wentz and Wes are the best tag team to ever step foot in the building. Wentz says it's time we get MSK back together and says it's time The Rascalz wrecked shop around here. They all then hug.

Thoughts: This was a great segment and really showed the strength of this TNA/NXT partnership. One of the issues with TNA is that it has so many ex-WWE guys in it, but having all those ex-WWE guys does make for good crossover options with WWE. This helps out everyone and adds to Wes' storyline.

Ethan Page and Shawn Spears are interviewed. Page says they are excited to beat Trick together and says he doesn't believe Trick will find a tag partner. Ethan then asks the interviewer Sarah to get out here and give him space.

Thea Hail vs Izzi Dame

Thea hits leg kicks and Izzi pushes her over. Thea slingshot sunset flips her then tilt-a-whirl armdrags her. Thea is thrown into the buckles and takes a high kick. Izzi boots her in the corner. Izzi backbreakers her then does an STF. 

Tatum Paxley coems out of the crowd and Izzi nails her. Izzi runs into the post when Tatum moves. Thea topes Izzi. Thea top rope crossbodies her then Thea flipping neckbreakers her. Thea codebreakers her arm and taps her out with the kimura.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with Thea working the arm some and it leading to the finish. I'm not sure what the Tatum stuff was about.

Oba Femi gets on the riser and says Duke's new friend must like him. Oba says Duke will realize getting a match with him is a mistake. He says he will destroy him next week. Duke says not to underestimage him. He says he has the attention of Trish and tore the roof off at NXT Toronto. He says he's the MVP of Chase U and says it'll be a pleasure to rip the belt off of him. He says he will give him the biggest Andre Chase University sized @ss whooping.

The Rascalz and Wes Lee talk. They are excited and run into Gallus. Mark says he beats the internet is loving this. Joe asks what they should call them. Wes says if it's two of them, it's MSK, if it's all three it's The Rascalz. Wolf says they don't want him or the rest of TNA here and they make a Joe Hendry crack. Wentz asks what that was all about. Wes says the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Bronco Nima and OTM talk. Nima says The OC broke his nose and says it's time to break them. Price says they will get destroyed. Nima says they messed with the wrong ones. Jaida says they better pray for mercy because they won't get none from them. 

Ava talks to Briggs and Jensen. She's mad about Jensen attacking Evans. Ava says Jensen needs to get it together quickly. She says it's Jensen vs Evans if he's cleared next week. Briggs says he wants to be there and Jensen says he's going in alone. Briggs says he wants Shawn Spears. Ava says she can't have him interfering.

Stevie Turner and Robert Stone chime in. Stevie says Briggs should team with Trick tonight. Stone says, "I can't believe you'd say his name". That seems like another Joe Hendry reference.

The OC (Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) vs OTM (Bronco Nima and Lucien Price)

Luke boots Nima and hits punches. Luke misses a corner charge and Nima delay suplexes him. Luke high kicks Nima then boots him in the corner. Nima drives Karl into the corner. Karl hits shots on Price then Price does a nice uranage. Price corner lariats him. Karl is held for shots then Price hits him in the gut. Karl chinbreakers him and euros him.

Luke lariats Price then big boots him. Price takes a reverse 3D. Michin comes through the crowd at Jaida Parker and the refs and security try to break it up. Karl takes a double team spinebuster and is pinned.

Thoughts: OTM should have been mad here for Nima getting put in a face protector mask but they didn't treat this much different than any other match. It's a shame too since they matched up okay but the logic wasn't good here.

Fallon Henley says Sol Ruca wasted her title shot and tells Kelani to enjoy her title reign asit won't last too long. Sol Ruca is interviewed. She said Kelani proved why she is champ but says it'll be a different outcome when they rematch. Sol says she doesn't have an issue with Fallon but Fallon has an issue with her. Sol says you either put in the work or you just vanish. 

No Quarter Catch Crew is in the parking lot with a car. Charlie says mistakes won't be tolerated. He shuts a car trunk and asks Myles if that's right. He agrees. Tavion asks if they do this often. Wren Sinclair walks by and asks she didn't see a thing.

Thoughts: It was implied here that Damon Kemp was put in the trunk. This follows this subtle storyline of Charlie trying to act like Tony D. This was also likely Kemp's sendoff since he was fired this week. Kemp was an okay guy in the ring but didn't have much of a personality and didn't have a great look. He was probably only there because of his brother and when his brother was let go, he was too.

Fallon Henley vs Sol Ruca

Fallon wristlocks Sol. Sol rolls through it and front facelocks her. Sol flips out of an arm throw. Fallon cartwheels out of a snapmare then Sol dropkicks her. Sol flips out of a hiptoss and hits a codebreaker. Sol handstand walks and is kicked by Fallon.

Sol backrolls her and Fallon hits her house call kick from the side. Sol has her arms pulled back. Sol springboards onto her twice. Sol goes for another and Fallon knocks her off the ropes. Fallong twisting facebusters her.

Sol throws her over and does an interesting stunner while holding onto the arm. She upkicks her and dropkicks her. Sol hits a sol snatcher. Jacy and Nyx then come out and beat her up.

Sol debuted some new moves here and I liked what we saw here. Sadly, we didn't get a clean finish. 

Tatum Paxley talks to a doll in the back. She says Izzi got her distracted and says cool girls like Izzi don't want to play with girls like her. She says girls like Izzi take her dolls away from her. She says she needs to fix her now. She then says something else and rips the head off her dool and throws it down. Wendy Choo then picks it up.

We see Ava and Stevie Turner walk out of the office. Cedric Alexnader follows and Ava says she will see him next week on NXT. Cedric says he's officially in NXT. Stone tells someone to walk in and it's Ashante "Thee" Adonis. Adonis says people have been sleeping but he wants to make sure they are tucked in. He says let's make some money. Stone says two can play this game and slams the door on Stevie.

Gallus vs The Rascalz are set for next week.

Trick Williams and Joe Hendry vs Shawn Spears and Ethan Page

Joe ended up being Trick's surprise partner and gets a big pop.

Trick hits shots on Page then flying lariats him. Trikc throws Spears in and pounds on him. Page hits shots on Trick. Trick corner splashes him and uppercuts him. Joe and Trick hit a double back elbow then Joe fireman's carry throws Spears.

Joe delay suplexes Page then lariats him over the top. The crowd sings "I believe in Joe Hendry" then Trick jumps off the top onto both opponents. Trick beats up on Page during PiP break. Trick misses a corner splash and Spears chops him.

Trick lariats Spears out of the corner. Joe hits euros and chops on Spears. Page bangs Joe's head off the buckles then hits corner spears. Page slams Joe then Joe running back elbows him. We return from break and Joe hits euros on Page. Page high kicks Joe and ddt's him. 

Spears hits mounted shots on Joe. Page and Joe trade shots. Page guillotine chokes Joe then Joe deadlift suplexes him. Trick gets in and hits leg lariats on Spears. Trick flies into Page's uranage. Spears neckbreakers Trick for 2.

Trick takes a double suplex and Page front facelocks Trick. Spears chops Trick then Trick hits a jumping neckbreaker. oro Mensah comes in and attacks Page. Page runs up into the stands away from him. Joe is tagged in and hits lariats on Spears. Joe ddt's Spears then fallaway slams him. Joe then kips up.

Spears is thrown out and takes a pumping knee from Trick. Joe hits a chokeslam on Spears and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good tag here and the crowd just as insane as they have ever been. This is Trick's house and Joe took it over here. It was about what it should have been and Joe being the mystery partner here was a great surprise. Joe Hendry is one of the hottest acts in wrestling right now and if he can find a way to keep this thing going, the sky could be the limit. I'm not sure where the Oro Mensah stuff is going but props to NXT for following up with that storyline.

Overall thoughts: Wow, what an NXT, eh? This was absolutely must see with Joe Hendry appearing and The Rascalz reuniting. Even if nothing else had happened here, it still would have been must see. The Gallus tag and the main were probably the best things on here as it was not a great night for match quality, but again, it didn't really matter. This was a spectacle and easily outshined anything NXT has done in months.

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