Tuesday, July 9, 2024

TNA Xplosion 7/5/2024

TNA Xplosion 7/5/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/tna-xplosion-6282024.html

Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Shogun

Shogun is a black guy with a shark tooth necklace and a large mouth entrance mask. BC backs him up o nthe ropes, leapfrogs him then dropkicks him. BG goes up and over then flying headscissors him. GB plancha's him outside. Shogun blocks a jumping knee and sends BG into the buckles. Shogun hits an exploder for 2.

Shogun says, "well, what do we have here?" and says to "get your punk @ss back up" to BG. BG hits lariats. BG hits kicks then spinebusters him for 2. Shogun does a spinning sledgehammer shot and hits forearms.

BG is thrown out but skins the cat and gets back in. BG does a ripcord jumping knee then 2nd rope spears him for the win.

It wasn't too pretty here with these two not moving well together and not having the cleanest match ever. Shogun is uh something alright.

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Gia interviews Judas Icarus. Gia says The Motor City Machine Guns are her favorite tag team and says Judas' team might give them a run for their money. Judas works with the homeless outside of wrestling. They both say they try to help and defend others more than themselves. Gia says that's why he's a great tag partner.

He said he was a volunteer, got hired as a janitor and then progressed from there. Gia says the sky is the limit for Sinner and Saint.

ABC vs Sinner & Saint (Travis Williams and Judas Icarus)

Trav works Bey's arm and Bey wristlocks him. Trav bridges out of a wristlock. Bey backrolls into a headscissors. Bey double stomps Trav's back. Bey chops him and back elbows him.

Trav takes a double japanese armdrag and a double basement dropkick. Trav handsprings off the ropes and lariats Ace. Judas back elbows Ace in the corner and knees him in the back. Judas suplexes him for 2.

Trav chops Ace and is sent out. Bey slingshots in and spin kicks Judas. Judas avoids a double team. Trav is on Judas's shoulders and hits a double dropkick off of it. Bey takes a double kick in the corner. Trav is irish whipped into a tope on Bey.

Ace handstands then kicks Trav from the apron. Bey rolls up Juads then spinning forearms him. Bey enzugiri's Trav. Trav takes a knee from Ace then is russian legsweeped. Ace is thrown up into a german. Bey plancha's Trav outside. Bey is thrown up into a cutter on Judas. Bey then pins Judas.

Thoughts: It was an indy style match as expected here with lots of enzugiri's and flying. It was watchable but there were not real face or heel alignments here and there was no real story here.

Overall thoughts: We seem to be back to getting two new matches a show which is good here. Neither were that great though and this one wasn't worth seeing.

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