Saturday, July 6, 2024

Marigold 6/30/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 9

Marigold 6/30/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 9

Natsumi Showzuki vs Komomo Minami

KM dropkicks her and they trade armdrags. They trip each other and stand off. KM uses the ropes to headlock takeover her. KM goes for the armbar. NS drops her with a forearm then does it again. NS runs at her and hits a high kick. NS slams her for 2 then camel clutches her.

NS pulls both of KM's arms back and NS kicks her in the back. NS springboard double knees her off the bottom rope. KM slams her then NS hits a nice dropkick. NS meteora's her against the ropes. NS fisherman suplexes her for 2.

KM rolls her up for 2 twice. KM jumps over her side and ddt's her. KM rolling armbars her on the mat. KM dropkicks her multiple times. She misses one then NS half-crabs her. NS lion tamers her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good opener here. KM's only a few matches in and she's already having solid outings. Her and NS matched up really well for some reason and kept it interesting a fast pace. 

Victoria Yuzuki vs Miku Aono

Miku wristlocks her then Yuz side headlocks her. Miku reverses it. Yuz hits dropkicks then Miku hits a nice dropkick on her. Miku corner dropkicks her. Miku kicks her in the back. Yuz rolls her into a grounded octopus. Yuz flying headscissors her and dropkicks her.

Miku slams her. Miku half crabs her and ties up her other leg. They trade forearms to the chest and Miku fisherman suplexes her for 2. Yuz throws he rdown off the 2nd rope and superkicks her hard in the head. Yuz tries some horrible looking corkscrew splash twice that I hope we never see again.

Yuz northern lights suplexes Miku then Miku swinging slams her. Miku lariats her and then sliding lariats her. Yuz superkicks her then hip throws her twice. Miku high kicks her and drops her. Miku lariats her and buzzsaw kicks her for 2. Miku misses on the first attempt to butterfly suplex her but hits the second and wins.

Thoughts: It was really promising early and then just got uglier as it went on. Yuz's corkscrew splash move got botched twice and looked so stupid both times. They botched the finish and Miku also didn't fully connect on some of her kicks here either.

Miku offers her hand after. Yuz slaps it away and hits her with an ice pack. Miku then gives the ice pack back to her.

Nagisa Nozaki vs. Kouki Amarei vs. Chika Goto

Kouki and Chika both test of strength NN at the same time. NN boots both then hair throws Chika. Kouki hair throws NN then Chika hair throws Kouki. All three grab each oher by the hair. NN takes a double boot and they screw up an irish whip. Chika hip attacks NN and Kouki running boots NN. Kouki jumping facekicks Chika twice.

Chika hits forearms on Kouki. Chika hits chest forearms on NN. NN double chops her then suplexes her. NN puts her in a sleeper then forearms her down. Kouki and NN trade facekicks. They then facekicks each other at the same time. NN facekicks her down. Kouki facekicks her and hits a cutter for 2.

NN facekicks Kouki then superkicks her. Kouki hits another facekick on NN. Chiaki, who isn't in this, pulls out Kouki and Chika for some reason on the outside to stop a double team. NN reverse pendulum kicks Chika. She then facekicks her for 2.

NN pushes her opponents into each other and STO's Chika while she has Kouki in the ddt position. NN sleepers Chika. NN pendulum kicks her and hits more kicks to the head for 2. NN hits kicks on Kouki then takes a double boot from her opponents. Kouki backdrops NN then misses a top rope 180 splash on Chika. NN basement dropkicks Chika and the time limit runs out.

Thoughts: This was bad. It went on forever and was little but bad three person spots and bad kicks. Nobody looked good in this one and even on paper it seemed like a bad idea.

Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

Nao is wearing the same shirt as NT and carrying a towel that says Passion Marigold on it. It seems they are now a team.

NT and Boz go at it. They shoulder each other and Boz knocks her over. The four fight outside. NT throws a chair at Boz then Boz throws one at her. Boz is sent into the seats and has her head banged off the bleachers. Boz chairs NT. Boz then slams her in the ring.

Myle gets in. She hits shots n NT then NT shoulders her over. NT slaps Boz. Myla takes a double shoulder then a double elbow drop from Nao and NT. Nao slams Myla. NT bullies Myla and kicks her in the back. Nao corner splashes Myla then Myla takes a chop flurry from both opponents.

Nao double underhook suplexes Myla for 2. NT camel clutches Myla then curb stomps her. Nao gets back in and Myla flying lariats her. Myla 2nd rope splashes Nao for 2. MYla spinning neckbreakers her and tags out.

Boz corner splashes Nao. Nao and NT double team Boz with chops then Boz double clotheslines them. Boz sentons Nao. Nao hits forearms on Boz then is knocked over with one. Boz suplexes Nao then misses atop rope splash.

NT hits lariats on Boz then Boz lariats her back. Boz hits a big boot. Boz gets stuck up top then NT superplexes her. Boz no sells it and lariats her for 2. Myla tags in and top rope la silla's NT. NT rebound germans Myla.

Myla tornado ddt's NT off the ropes for 2. Myla take lariats on the ropes then takes a lariat + backdrop combo. Boz criss-cross forearms NT then is back body dropped over he top. NT shoulders over Myla then Myla crucifixes her for 2. NT backdrops Myla for 2. NT top rope splashes Myla to get the win.

Thoughts: Nanae and Nao go the win here in their first time together as a new team. It was okay. Myla didn't embarrass herself here and they definitely tried to establish the Nao and Nanae team. I don't really like Boz taking losses though, especially to a new team like Nao and Nanae. I don't know if Nao is really the best partner for Nanae as Nanae is a top talent and Nao is going to be a low-card girl.

Mai Sakurai & MIRAI vs. CHIAKI & Utami Hayashishita

Mirai get some gifts from sponsors beforehand. Mirai and Utami start us off. Mirai side headlocks her and is put in a hammerlock. Mirai escapes using the ropes. Utami hits a double dropkick then slams Mirai twice. Chi comes in and claws Mirai. Chi facewash kicks her then throws her into the seats outside. Chi then sends Mirai into a wall and stomps her.

They get back in and Mirai dropkicks her. Mai gets in and facekicks Chi. Mai dropkicks her then hits a stunner + reverse ddt combo on her opponents. Mai rolls Chi into a paradise lock. Mai basement dropkicks Chi for 2.

Chi shoulders her over and splashes her for 2. Utami gets some offense in on Mai and torture rack drops her. Mai 2nd rope dropkicks her then does a pump kick. Mirai comes in and hits running back elbows on Utami.

Mirai top rope dropkicks her for 2. Mirai and Urami shoulder battle and Utami knocks her down. Mirai shoulders her over then Utami hits an air raid crash for 2. Chi gets in and rolling spears Mirai. Chi basement dropkicks her then uranages her. Mirai rolls her up then crossfaces her. 

Chi and Mirai trade chops. Mirai chop flurries her. Chi back elbows Mirai then torture rack drops her for 2. Utami runs at Mai and is pulled over the top. Mirai top rope plancha's her opponents outside. Mirai backdrops Chi for 2. Chi powrslams Mirai then Mirai lariats her. Nagisa Nozaki helps out Chi then facekicks her on acccident. Nagisa takes a double lariat and goes out. Mirai wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes Chi. Mirai hits a nice running lariat on Chi and wins.

Thoughts: It fine, just not great. Chi and Mirai matched up well as expected with them both being fiery. We didn't see a ton of Utami or Mai here.

Overall thoughts: It was average overall. Miku and Yuzuki really showed promise but then broke down and the three way was ugly. I liked the main and the opener most here. There was nothing must see on this.

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