Thursday, July 18, 2024

WWE Main Event 7/17/2024

WWE Main Event 7/17/2024

Last week's show is here:

Joaquin Wilde vs Luca Crusafino

Luca shoulders him over. Wilde flying headscissors him and armdrags him. Luca bends over and is kicked. Luca rolls him up off a flying headscissors attempt in a cool moment. Luca forearms him then Wilde headscissors him over the top rope. Wilde springboard dropkicks him.

Wilde walks up the ropes for an armdrag but is thrown down. Luca hits a nice lariat. Luca suplexes him then chinlocks him. Luca knees him in the gut. Wilde flying forearms him. Wilde facebusters him for 2. Wilde does a flying armbar.

Wilde misses an asai moonsault then Luca codebreakers him for 2. Wilde tornado ddt's him then hits a 450 to win.

Thoughts: I didn't expect much out of it but they meshed well and had a fun little match. Luca got a chance to do more of a workrate match than usual and showed up well in it.

Pete Dunne vs Malik Blade

Here's a random one. Pete takes him down by the arm and armlocks him. Blade kips up and wristlocks him. Pete stomps Blade's arm. Blade cartwheels to his side then hits armdrags and a nice dropkick.

Pete hits a lariat then splits Blade's fingers. Pete stomps Blade's arm into the mat. We go to break and return. Pete works Blade's hand/wrist then pulls on the fingers. Pete slams him around then Blade fires back. Blade hits running forearms then headhunters him. Blade top rope crossbodies him for 2.

Pete step up enzugiri's him and Blade hits a 2nd rope twisting blockbuster. Blade comes off the top and Pete forearms him. Pete splits the fingers then hits bitter end for the win.

It was a nice match here that they figured out. Pete bullied him around with jointwork and Blade got his fast paced, high flying comebacks in before getting put done. This was done well.

Overall thoughts: We only had two new matches as usual but this one showed the fun of Main Event. You get to see random matches you wouldn't see otherwise and both of the matches we got ended up being good. Neither match was must see, but it was a good way to spend 20 minutes.

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