Sunday, June 2, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 9/11/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 9/11/1995

Last week's show is here:

Eric Brischoff, Bobby Heenan and Mongo McMichael are our commentators.

Mongo says it's the biggest thing on TV since the lady said "where's the beef". He says the beef is right here. Heenan says when you're hot, you're hot and says Hulk is not hot.

We see clips of the Hulk/Lex altercation last week.

They say Hulk's team is down a member at Fall Brawl this Sunday as Vader is AWOL and Hulk's team is currently fighting 4v3.

Sabu vs Alex Wright

Alex hits armdrags and Sabu trips and chokes him. Sabu springboard legdrops him then hurricanrana's Alex over the top. Sabu dropkicks him through the ropes then tope con hilos him outside. Alex is sent into the rail then Sabu jumps off a chair at him but only get the rail.

Alex stomps on Sabu and hits euros. Alex germans him outside. Alex slams him then top rope dropkicks him. Alex plancha's him over the top rope. Alex superplexes him inside then Sabu springboard leg lariats him. Alex moonsaults over him and germans him.

Sabu victory roll bombs him off the top and gets the pin.

It was a short spotfest here with them doing lots of dives. They kept it interesting and got in and out before they overdid it here so I was fine with it. This was a neat matchup.

Sabu beats up Alex after and grabs a table. Alex is put on the table and Sabu springboard splashes him through it. The ref then reverses the decision and gives Alex the win.

Mean Gene interviews Ric Flair in the ring. Ric says he was at South Beach last night and the only thing missing was Arn Anderson. He said Arn was at the hotel room calling his wife and kid, instead of running wild with him. He said they used to rule the world and there was no path in life Arn couldn't walk without him. He gives the Four Horsemen sign and says it was the symbol of excellence.

Former Horsemen member Lex Luger comes out. Ric said Arn told him that Hulk drove him crazy. Ric puts over Lex and says the package will take control tonight. Lex says Ric is too much and some things never change. Lex then leaves and Ric says Hulk goes down tonight.

WCW US Title - Sting (c) vs VK Wallstreet

VK Wallstreet was Michael Wallstreet but that has changed in a week. Eric asks Bobby why but Bobby doesn't have an answer. They say don't bother to tune into the competition (WWF Raw). They say it's 3 weeks old and Eric tells us the results.

VK takes down Sting. Sting backs him up in the corner and hits punches. Sting side headlocks him then hiptosses him. Sting hits nice dropkicks. VK goes out and stalls. Mongo says Luger came from the bush leagues to play with the big boys.

Sting side headlocks VK then VK throws Sting out of the ring. Sting's head is banged off the canvas then VK clubs Sting's chest. Sting slingshot lariats VK. VK headbutts him in the gut then back elbows him. VK hits elbow drops.

Sting sunset flips VK and bangs VK's head off the buckles. Sting hits punches then running lariats him. Sting flying knees him in the back then Sting splashes him. Sting top rope crossbodies him and wins.

It was a little shorter than I would have liked but it was fine. Sting did his flying and looked good and VK did simple but effective offense. I didn't like VK losing on his debut. It just makes you look bad from the start and there was no need for it since Sting could have beaten a lot of people and got the same thing out of it.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs Scott Norton

This isn't Scott's WCW debut, but it's his return after 3 years.

Scott clubs on Macho then short arm lariats him. Scott picks him up by the throat and throws him. Macho hiptosses Scott and lariats him. Macho lariats Scott over the top to the floor. Macho then top rope double axe handles him. Macho hits a big lariat and Scott takes a big bump for it.

Macho comes off the top and is caught with a bearhug. Scott forearms Macho in the spine. Scott hits a rough looking jack knife powerbomb for 2. Scott backbreakers him then gorilla press slams him. Scott hits a nice powerslam for 2. Scott hits a stiff flying shoulder, knocking Macho out of the ring.

Scott bridging ddt's Macho over the top rope. Scott comes off the top and Macho pushes Scott's head down into the mat. Macho flying knees Scott into the buckles. Macho hits punches. The Dungeon of Doom come out and Scott is thrown into them. Tenta has fallen on Scott and Macho somehow pins Scott like that. The rest of The Dungeon then chase Savage off.

Thoughts: This was horrible reffing here. Shark had Scott pinned down when he shouldn't have been there and wasn't even in the match. The ref then counts the pin with Shark on Scot. There is no explanation for that. Even if it's by dubious means, Scott losing on his return is dumb. Macho could have beaten someone else. It's real sad too because this was a good match. Everything Scott did here looked good. He looked like a real powerhouse, so of course he lost. I wish this would have gotten more time as what we got was good.

WCW Title - Hulk Hogan (c) vs Lex Luger

I really hope we don't have our third wrestler in a row losing on their return here.

Lex backs Hulk up and shoves him. They lock up again, the ref breaks it and Lex teases punching him over the ref. Hulk takes down Lex and front facelocks him.  Hulk suplexes Lex and Lex no sells it. Lex side headlocks him. Lex suplexes Hulk and Hulk no sells it. Hulk then poses.

Lex boots and side headlocks Hulk. Hulk teases a punch and Lex slides out. Hulk then throws Lex back in. Hulk back body drops Lex then corner lariats him. They say Lex hasn't been facing top level competition prior to this. Lex powerslams Hulk and calls for the torture rack. Lex puts Hulk in the torture rack.

Lex thinks he has it won and lets Hulk go.  Lex argues with the ref then goes for the pin and gets 2. Hulk starts to Hulk up. Lex hits shots on Hulk. Hulk hits punches then big boots Lex. Hulk legdrops Lex. The Dungeon of Doom come out and beat up Hulk. Maxho Man and Sting come out to make the save. The faces get the edge here and get The Dungeon out.

It was a short one. They saved Lex from a loss here at least. It wasn't too great or anything and had an unusual vibe as a face vs face match.

Lex and Hulk push each other after and Sting, Macho and Jimmy Hart break it up. Hulk says Wargames is a week away and Vader has gone AWOL. He asks Lex where he is coming from and why The Dungeon didn't touch him. Macho asks Lex the same thing. Sting defends Lex. He says Vader is out of the picture and says this is the team here. Macho says it's not the team. He says he'd rather go 4v3 because they get The Taskmaster if they win. Macho says he'd rather know the people on his side are with him than getting stabbed in the back.

Sting says he wants to win Wargames like Macho and says he is voting him in. Macho says he respects it and asks why The Dungeon didn't attack Lex, Sting or Hart. Jimmy is angry and said he went back to get Macho and Sting to help Hulk. Hulk asks Sting if he's saying they should let Lex in Wargames. Hart says innocent until proven guilty. Macho votes no. Hart tells Hulk has the final vote. Hulk says he's torn apart and says they will find out what everyone is made of in the cage. He asks if Lex will be their partner.

Lex says he will step in there and stand with him, but he wants the title shot down the line Hulk promised him. Macho says he's got an ulterior motive.

This was a great segment. It's only been 2 weeks but they set up the "Can you trust Lex?" angle well here and everyone did their roles well. We got a couple of different POV's in this angle which really helped it along. They also set up another Lex vs Hulk title match off of this which was smart.

Eric, Bobby and Mongo talk about it. Bobby says you can't trust anyone on Hulk's team and says something is going down at Fall Bawl. Mongo says Hulk's team has more problems than The Dungeon of Doom. He says they better get their "poo-poo" together or they will get beat.

Overall thoughts: The final angle really helped the show out as it was well done and interesting. I was 50/50 on covering Fall Brawl 1995 before this but now I want to see it. I didn't like VK and Norton losing on their returns here.  It just makes them look bad right from the start when there was a roster full of guys who could have put their opponents over instead and saved them for a bigger match. Norton was saved somewhat by the way he lost, but that was bogus too. I also didn't get why they had Michael Wallstreet become VK Wallstreet other than to get a cheap shot at Vince in. I did like it overall, but this show was not perfect and the final angle just barely saved it in my eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Sabu showing up in WCW was considered a huge deal at the time. He was getting all sorts of praise from the wrestlilng magazines as being the best indy wrestler in the world.
