Thursday, July 18, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/18/2024 Episode #73

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/18/2024 Episode #73

Last week's show is here:

Athena and Billie Starkz come out to talk. Athena says she's not healed, she was just happy when she was off her crutches last week. She says it was just an adrenaline rush. Billie said she outsmarted all the girls when she became ROH Women's TV champ.

Athena says she's still better than Queen Aminata even on one foot. She says they will enjoy the night. Athena says she will have Lexy Nair interview Aminata and give her 5 minutes of uninterrupted time. She says she hopes Aminata isn't at a loss for words.

We see a Dalton Castle interviewed. He has no partners for tonight. He says he has been looking all over but can't find anyone. The Outrunners then walk in. Dalton says good to meet you and they said they already met. They offer to be his tag partners tonight. Dalton hecks out their muscles and says he will see them out there.

Thoughts: This was dumb since Dalton has been with The Outrunners multiple times already.

Dalton Castle and The Outrunners vs Lance Archer and The Righteous

DC and Vincent go at it. DC is thrown out then runs around ringside. Vincent takes down DC and Vincent back elbows him. Dutch and Turbo Floyd go at it.

Floyd gets nailed then side headlocks Dutch. Floyd hits a boot off the ropes and Truth punches Dutch from the 2nd rope. Turbo shoulders Dutch over and The Runners hit a double elbow drop.

Dutch crossbodies Truth. Dutch lariats him then hits an exploder. Truth takes a backdrop into a side effect. Lance running back elbows Truth. Vincent hits a low flatliner on Truth then chinlocks him. Truth backdrops Vincent.

DC hits shots on Vincent. DC boots Lance off the apron. Vincent back springboards then is caught with a german. Lance running back elbows DC. Turbo saves DC from blackout. Lance facekicks Turbo. Lance is held in the corner then Dutch black hole slams Turbo. Lance hits blackout on Truth and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. It just didn't click like it should have and didn't have a lot of interesting points to it. 

We get a video on MxM Collection. They say they represent the three F's - Fashion, Fitness and Philantrophy. They say to let us inside you. 

Red Velvet vs Maya World

They say Maya is the prized student of Athena though she's never with them or anything on TV. Red throws her off the lock-up. Red snapmares her. Maya side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Red kips up then leg lariats her.

Maya hits shots on her in the corner then Red hits some. Red stomp flurries her then hits a Japanese armdrag. Red meteora's her on the ropes then standing moonsaults her. Red flapjacks her. Maya's on her knees and Red forward rolling drivers her to win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here. This might have worked better if Maya was featured and used regularly. Red's finisher looked good.

Evil Uno comes out to talk. He says he's been doing this for 20 year and has worked hard. He says the easiest way to be considered one of the greats is to battle one of the best in the world. He says to bring people from NJPW, CMLL or Stardom. Katsuyori Shibata comes out.

Evil Uno vs Katsuyori Shibats

Uno's wrestling in pants, a button up shirt and a tie. KS chokes him with the tie and snapmares him with it. Uno throws KS out and into the rails. Uno hits chops on KS. KS no sells them and runs through his chop. Uno forearms him then KS running facekicks him. KS pump kicks him then hits forearms in the corner. KS corner dropkicks him.

KS armbars him. Uno ropebreaks and doesn't give up. The ref awards the match to KS.

This was random and I have no idea what the finish was about.

The Cage of Agony vs Austin Mulitalo, Cappuccino Jones and Carson Hutcheson

They messed up Austin's name bad here. Austin has been regularly featured here as he wrestles for Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling, which you should check out.

Carson hits Toa from behind, gets nowhere and is knocked down with a punch. Toa hits him in the gut several times then slams him. Kaun chops and slams Carson. Cage fallaway slams Carson. Austin gets shoulderd over by Cage. Cage germans Austin. Austin takes corner attacks then takes an alabama slam. Carson gets spinebustred. Austin is then thrown into a Kaun powerbomb. Kaun get the pin.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here that we have seen dozens of time.

Austin takes a t-gimmick to the outside onto his partners after.

Shane Taylor does a promo. He said a hurricane came through Houston. He said they had no power and said nobody in ROH or AEW called to even see if they were alive. Shane says if that was other people's families, they would have called them. Shane says this is all the motivation he needs. He says they don't care or value what he loves. He says he will take what they value and love. Shane says at some point, Mark Briscoe will stop ducking him and he will face him for the title. Shane says he will be looking for him.

Queen Aminata vs. Mackenzie Morgan

Queen release germans her twice to start. MM hits forearms then Queen hits another release german. Queen facewash kicks her in the corner. Queen hits an air raid crash and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with Queen doing a bunch of posing. 

Lights Out Match - Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch

Dia swings a kendo stick at her and LH takes her down. LH backdrops her. LH goes to dive slowly and Dia hits her with a trash can. LH gets a trash can put on her head then Dia hits it with the trash can lid. Dia then dropkicks her with the can on her head.

LH is thrown into rails and Dia is back body dropped over it. She lands on her feet. LH jumps off a chair onto her. Dia hits LH with a chair in the gut. Dia then chairs her back. Dia dropkicks a chair into LH, who is against the rails. 

Dia grabs a plunger. LH puts the plunger on Dia's mouth. Dia chairs her in the gut then dropkicks a chair into her. LH is tripped into the chair then LH is german'd near tumbtacks. LH then rolls on them when she tries to get out of the pin.

LH kendo stick shots Dia. Dia is put on a table outside and LH moonsaults her off the buckles. LH struggles to set up a table in the ring. Dia hits her multiple times with a kendo stick and chokes her with it. Dia 2nd rope sunset bombs her through a table and wins.

Thoughts: It was your usual hardcore match. It was mostly all weapons shots here and it was fine for what it was. The moonsault through the table outside looked rough.

Overall thoughts:  It was a nothing show as usual. The main was fine but the rest of the show had the usual pointless squashes and little going on.  No champs wrestled on this show. We are 8 days away from the PPV and we only know of 3 matches. The show continues to be a complete failure of a wrestling show with nothing going on inside the ring or out of it. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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