Thursday, June 27, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 6/9/2024 Star Navigation 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 6/9/2024 Star Navigation 2024

Atsushi Kotoge & Hi69 vs. Hajime Ohara & Ninja Mack

69 and Ohara go at it. Ohara does a cattle mutilation variation and side headlock takeovers him. They stand off. Mack and Kotoge get in. Koto snapmares him and Mack waistlocks him. Mack rolls out of a hiptoss then hits chops. Ohara slams Kotoge as does Mack.

Kotoge flying back elbows him then does a side effect. Kotoge leg lariats him. Ohara back elbows him. 69 gets in and takes some kind of backbreaker throw over the knee. Mack chops both opponents then is popped up into a 69 spinning back elbow.

Ohara tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Kotoge then Mack does the ninja special outside. Mack 2nd rope phoenix splashes 69 and wins.

Thoughts: It was okay for an opener but very far from the best anyone could do here. Mack was the only one to hit any of his bigger moves. 

Takashi Sugiura vs. Anthony Greene

Sugi double chops him off the break. AG hits chops and takes a facekick. Sugi shoulders him out of the ring then AG misses a plancha. Sugi facekicks him against the rails and then forearms him in the gut inside. Sugi bodyscissors him and pulls the arm.

Sugi spears the post when AG moves. AG then plancha's him outside. AG rope walk twisting crossbodies him for 2. AG superkicks him and flips him on a backdrop for 2. Sugi running facekicks him then drops him gut first on the ropes.

Sugi knees him in the gut for 2 and running knees him. AG headlock takeovers him for 2 and superkicks him. Sugi hits a forearm combo then is superkicked. Sugi lariats him then hits forearms in the corner.

Sugi running knees him in the corner then 2nd rope superplexes him. AG cradles him off of it and steals the win.

Thoughts: It was just a match really. Sugi kind of worked the gut some but AG ended up winning via fluke so that never really came into play. The only notable thing about this was AG getting the surprise win.

AG superkicks Sugi off the apron after.

Daga, Super Crazy & Yoshinari Ogawa vs. HAYATA, Starboy Charlie & Yu Owada

Daga and Star go at it. Daga stomps on him. Star flips out of a hiptoss and dropkicks him. Star running ssp's him for 2. Star rolls and they stand off.

Ogawa and Haya go at it. Ogawa side headlock takeovers him then shoulders him over. Ogawa hiptosses him and side headlock takeovers him. Ogawa shoulders him over, then takes an atomic drop and a flying kick.

Yu and Crazy go at it. Yu hiptosses and dropkicks him. Dagadropkicks Yu from behind. Yu is thrown over the top rope and into the rails. Ogawa slams Yu on the floor then bangs his head off the announce table. Ogawa then drags him with a tablecloth.

Daga underhook suplexes Yu then stomps on his arms. Ogawa back body drops Yu then throws him out. Yu is sent into the rails. Ogawa chinbreaksers Yu then throws him out again. Crazy slams Yu on the floor.

Ogawa single leg crabs Yu then pulls on his face. Yu hits forearms on Crazy and is slapped down. Yu is thrown into the post. Yu 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Ogawa. Haya gets in and dropkicks his opponents. Daga takes a handspring kick. Haya step up enzugiri's Ogawa then 2nd rope moonsaults him for 2.

Haya comes off the 2nd rope and takes a knee to the crotch. Star adn Daga trade. Star kips down out of a lariat and pele kicks him. Star then standing corkscrew moonsaults him. Daga superkicks Star in the head then backdrop backbreakers him. Daga superkicks Star then Crazy powerbombs Star for 2. Star ddt's Crazy then 2nd rope corkscrew moonsaults him to win.

Thoughts: Yu got beaten up for most of this then Star and Haya got the win and made the save. It was okay but it would have been nice if Yu got the comeback instead. Star looked really good here and got put in a nice position to show his stuff. 

AMAKUSA & Junta Miyawaki vs. All Rebellion (Alejandro & Cristobal)

Ale armdrags him and legsweeps him. They stand off. Ama armdrags him then flying headscissors him. Cris armdrags Junta and Junta goes out. Junta ducks a lariat and Cris tries to get reactions from the crowd.

Junta running forearms Cris. Ama rolls into a back elbow on Cris for 2. Cris double flying chops Ama. Ale handspring back elbows Ama then 2nd rope diving bulldogs him. Ale top con hilos off an irish whip then slingshot splashes Ama.

Ama takes a double back elbow then Ama takes a double flying chop. Ale stomps on Ama. Ama legsweeps him off a cartwheel. Junta corner dropkicks Ale and suplexes him. Junta hammerlock ddt's Ale. Ale handspring back elbows him.

Junta hits a diamond dust on Cris. Ama springboard back elbows Cris then tornillo crossbodies him for 2. Ama springboard chops Cirs then Junta top rope dropkicks Cris. Junta springboard plancha's Ale outside then Junta does his corkscrew tope on Cris outside. Ama hits a spiral tap on Cris and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with the juniors doing some flying and not overdoing it. Ama wins in his return here. 

Daiki Inaba, Masa Kitamiya & Shuhei Taniguchi vs. Ryohei Oiwa, Titus Alexander & Ulka Sasaki

Masa and Titus go at it. Titus wristlocks him and Masa hammerlocks him. Titus dropkicks Masa then they trade forearms. Titus jumping kicks him then Masa shoulders him over.

Oiwa shoulders over Masa and headlock takeovers him.  Shu and Oiwa amateur wrestle and stand off. Oiwa shoulders him over the double underhook suplexes him. Ulka stomps on Shu then Inaba gets in. Inaba shoulders Ulka over then slams him.

Ulka rolls him up and leglocks him. Titus and Shu get in. Titus high kicks and backdrops him for 2. Shu slams Ulka and Oiwa onto Titus. Shu slams Inaba onto Titus. Masa tries to slam Shu on an opponent but the opponnet moves and Shu eats the mat.

Ulka flying cutters Shu for 2. Masa corner lariats ulka then misses a senton. Ulka flying kicks Masa for 2. Masa starts to hulk up then Ulka flying knees Masa. Oiwa dropkicks and shoulders over Masa. Oiwa splashes him then Masa hits a spear.

Inaba gets in. Oiwa tkaes corner lariats then Shu chokeslams Oiwa. Oiwa takes a senton and sliding lariat for 2. Inaba germans Oiwa then Oiwa germans him. Oiwa dropkicks him and Inaba no sells it. They trade spinning forearms and Oiwa saito suplexes him for 2.

Oiwa germans Inaba for 2. Tius plancha's Masa outside then then Oiwa doctor bombs Inaba to win.

Thoughts: It was a fun 6-man that probably could have gone a lot longer. Inaba and Oiwa matched up really well and I liked their heated segment near the end. It was just a good mix of heavyweights and juniors that worked out great.

Naomichi Marufuji vs. Jack Morris

They clean break and Maru plays with Jack's hair. They flex their chests. Jack side headlocks him then takes him over. Jack shoulders him over. Jack forearms him outside and clubs his back. Maru's head is banged off the apron and buckles.

Maru hits shots in the corner then Kawada kicks him. Maru does a neat kick with the back of his heel then drops him with a spin kick out of the corner. Maru cartwheels out of an irish whip and hits a dropkick.  Jack is sent into the post and chopped against that and the rails.

Jack topes him then top rope splashes him. They trde chops on the apron and hit kicks and pumping knees. Both go down.  Maru misses a top rope dropkick on Jack who had just slid in. Jack then hits it on Maru when Maru gets in. Jack falcon arrows him for 2.

Jack blocks a pumping knee and hits his own. Maru rolls him up and gets the surprise pin.

Thoughts: It was an interesting match with them copying each others moves and until Maru picked up the pin. It was something different from the usual offerings and was a cute little match.

They set up a GLG vs Maru/Sugi match after.

GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match - GLG (Tadasuke & YO-HEY) (c) vs. Eita & Shuji Kondo

Eita shoulders Yo over. Yo goes up and over in the corner then Eita armdrgs him. Yo armdrags him back and they shove each other. Tada pifaces Shuji and shoulders him over. Tada takes a double team ending in a double basement dropkick. Eita is held for a dropkick.

Yo flying headscissors Eita and basement dropkicks him for 2. Eita chinlocks him. Tada als mand legdrops Eita. Eita hits forearms on Tada then is forearmed. Tada powerbombs Eita on the knee then Yo double knees Tada on the ropes.

Shuji does a lariat + bulldog combo on his opponents. Tada brainbusters Eita for 2 then Eita back body drops him. Tada sunset flips Eita but Eita hits a basement dropkick off of it.

Shuji hits forearms on both opponents. Tada hangs off the top rope and Shuji footpresses him down. Shuji hits an overhead throw then Yo double knees him in the corner. Shuji hits a nasty 2nd rope jacknife powerbomb on Yo.

Shuji hits a lanzarse spear on Tada then Eita ddt's Tada for 2. Yo hits a double dropkick then leg lariats Shuji. Yo hits a twist of fate on Eita. Eita takes lariats from Tada for 2.

Eita takes a double team kick in the corner. Eita is on Tada's shoulders and is double stomped. Shuji shotgun dropkicks Yo into them. Eita then armdrags Tada into a pin attempt. Tada flips Eita with a lariat then Yo hits a nice dropkick on Shuji. Tada lariats Shuji then pyramid drivers Eita for 2. Eita takes a dropkick into a cradle shock and Yo meteora's him for 2.

Yo jumping double knee presses Eita for 2. Yo comes off the top and is superkicked by Eita for the win.

Thoughts: I liked it overall. I didn't really expect to but we had some nice fighting spirit here and I thought the general flow of it was good. I thought they could have just ended it when Shuji hot tagged in but they kept it going.

Gabe Kidd & Jake Lee vs. All Rebellion (Kaito Kiyomiya & Kenoh)

Gabe gets on the mic beforehand. He says f*ck Noah and says the GHC Title is the "Gabe Heavy Crown".  He calls his opponents b!tches and p*ssies.

Kaito and Ken run at their opponents and attack. Kaito and Gabe trade forearms. Kaito hits euros then Gabe bites him. Kaito running forearms him. Jake and Ken go at it. Ken facekicks him then Jake shoulders him over.

Ken runs the ropes, Gabe pulls him out and pounds on him. Kaito then nails Gabe from behind as they fight outside. Gabe is sent into the rails. Gabe and Kaito fight in the crowd and go up into the stands. Jake throws Ken into the rails. Kaito and Gabe trade on the steps and Gabe goes down. Jake and Ken also go up into the aisle. Ken hits chest kicks then Gabe chokes Kaito with a chair.

Jake chinlocks Ken on the seats and Kaito/Gabe trade forearms in the aisle in the stands. Kaito dropkicks him. Jake bangs Ken's head off the bleachers. Gabe tries to throw Kaito off the balcony. Jake rakes Ken's face. Gabe exploders Kaito on the floor after they get back to ringside.

Jake stomps Ken and Kaito is sent into the rails. Jake knees Ken in the gut. Gabe uppercuts Ken then does Ken's pose. They trade shots and Ken chest kicks him. Ken is double stomped on by the heels.

Jake slams Ken then crabs him. Jake is pushed into Gabe then Jake stomps on Ken. Ken pele kicks him. Kaito and Gabe are tagged in and trade forearms. Gabe bites him and Kaito hits a big slap. Kaito hits corner punches then stomps on him in the corner.

Kaito basement dropkicks Gabe for 2. Gabe slaps Kaito and Kaito dragon suplexes him for 2. Jake throws Ken out and Kaito flying knees Jake. Gabe release saito suplexes Kaito. 

Gabe and Kaito trade forearms on their knees. They get up and trade and Gabe slaps him in the belly. Kaito flying knees him then Gabe slaps him. Gabe brainbusters him and pushes him over the top rope.

Gabe chairs Kaito in the head. Ken pounds on Gabe then Ken is thrown into the rails. Gabe poses with the GHC Title. Kaito is bleeding and spears Gabe on the apron. Kaito flurries on him and jumping knees him off the apron. The match is then thrown out and goes to a double countout.

Gabe germans Kaito on the floor then hits mounted punches. The four keep fighting and wrestlers try to break it up. Junta Miyawaki get beaten up trying to break it up. Gabe then top rope dives on a bunch of people. Kaito corkscrew springboard shining wizards him in the ring and shining wizards him.

Kaito gets on the mic after and says he has got the belt back. He says he will make it a bloodbath at the next big show and says it will be a complete victory. 

Thoughts: It was a good, traditional Korauken Hall brawl. Kaito was awesome here firing up and matching Gabe's usual crazy brawling. It started off hot with fighting in the crowd and slowed down a little as usual after the match got back in the ring. Kaito eventually made his comeback and the fight just continued on. Ken and Jake were really just along for the ride for this one but that was fine. I thought this was one of the better matches of the year and it really couldn't have gone much better than it did. I just wish Kaito would have got busted open earlier as it really would have added to the drama of this.This is how you do these brawls and this is what wrestling is about.

Overall thoughts: It was a good card by NOAH with a MOTYC level main event. We had some unique matches here like Sugiura vs Green and Marufuji vs Jack. Inaba was good as usual and Oiwa really got put over in the tag with him. The junior's semi-main event was good as well. It was a really good show overall that was different from NOAH's usual offerings and I definitely recommend this one.

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