Sunday, June 2, 2024

CMLL 5/28/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 5/28/2024 Arena Mexico

Minos & Pequeño Violencia vs Angelito & Galaxy

Angel and PV go at it. Angel front facelocks him. PV gets his back and rolls him into a backslide. PV sto's him and they try pins. Angel then kips up and down. Angel hits a nice dropkick and sends him out.

Minos and Gal go at it. Minos headbutts him and takes him over. Gal escapes a front facelock and stands off with him. Minos rolls him up then is armdragged. Minos monkey flips him and Gal armdrags him. Gal flying headscissors him.

PV gets in and takes a spin kick. Angel pringboard plancha's him. PV hits his partner on a failed double team then Angel is thrown up into a hurricanrana on Minos. PV sentons Angel and dropkicks him out of the irng. Gal springboard corssbodies PV then pop up dropkicks Minos. Gal springboard armdrags PV. Gal is caught on a tope and double suplexed on the floor.

Angel is stomped by both opponents. Angel takes an alabama slam and is kicked out of the ring. Gal is double stomped on by his opponents. Gal is sat on the top rope and dropkicked. Angel is popped up and armdrags off of it.

Angel spin kicks Minos. Angel pops up Val into a botch hurricanrana on Minos. Angel is popped up into a tope con hilo on Minos outside. Gal 2nd rope dropkicks PV out then topes him.  Angel and Gal do stereo pop-up hurricanrana's for 2. Minos dropkicks Angel out and Gal kicks Minos out. PV is stuck on the 2nd rope and angel misses a springboard legdrop on him. PV does a cool standing texas cloverleaf on Angel and taps him out. Minos pins Gal with a corner death valley driver.

Thoughts: It was an okay opener but nothing too special. The crowd didn't really care which hurt it. 

Fuego, Legendario, Xelhua vs Calavera Jr. I, Calavera Jr. II, El Gallero

Leg = Legendario, Xel = Helhua, Gal = El Gallero, Cal = Either Calavera

1st Fall - Cal and Xel lock up. Xel ties up his arms then armdrags him. Cal does a cool rolling octopus submission. Xel backrolls into a leglock. Cal standing moonsaults Xel. They get up and slap hands.

Fuego and another Cal go at it. Cal gets out of an armlock and puts one on. Fuego abdominal stretches him. Cal is tripped and rolled then Cal armdrags him and kips up. Fuego springboard armdrags him. Gal and Leg go at it. They chop each other then Leg spinning headscissors him. Leg double jump seated springboard armdrags him then tope con hilos him outside.

The Cal's come in and are double springboard splashed. Fuego rolls up a Cal and Xel does a wacky head and leg submission to tap the other Cal out. Fuego's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Leg and a Cal go at it. Leg top rope tornillo armdrags him. Leg is stomped on by the other Cal. Leg flips over a double clothesline then is popped up into a headscissors on Gal. Leg tilt-a-whirl armdrags Cal. Xel back elbows a Cal and Gal kicks Xel from the apron. Cal facekicks Gal on accident then takes armdrags. Xel dropkicks Cal then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers a Cal.

Fuego and a Cal go at it. Fuego ducks shots and headscissors him. Feugo backrolls into an armdrag. Fuego limbos out of Cal's lariat then springboard armdrags him. Fuego then dances. Leg and a Cal go at it. Leg is tripped and pulled out. Fuego is sent out too. The Cal's do asai moonsaults en stereo outside.

Gal sitout powerbombs Xel and pins him. Gallero's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Leg is triple stomped to start the fall. Leg takes a triple boot. Xel is back elbowed out then Fuego is takes a double dropkick. The faces are beaten up. Leg is double hiptossed then picked up and dropped by his opponents. Mije 2nd rope double axe handles Leg in the crotch.

Xel is stomped on. Mije tries to dive on him but the ref catches him and stops it. Fuego is double hiptossed into the ropes and headscissors Gal. The Cal's take stereo springboard armdrags. Leg 2nbd rope moonsaults a Cal and Feugo tope con hilos a Cal. Xel northern lights suplexes Gal then taps him out with a cool submission. Fuego's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: I thought it was decent overall. Fuego's dancing was an entertaining and Xel had good submissions. I didn't like Mije being able to interfere. The beginning of the 3rd fell apart some.

Lighting Match - Sanely vs Olympia


Sane side headlocks her and spins her into an armdrag. Olym armdrags her and Sne grabs the leg. Sane armlocks her, Olym kips up and is fireman's carried. Olym uses the ropes to flip out of an armlock and armdrags her.

Sane uses the ropes to headlock takeover her. Sane flying headscissors her. Sane rolls over her then armdrags her. Sane diving armdrags her off the 2nd rope then armdrags her. Sane basement dropkicks her. Sane takes her shirt off and throws it. Olym shoulders her over then elbow drops her.

Olym stomps on Sane. Olym corner lariats Sane then headstand pedulum bronco busters her in the corner. Olym kicks Sane in the leg and squats with her before doing a samoan drop. Sane cradles her.

Olym chops her then Sane does a stiff flying kick to knock her off the apron. Sane 2nd rope plancha's her. Olym footchokes her inside. Sane goes up and over the n corner splashes her. Sane crossbodies her against the bottombuckle for 2. Olym hiptosses her and cartwheels into a basement dropkick for 2.

Olym figure fours her and Sane ropebreaks. Sane bulldogs her off the casadora for 2. They trade chops on their knees. Olym goes for a swinging side slam and is rolled up. Sane backrolls her into a dragon sleeper and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as I was hoping for. The pace was a little slower than I wanted and it felt like there was a bit of a pause between various moves.

Felino, Felino Jr., Rey Bucanero vs Blue Panther Jr., Dark Panther, El Hijo De Blue Panther

Fel = Felino, FJ = Felino Jr, Hijo = El Hijo de Blue Panther Jr., BJ = Blue Panther Jr

1st Fall - Rey and Hijo go at it. They double knuckle lock and Hijo armdrags him. Rey armdrags him then crucifixes him for 2. Hijo armdrags him. Hijo headflips out of a wristlock and both tag out.

Fel and BJ go at it. Fel goes for an armbar and is leg barred. BJ armdrags him then flying shoulders him. Rey and BJ trade. BJ spin kicks FJ and FJ throws him over the top. FJ superkkicks Hijo then rolls Dark  into la magistral to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Dark is held for a shot from the parrot mascot Zacarias. Zac 619's Dark. Rey hiptosses Dark over the top rope. Dark is held for a spear from Rey. Dark is put in tree of woe and takes a triple kick.

FJ headbutts Dark. Hijo is put on FJ's knees and Rey corkscrew moonsaults him. BJ avoids a triple team then Hijo slingshot triple splashes his opponents. Fel's team are all then put in nudo's and pinned together. The Panthers win the fall.

3rd Fall - Fel's legs are split and Dark headbutts him in the nuts. FJ is then headbutted in the nuts. Hijo flips over Rey's back then flying elbows Fel. Hijo powerslams Rey. FJ is flapacked onto Rey. The Panther's hit stereo plancha's outside.

Rey takes corner attacks and kicks. Dark lariats Rey over. BJ is dropped down onto Rey for 2. Rey hits a oduble lariat on The Panther's then Dark is triple stomped. The Panther's do triple pin attempts. Fel's tea takes tilt-a-whirl backbreakers from Hijo then Fel's team is all rolled up for 2.

BJ superkicks Rey and BJ is suplexed into HIjo. The Panther's take spinebusters and are put in triple submissions. The Panther's are pinned.

It wasn't that good. The Panther's aren't big flyers and Rey/Felino can't do a ton.  It was just a limited match with few exciting moments.

MLW Tag Titles - Satoshi Kojima and Okumura vs Magica Blanca and Rugido

Koji and Rug start us off. They trade armlocks. Rug headlock takeovers him and is headscissored. Rug trips him and rolls him around the ring. Rug northern lights suplexes Koji then armdrags him. Oku and MB go at it. Oku is armdragged, trips him then is armdragged again. Oku takes off his face mask as they go chest to chest and they trade shots. MG dropkicks him and is shouldered out by Koji.

Rug and Koji shoulder battle. Rug dropkicks him then is armdragged. Oku faltliners him the MB top rope crossbodies Oku. MB 2nd rope hurricanrana's Oku out. Rug and MB are sent into the rails outside.

Rug is back body dropped then basement dropkicked by Oku. MB is tripped and takes a baseball slide by Koji. Oku takes down Rug then Rug takes a double backdrop. MB dropkicks both opponents. Rug and MB do stereo topes out.

Koji takes corner lariats then Rug northern lights suplexes him. Oku is pulled off the 2nd rope and basement dropkicked by MB. Koji machine gun chops both opponents.

Koji corner forearms Rug then top rope elbow drops him for 2. Koji and MB trade forearms and Koji lariats him. MB knees and running boots Koji. MB spin kicks Oku then takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker twice. Oku michinoku drivers MB for 2.

Oku and Rug trade then Rug powerslams him for 2. MB is popped up into a double dropkick on his opponents. He 2nd rope corkscrews Oku then Rug asai moonsaults Koji and his own partner outside. Oku cutters MB from the 2nd rope for 2. Rug northern lights suplexes Oku then MB top rope splashes Oku for 2. Oku corner lariats MB then Oku takes a 2nd rope cradle shocks for 2.

Koji running lariats Rug. Oku iconoclasms MB then Koji running lariats MB. Oku cutters Rug and Koji/Oku win.

Thoughts: Tuna and ice cream don't mix. You can fry it, boil it, you can cook it longer, whatever, it's not going to work. The warm-up matches for this weren't that good and this wasn't that good either. It just wasn't a great combination and the match was not that interesting. It also ended up going too long. I don't know how you make this one work and I don't want to watch them try and figure it out again.

Atlantis, Atlantis Jr., Flip Gordon vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible

AJ = Atlantis Jr., Barb = Barbaro Cavernadio, Terr = Terrible

1st Fall - AJ and Barb go at it. Barb snapmares him and goes to rip the mask up. Barb hammerlocks him and rolls him up. AJ grabs the arm and Terr boots him. Barb trips AJ then AJ armdrags him. Barb punches him then they shoulder each other. AJ shoulders him over. AJ boots him then flying headscissors him.

Barb sends AJ into the rails outside. Flip and Atlantis Sr. are beaten up on by the rudos. Atlantis takes corner attacks then Barb basement dropkicks Atlantis. Terr then pins Atlantis to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Flip takes a triple boot then Atlantis is triple clubbed and stomped. AJ takes a double back elbow. Barb goofs around before kicking him while he's held in the air. Terr nails Flip and Atlantis is double teamed. Rojo unties Atlantis' mask then Barb kicks Atlantis in the leg. Barb bites Flip then Barb's partners also bite Flip. The ref DQ's the heels for the endless biting/triple team and the faces win the fall.

3rd Fall - Rojo camel clutches Flip. Flip is sent into Terr's boot. Terr kicks AJ in the leg from behind. AJ superkicks Rojo then 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him. AJ flyng headscissors Terr then headscissors Barb out. AJ topes Barb. Flip flips over Rojo then spingboard slingblades him.

Flip does kip ups and kip downs against Barb. Flip springboard crossbodies Barb. Barb slaps Flip. FLip goes up and over him then springboard headscissors him. Atlantis gets in and is double teamed. Atlantis escapes the double and triple team and hits a double Japanese armdrag. Atlantis hiptosses his opponents then sends Barb into the rail outside.

Flip springboard dropkicks Rojo then headscissors Barb out. Flip tope con hilos Barb then AJ runs the ramp and crossbodies Rojo to win it.

The match was pretty lazy and not that good outside of a minute or two in the 3rd. The 2nd fall finish with the rudos being DQ'd for biting and not listening to the ref was very lame.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good show. The top 3 matches weren't good and the women's match wasn't as good as it should have been. The first two matches were okay though.

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