Saturday, July 6, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/5/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

El Coyote, Kráneo, Okumura vs El Audaz, Guerrero Maya Jr., Hombre Bala Jr.

1st Fall - Aud headscissors Coy then Coy side headlocks him. Coy trips him then Aud trips him and rolls him. Coy water wheeldrops him. Aud rolls on his back then Coy ties his legs up. Aud armdrags him.

They get back up. Coy kicks Aud, Aud flips out of a snapmare. Aud trips and splashes him then they go head to head. Bala armdrags Oku and Oku armdrags him. Oku spin kicks him in the gut then Bala flying headscissors him. Kraneo shoulders over Bala.

Maya top rope splashes Krane and misses a headscissors. Maya walks up the ropes and armdrags Kraneo. Maya is triple teamed outside. Oku running euros Maya then Kraneo corner hip attacks Maya. Kraneo falling splashes Maya and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Bala is getting triple teamed. Mije tries to jump onto Bala but Olimpico the ref stops it. Aud is laid on the 2nd rope and dropkicked off the buckles by Coy. Maya is triple stomped by the heels. Mije then kicks Maya. Oku mongolian chops Maya then Kraneo headbutts Maya out.

Krane body blocks Coy out on accident. Bala and Aud 2nd rope moonsault outside. Maya comes off the ropes on Oku then does a double underhook neckbreaker on the knee and pins him. Maya's team wins the fall. 

3rd Fall - Aud runs the ropes fast and pump kicks Oku. Aud springboard tornillos him. Aud backflips into a spinning headscissors. Aud flying headscissors Kraneo then is dropkicked by Coy. Aud runs the ramp and flips in to an armdrag on Coy. Bala springboard armdrags Oku. Bala corkscrew headscissors Coy then tilt-a-whirl armdrags him.

Bala dropkicks Kraneo then headstand double knees him in the corner. Bala then flying headbutts him in the corner. Maya hits a nice dropkick on Oku then is triple stomped by the heels. Maya tilt-a-whirl backbreakers all 3 opponents.Aud is dropped onto all 3 heels then Bala triple top rope splashes all 3 heels. The faces try a triple pin but the heels kick out. Maya topes Kraneo then Bala top rope crossbodies Coy.

Oku iconoclasm's Aud then cutters him. Oku pins him and Coy taps out Bala with a nudo.

It was a decent tag here. I popped for Maya's tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Kraneo and the the triple team pin attempt was interesting looking. It really could have been bad but they did an okay job with it.

Rocky Romero vs Averno

1st Fall - I didn't think we'd get to see this one so that's cool. They trade some basic holds. RR snapmares him  and they stare down. Av trips him into an STF. RR rolling armbars him then RR headscissors him down. RR armdrags him. AV trips him and is tripped.

Av chops him and is thrown out. RR goes out and chops him. RR is thrown into the rails. Av hits an angel's wings and wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Av running boots him and throws him out. Av rams RR's back into the post. RR is crotched onto the rail. Av pulls on RR's mouth then throws him onto the ramp. Av gutbusters him on the ramp.

Av chops him then hits a corner lariat. Av misses a corner splash and takes corner lariats. RR rewind kicks him then topes him. RR hits a flying sliced bread and pins him.

3rd Fall - Av calls for timeout outside. RR hits chops in the ring. Av shoulders him over then RR flying headscissors him. RR kicks him from the apron and double stomps him on the floor form the apron. RR hurricanrana's Av off the pop-up for 2. RR rolls up Av for 2.

Av boots him then is hiptossed over the top. RR is pulled down off the apron, banging his head off of it. RR top rope crossbodies Av and Av rolls through it for a 2 count. The feed cuts out. Av is put on the buckles then RR rolls him off into an armbar. Av ropebreaks. Av pushes RR into the ref, low blows RR and wins.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. I couldn't really tell you who the face and heel were supposed to be here. I think Rocky was supposed to be, but he wasn't any good at it. It also probably went a little longer than it needed to. 

Máscara Dorada & Místico vs Magnus & Zack Sabre Jr.

1st Fall - Zack goes to sit on the steps of the entrance then him and Mag run back in before being counted out. Zack slaps away MD's handshake attempt. Zack trips MD and they stand off. MD backrolls and leglocks him then they both put leglocks on. Zack figure fours him. MD ties up the legs and they roll more before getting back up. MD rolls Zack then Zack indian deathlocks him and puts his leg over his neck.

Zack does some arm holds on the mat. MD rolls him into a pin attempt and they get back up. Mag and Mist go at it. Mist springboard twisting crossbodies him then flying headscissors him out. Mist walks up the ropes and springboard corkscrew armdrags Zack out. MD and Mist then do stereo topes.

MD dominators Zack off the razor's edge then top rope 450's him to pin him. Mist springboard twisting crossbodies Mag then submits him with la mistica to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mag stomps Mist while Zack foot chokes Mist. Mag unties Mist's mask. Zack pulls on Mist's neck as he hangs out from the 2nd rope. Zack snapmares and headscissors Mist. KeMalito then dropkicks Mist in the crotch.

Mag tears Mist's mask. Mist then tears Mag's mask. Zack facekicks Mist to stop it then Mag hits punches on Mist. Mist is double stomped on the ramp. KeMalito jumps on MD from the ropes. MD hits step up enzugiri's from the stage then pops up Mist into a headscissors on Mag. MD top rope tornillo armdrags Zack. Mist tornillos outside onto Mag. Mag corkscrew headscissors Zack out then tornillos him. Mist springboard twisting crossbodies Mag. Mag takes off Mist's mask in front of the ref and is DQ'd. Magnus' team loses the fall and match.

Thoughts: You guys know how I feel about intentional DQ's. It just doesn't make much sense for the most part and it guarantees a loss when maybe a match can be win. This wasn't much here with the heels just doing basic stuff and the faces doing a lot of flying.

Overall thoughts: The first match was the only thing I really liked on here. The other two matches had dirty finishes. Romero/Averno went too long and the face/heel lines weren't clear. The main was just the heels ripping at masks and doing basic stomps with the faces doing the flying. We then had a bad finish to end the match. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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