Thursday, June 27, 2024

TNA Impact 6/27/2024

TNA Impact 6/27/2024

Last week's show is here:

Gia Miller interviews Jordynne Grace in the ring. She says Ash by Elegance has been watching her since she got here, trying to get her attention. Grace says she signed a contract for a title match with Ash tonight.

George Iceman comes out and says to hold on. George says there will be a match and it won't take place tonight. It'll take place at Slammiversary. He says Ash will take a vacation until then. George says they brought security to bring her out of there because she's violent and unpredictable. Ash tells security to go get her. Grace beats up and throws out security.

Masha Slamovich vs Xia Brookside

Masha stares down Grace as she enters. Masha side headlocks her then Xia side headlocks her. Masha wristlocks her. Xia kips up out of it and side headlock takeovers her. Xia headscissoers her out of the corner and dropkicks her. Xia monkey flips her.

Alisha Edwards is with Masha and trips Xia. Masha lariats Xia against the ropes. Masha snapmares Xia then PK's her for 2. Alisha pulls on Xia's hair then Masha suplexes Xia. Masha hits short arm lariats for 2.

Xia hits lariats then flying headscissors her. Xia meteora's her from behind in the corner and neckbreakers her. Xia step up knees her. Alisha gets on the apron and gets hit then Masha northern lights bombs her for the win.

Thoughts: It was just average. There was nothing too special or noteworthy here.

First Class talk in the back with DJ Whoo Kid. AJ says he's the TNA Digital Media champ now. AJ says he bought the International Heavyweight Title from Gino Brito. AJ says he's declaring himself the International Heavyweight champ as he owns and bought the title.

Thoughts: This was a dumb angle here. Few people know that belt or Gino and buying it doesn't exactly lead to legitimacy.

Jody Threat, Dani Luna and Lars talk in the back. Lars says the work doesn't stop here since they won, now they double down. Lars says this is where they play the mind games and overcome. Lars says they will face each other in a final test. He says to bring the violence to each other.

Champagne Singh brings out Mustafa Ali. Ali says a video appeared at Against All Odds with rumors, slander and propaganda. He said it was made to smear his good name. Hes says the video was fake news and AI generated. He says Chicago is #1 and says a lot of those things are crime related, but we are #1. He talks about new challengers for the X-Division.

The crowd chants "We Want Speedball" and Ali says no we do not. He says a group of fans here are trolls and tells security to get them out. Security grabs them and one of them throws a drink at ali. Ali then goes after the planted fan, pulling him over the rails and hitting him. Ali pounds on the planted fan then Mike Bailey comes out and beats up on Ali.

Security tries to separate them and does for a bit then Ali goes after Mike. Mike grabs the title and holds it up at him. Ali said Mike ruined his homecoming and he will ruin his. He then challenges him to a title match at Slammiversary.

Mike Bailey says Ali's campaign is falling apart and we are seeing the real Ali. He said letting him hold the title and giving him a title match at home were mistakes.  

ABC vs Jake Something and Cody Deaner vs The Rascalz

Deaner says Santino is excited him and Jake are back in the tag division. Deaner says he was told if they win, it puts them in line for a tag title shot. Deaner says it's not their choice though, it's the people's choice. Wentz gets on the mic and says Chicago sucks. Trey asks why would they deserve a #1 contendership since they lost the last time they were together. Trey says they have another choice and that's for the ref to raise The Rascalz' hands. Bey says there's another choice - they shut up and ABC starts the match right now. Bey then tope con hilos The Rascalz.

We go to PiP break and return. Trey knees Deaner in the back and rakes his eyes with his boots. Deaner hits shots on The Rascalz then takes an indian deathlock + baseball slide. Ace lariats Bey then 2nd rope diving bulldogs Wentz. Wentz russian legsweeps and legdrops Trey.

Bey spinning forearms Wentz. The Rascalz hit corner attacks and Wentz is thrown into leg lariats in the corner. Wentz lays on Trey's knees and takes a double stomp. Jake chops Trey and somehow it counts as a tag. Jake running shoulderblocks everyone over. Jake sitout powerbombs Ace for 2. Wentz crossbodies Jake over the top. Jake lands on his feet. Jake catches a tiger feint from Trey and throws him at Wentz. Ace handstands on the apron and is thrown at The Rascalz.

Bey is thrown into a cutter on Deaner and Ace hits the fold on Deaner to win.

Thoughts: The pre-match build-up for this didn't make much sense. The match was wild though with Jake throwing everyone around and the action being fast paced.

The system and JDC do a promo. Alisha says they will always be the TNA champs. Eddie says The System will always prevail. Brian says their run will never end and they are the most dominant faction. Moose says he's not worried about the Slammiversary match though says the one loose cannon may be a problem. He says JDC will take care of that person and says they will show the world why you always trust The System.

Sami Callihan talks about what Slammiversary means. He says he's at his best there. Steve Maclin says the most eyes are on TNA at Slammiversary. Sami says Steve's one of the best wrestlers but he ain't him. He says it won't be a wrestling match, it will be a fight. Steve says Sami's not the same Sami's he used to be.

Road to Slammiversary Qualifier - Sami Callihan vs Steve Maclin

Steve busaiku knees him then misses a splash. Sami hits a piledriver for 2. Steve hits forearms then lariats him. Steve is side-stepped on a tope. Steve busaiku knees him then 2nd rope headbutts him for 2.

Sami is sent into the post then Steve elbow drops him off the apron. Steve is explodered on the floor. Steve uranage backbreakers him inside. Sami rolls on him on a backdrop attempt then Sami corner exploders him. They fight on the buckles and Sami 2nd rope death valley drivers him. Sami short piledrivers him for 2. They fight on the apron and Sami hits headbutts. Steve busaiku knees him and double underhook ddt's him on the ropes to win.

Thoughts: It went long, was a little slow and I thought they did way too much here with Steve surviving a 2nd rope death valley driver.

Alan Angels vs KUSHIDA

Kushida jumps off the top when AA goes after him. Kus flying crossbodies him then throws him out. Kush is still wearing his jacket and kicks him in the arm. Kush is stunnered over the top rope and AA dropkicks him off the ropes.

AA neckbreakers him then back elbows him. Kush hits kicks then is dropkicked on a handspring attempt. AA plancha's outside and is caught in an armbar. Kush bulldogs him down by the arm outside. AA springboards and is caught with a punch for 2. Kush kimura's him and AA taps out.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Kush focusing on the arm and eventually submitting him with a kimura.

Jonathan Gresham attacks Kush after. JG tries to put ink in Kush's mouth and security backs him off. 

Reby, Matt and Jeff Hardy do a promo. Matt says it'll be him and Reby vs Alisha and Eddie Edwards at the PPV. Reby says Alisha will learn that this b!tch is back.

Rich Swann and Nic Nemeth talk about Slammiversary. Nic talks about how big it is. Rich says the importance of the qualifiers can't be put into words. Rich says Nic is spreading himself too thin. Rich says he's first class and will be on dat @ss. Nic says Rich is a former world champ and knows what it takes to be there. Nic says he's somewhat new to TNA but not new to being a champ. Rich says he's taking the first class flight and will be treated as first class. Nic says it'll be one of the best matches we have ever seen. Nic says he came to TNA to become world champ.

Road to Slammiversary Qualifier - Rich Swann vs Nic Nemeth

Nick pulls on the arm and chin then hammerlocks him. Rich kips up and down then dropkicks him. Rich then gyrates. Nic takes down Rich then chinlocks him. Nic hits armdrags and a dropkick then gyrates.

They take each other down and Rich wristlocks him. Nic hits a russian legsweep for 2 and Swann gets gin and juice from DJ Whoo Kid. AJ trips Nic then slams a drink can off of his head. AJ goes to punch Nic and is caught then ejected by the ref.

We go to break and return. Nic headbutts him and is eye raked. Rich buzzsaw kicks him. Nic hits flying clotheslines and a flying splash. Nic neckbreakers him then hits elbow drops.

Rich flying lariats him for 2. Rich buckle bombs Nic then takes a fameasser after a missed spear. Nic grounded sleepers him. Rich flying kicks him for 2. Nic gets his knees up on a splash from the buckles. Rich handspring cutters him for 2.

They trade shots. Nic headbutts him and Swann high kicks him. They trade superkicks and Nic hits a jumping ddt. Nic then hits a danger zone off of it and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't think it was that good. They didn't sell much by the end of it and there was no major story or anything here.

Overall thoughts: It was a wrestling heavy show and I wasn't that interested in it. I thought they did too much in Sami/Maclin match and the match wasn't that great. The 3-way tag was maybe the best thing on here and Kushida's match was okay. It was just an average show overall like TNA shows tend to be.

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