Thursday, June 27, 2024

WWE Speed 6/26/2024

WWE Speed 6/26/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament First Round - Nathan Frazer vs Akira Tozawa

NF runs the ropes fast and dropkicks Toz. Toz topes him. NF runs up the buckles then is top rope dropkicked for 2. They trade shots and NF asai moonsaults him into a reverse ddt. NF running ssp's him for 2. Toz deadlift germans him then corkscrew kicks him for 2. NF superkicks him then hits a phoenix splash to win.

Thoughts: It was exactly what you would think it would be - a super fast-paced juniors match. They made the most they could of the 2:20 they got.

Overall thoughts:
As usual, there was only one very short match. It wasn't must see but they did what they could with the limitations.

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