Saturday, June 22, 2024

Stardom 6/22/2024 The Conversion

Stardom 6/22/2024 The Conversion

Goddess of Stardom Championship - FWC (Hazuki & Koguma) (c) vs. wing*gori (Hanan & Saya Iida)

Kog and Hanan start us off. They trade headlocks. Kog takes a side headlock takeover, headscissors Hanan and they stand off and tag out. Haz and Saya go at it. Haz slams her and facewash kicks her.  Kog basement dropkicks Saya then double stomps her from the bottom rope.

Saya hits forearms on her then Haz forearms her. Saya criss-cross double sledgehammers her then Hana leg lariats go on the ropes. Haz comes in and hits shots on Hanan then Hanan 2nd rope crossbodies both opponnets. Hana running euros Kog.

Kog running cutters Hanan. Haz springboard dropkicks Hanan then crossfaces her. Haz and Hanan trade forearms. Hanan takes a double team that sends in a senton. Haz is caught with a sandwich euro then Hanan cuty specials Haz.

Saya 2nd rope shoulderblocks Haz. Saya and Haz trade with Saya hitting a chop flurry on her. Saya flurries her with chops until she is down on the mat. Saya kimura's her and holds her arm with her legs.

Saaya lariats her against the ropes. Hanan comes in to help out Saya with a dropkick on Haz. Saya and Hanan take ddt's over the 2nd rope onto the apron then avoid stereo drive by baseball slides. Hanan top rope crossbodies both opponents outside then Saya top rope doublers Kog for 2.

Kog takes a hart attack variation for 2. Kog spinning sleepers Saya. Saya takes a torture rack + neckbreaker combo. Saya slams Kog off the buckles then Kog does an interesting low grab belly to belly suplex. Saya lariats Kog and Haz. Hanan backdrops Kog and Saya gets a 2 count on Kog.

Saya corner lariats Kog then gets a 2 count on a bridge pin on her. Saya is lifted for a 2nd rope diving codebreaker. Hanan forearms boht opponents then takes single arm ddt's from both opponnets. Haz brainbusters Saya then topes Hanan outside. Kog top rope splashes Saya and pins her to win.

Thoughts: It went too long (especially for an opener) and like a lot of Stardom tags, it was fast paced but had no structure. If you want to see a bunch of moves that don't really mean anything at a fast pace, this one is for you. There were no hot tag segments here and there was no real face or heel work.

Starlight Kid vs. Mei Seira

They trade holds on the mat. Kid side headlock takeovers her. Mei headscissors her and they stand off. Kid cartwheels out of an arm throw then Mei headflips out of a headscissors. Kid then twists her leg then basement dropkicks her. Kid standing moonsaults her.

Mei trips her then flying crossbodies her. Kid rolls out and Mei dropkicks her off the apron. Mei lariats her on the ropes then backrolls her with a guillotine choke. Kid ddt's her over the 2nd rope onto the apron. Kid misses a top rope splash and hits chops. Mei hits dropkicks then 2nd rope headhunters her for 2.

Mei release germans her. Mei goes for a german and takes a dragon screw in the air. Kid stretch mufflers her while holding the arm. Kid top rope 180 splashes her for 2. Kid top rope moonsaults for 2. Mei jumping spin kicks her. Kid gets out of a la magistral and is rolled up for 2. Mei back rolls her then rolls her into another pin attempt. Mei dropkicks her for 2. Kid tiger suplexes her for 2 then does another to win.

Thoughts: It was a high speed match as you would expected and it was fine for what it was. Not great or memorable but a good lower card match with two people who work similar styles. 

Kid then shows her wrist tape which has the same words on it as Mei's. Kid then puts a mask on Mei's head.

Mina Shirakawa & HANAKO vs. Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori

Hana and Poi go at it. Hana wants a test of strength but Poi is too short. Poi gets on the ropes and challenges her to one. Hana just hits her and snapmares her off the buckles. Hana side headlocks her. Hana puts hr on her shoulder and Poi splashes down on her. Poi bridges out of a pin and cartwheels out of an armdrag. Poi then dropkicks Hana.

Yuna splashes Hana. Poi gets on Yuna's shoulders and Mina knocks both over. Mina trips Yuna into the buckles and kicks her. Hana corner splashes Yuna then kneedrops her for 2. Yuna trips her and dropkicks her in the back of the head. Poi runs in and headhunters Hana. Poi top rope crossbodies her for 2 and turns it into an armbar.

Poi cartwheels into an armdrag on Mina then basement dropkicks both opponents on the ropes. Hana backbreakers and facekicks Poi. Mina kicks Poi from the ropes. They miss kick on each other and og face to face. Poi kicks and superkicks her then rolls her up from the side. Yuna 2nd rope shoulders Mina then legdrops her for 2.

Hana slams Yuna then ripcord drops Mina onto her. Mina spinning forearms Yuna. Mina is thown off the buckles into Yuna's knee and Yuna lariats Mina for 2.  Mina takes a super kick + cradle shock then a sliding lariat from Yuna for 2. Mina knee presses Yuna down to get out of an electric chair move. Mina high kicks Yuna then Yuna lariats her for 2.

Yuna runs into Hana's knee. Hana suplexes her then Mina does a top rope diving crucifix bomb. Mina lifting reverse sitout ddt's Yuna and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't great or anything but it was fine for a fast-paced throwaway tag. I thought it hid some of Mina's weaknesses well and I thought Yuna got put over a little here.

Mina says she will be AEW Women's champ after.

Tam Nakano, Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurara vs. Tomoka Inaba, Saki Kashima & Ranna Yagami

Aya wears the pink and white. SK has the pink, white and blue on.

Ranan and SK trade waistlocks. They side headlock each other. Ranna armdrags her and is dropkicked. Ranan is snapmared and basement dropkicked in the back. Ranna and SK trade chest forearms. Ranan dropkicks SK.

Ranna kicks SK in the back. Inaba stomps and snapmares SK. Inaba slams her. SK dropkicks Inaba. Tamtop rope crossbodies Inaba then Inaba running knees Tam in the gut. Tam cartwheels and limbos through a double lariat then hits a double dropkick for 2.

Inaba and Tam go for kicks and Inaba pump kicks her form the side. Inaba crossfaces her then does just facelock. That gets broken up. Inaba snapmares and back kicks Tam. Tam blocks a PK and takes a punch to the gut. Tam spinning high kicks Inaba then germans her for 2.

Inaba spinning high kicks Tam. Saki flying headscissors Tam then Tam backdrops her. Aya spinning heel kicks then running PK's Saki for 2. Aya triangles Saki. Aya forearms Saki then Saki takes a double basement dropkick from Aya and SK. Aya water wheel drops Saki for 2.

Ranna running knees Aya into a pin attempt from Saki. Aay rolls up Saki for 2 then cradles her. Aya catapults Saki into a forearm from SK. Aya high kicks Saki for 2. Saki rolls up Aya and it is quickly broken up. Aya misses a move off the 2nd rope then is sandwich kicked in the back. Saki's team pulls Saki onto Aya for a 2 count.

Inaba PK's Aya then drags Saki over to pin Aya.

Thoughts: I'm not exactly sure what the Saki stuff was about. I mean she's always afraid to fight and lazy but why they just didn't drag her to the corner is unknown. It was a okay trios match otherwise that seemed to tease Tam vs Inaba. 

Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo vs. Syuri & Ami Sohrei

Mayu comes out with the girl who played her in her move, Anna Hirai. Momo is wearing full street clothes here for some reason. Syuri is dressed up as Kagetsu.

Syuri wristlocks Mayu and Mayu headflips out of it. Mayu wristlocks her and Syuri side headlocks her. They trade armdrags and stand off. Mayu ddt's Syuri. Momo gets in the ring and is psuehd into Saki and hit by Ami. Ami dumps a box of pillows or toys on her opponents. Mayu and Momo are put in camel clutches at hte same time and hit with the toys/pillows. Ami tries to snap a stretch band into Momo's face but Ami  ends up getting it in the face. Momo then hits snapped with the stretch band.

Syuri takes Mayu on the ramp then Anna gets on the ramp too. Syuri isn't sure which one is which. She figure fours Anna thinking it is Mayu and Anna ropebreaks. Anna hits forearms then christos her. Mayu then christos Ami at the same time.

Momo springboard dropkicks Ami then flying headscissors Syurki. Momo and one of the Mayu's then hits stereo 619's. Momo dropkicks Ami twice then Ami racks her. Momo is put on the 2nd rope and splashed. Ami sliding lariats her for 2.

Momo superkicks Ami. Mayu gets in an ddropkicks Ami. She rolls her into a basement dropkick. Ami death valley drivers Mayu. Mayu and Syuri fight. They trade forearms and Syuri flurries her. Mayu spin kicks her then dropkicks her through the ropes. Mayu top rope double stomps her then is hit in the ropes. Syuri superplexes Mayu.

Syuri is hurricanrana'd by Mayu for 2. Mayu superkicks Syuri then Momo top rope crossbodies Syuri. Syuri pulls hte ref down and blue mists Mayu. Syuri death valley drivers her for 2. Mayu germans Syuri as the time expires and the match ends via draw.

Thoughts: It was a weird match with people dressing up in different outfits, clones coming in and toy weapons being used. It was half-comedy, half-serious and it was just a mess.

The Final Chapter – Four Wrestlers Other Than The Final Loser are Expelled from their Faction- Queen’s Quest (Saya Kamitani, AZM, Miyu Amasaki, Lady C & Hina) vs. Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Thekla, Ruaka & Rina) in an Elimination Match

All 10 girls fight to start and 8 end up outside after. Momo takes a triple boot then her team all hits dropkicks. Momo and Thek bully Miyu around then Miyu hits a bad ddt. C gets in and shoulders over multiple girls. C then does a double abdominal stretch on Thek and Tora. C russian legsweeps both.

Thekla forearms and facekicks C then boots her in the side of the head. Thekla does an grounded octopus to her then C hits a big boot. C running facekicks her. C misses a corner attack and then Thekla hits her with a box. Thek double underhook ddt's her and pins her. Lady C is eliminated.

Rina running facekicks Miyu. Miyu hammerlock ddt's her for 2. Ruaka running lariats Miyu and Hina does a gori special bomb on Miyu to pin her. Miyu Amasaki is eliminated.

Saya basement dropkicks Rina then Tora shoulders her over. QQ all takes running corner attacks then Rina reverse suplexes Saya. Tora misses a 2nd rope splash through a table on Saya. Hina comes in and hits hip throws. Hina running neckbreakers Rina. Rina running boots her then hip throws her. Rina STO's Hina for 2.

Rina northern lights suplexes Hina then 2nd rope double kneedrops her for 2. Rina takes offense from the faces and Hina sits on her legs to pin her. Rina is eliminated.

Hina takes a low crossbody from Ruaka for 2 then Hina STO's her. Ruaka gets Hina on the apron and crossbodies her off. Hina is eliminated as she goes down to the floor.

Ruaka lariats AZM. AZM pulls her down off a suplex attempt and pins her. Ruaka is eliminated.

AZM slaps Thekla. Thekla back rolls her and her bridge is blocked. AZM backrolls her into a bridge for 2. AZM basement dropkicks her for 2. Thekla hits AZM with a belt then superplexes her. Thekla spears AZM for 2.

Saya double hurricanrana's Momo and Tora together. Saya takes a sandwich headkick. Thekla forearms AZM then AZM hits her with a box. AZM rolls her up and pins her. Thekla is eliminated.

AZM takes a corner cannonball from Tora. Momo meteora's AZM for 2 then chickenwings her. Saya facekicks Momo, causing her to take a code red from AZM. AZM buzzsaw kicks Momo for 2. AZM top rope double stomps Momo for 2. Momo b-drivers AZM for 2 after Tora mists AZM. Saya springboard double crossbodies the heels and AZM rolls up Momo for 2.

Momo buzzsaw kicks AZM then puts her on the apron. Momo gets knocked onto the apron as well. AZM stupidly la mistica's Momo off the apron and eliminates herself as well as Momo. Momo Watanabe and AZM are eliminated.

Saya dropkicks Tora from the side then Tora shoulders her over. They trade forearms. Tora euros her then Saya spinning heel kicks her. Hina hip throws Saya. Saya takes offense from OT members then is death valley drivered.

Saya 2nd rope hurricanrana's Tora then pump kicks her. Saya spinning high kicks Tora then corkscrew kicks her back for 2. Momo goes to hit Saya with the bat. Saya moves then Momo hits Tora with the bat, turning on Oedo Tai! Saya hurricanrana's Tora for 2.

All of QQ get in the ring and 5 girl basement dropkick Tora. Momo gets in the ring and gets on the 2nd rope with Saya. They 2nd rope double destiny hammer Tora then Saya ki krushers Tora. Saya goes for the pin and Ruaka throws a box at her to break it.

Momo grabs a chair. She teases hitting Tora then hits Saya with it. Tora death valley drivers Saya then top rope swantons Saya to win. Saya Kamitani is eliminated and AZM, Miyu Amasaki, Lady C and Hina must leave Queen's Quest!

Thoughts: It didn't really get enough time for the gimmick involved. This really should have been a knockdown, dragout, all time-classic here with such high stakes. There should have been blood, weapons, all 5 girls brawling into the seats, a longer finishing stretch and other features that would have made this special. What we got was okay, but it was incredibly tame for Stardom's standards. Maybe the idea was to make sure the wrestlers don't get hurt, but some of the things I'm suggesting aren't that dangerous.

Momo's fake turn was kind of dumb since she could have gotten her partner eliminated and I think there was a better way to execute that. It was a surprise though and added some drama to this.  I liked the match but this is not making anyone's year end awards list.

Oedo Tai has words for QQ after. Saya apologizes to her teammates and cries. She grabs the QQ flag and leaves. Syuri and God's Eye come out. Syuri seems to want to recruit some new members and Saki seems skeptical. Starlight Kid comes out and seems to try and recruit AZM. Suzu Suzuki and Mei Seira come out as well and seem to try to set up a new faction with Miyu and AZM. They talk more and QQ end up hugging and leave together.

Wonder of Stardom Championship - Saori Anou (c) vs. Mika Iwata

They lock-up and grab each other by the hair. Mika hits kicks on her and drops her. Mika flying knees her and spinning heel kicks her. Anou dragon screws her then figure fours her.

Anou basement dropkicks Mika in the knee then Mika does a weird drop while suplex lifting her. Mika running knees her on the ropes. Mika PK's Anou then Anou drago nscrews her on the ropes. Anou basement dropkicks her in the knee and foot slaps her.

Mika does a lebell lock. They trade forearms and Mika running facekicks her. They trade more forearms  then Mika superkicks her. Anou perfectplexes her twice then straightjacket camel clutches her.

Anou facekicks her on the ropes and double underhook suplexes her for 2. Anou germans her for 2. Mika hits high kicks and buzzsaw kicks her. Anou germans her and step up enzugiir's her. Anou chokes her with the back of her leg then Anou top rope dropkicks Mika for 2.

Anou dragon suplexes her then does a headhunter for 2. Mika spinning high kicks her. They trade forearms on their knees. Mika gets some offense in and flying knees her for 2. Mika top rope corkscrew kicks her.

Anou gets a 2 count on her and takes kicks to the head. Mika landslides her and wins.

Thoughts: I was surprised to see Mika win, but good on Sendai Girls for forcing it and not letting their champ be jobbed out. I wasn't a big fan of the match. Anou worked Mika's leg for half the match and didn't really follow through. Mika was able to kick her just fine despite having her leg worked on.

Mika and Natsupoi talk to Anou after and Anou leaves without saying anything.

World of Stardom Championship - Maika (c) vs. Xena

Putting this one in the main is a risk to say the least. Nothing suggests this will be good.

Xena hits chops then they shoulder battle. Maika fallaway slams her. Xena flying headscissors her then spinning side slams her. Xena basement dropkicks her for 2 then hammerlock suplexes her for 2.

Xena hits chops then rolls her into a headscissors + armbar combo. Xena hits chops then is dropkicked. Maika shoulders Xena over. Xena hits a slap flurry and chokes her with her knee. Maika sits on top and Xena springboard enzugiri's her. 

Maika and Xena trade forearms on the apron. Maika is powerslammed on the apron. Xena suplexes her on the floor then Maika suplexes her on the floor. They lariat each other and Xena lariats her from behind. Maika superplexes her then holds on for another. Xena release germans her off of it.

They chop and forearm each other. Maika chop flurries her then hits a rainmaker. Xena double underhook suplexes her. Maika grabs a sleeper off Xena's bridge. Xena throws her down while Maika is on her back. Xena then hits a pump handle driver for 2. Maika backdrops her then Xena rolling armbars her.

Maika michinoku drivers her. Xena superkicks her and runs into a punch. Maika michinoku drivers her twice and wins.

It was surprisingly a decent match. Xena stuck to chops and Maika was happy to chop and lariat back. Everything looked good and it was heavyweight style match. This really beat expectations and couldn't have gone much better than it did.

Natsuko Tora and Ruaka get in after. Tora seems to challenge Maika for her title. Tora tries to get Xena to join Oedo Tai and Xena chops her and goes with Maika. Maika and Xena are then beat up on. Tomoko Inaba helps out Maika and seems to challenge her for the title as well. Maika then does a speech after.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show here. I liked Maika/Xena match and the 5v5 match was good but not great. They just didn't get the most out if that they could have and it should have been an epic with such big stipulations on the line. I didn't like Anou/Iwata. Mayu's tag was a mess and I didn't like the tag title match. Some of the undercard was okay but I wouldn't recommend this.

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