Saturday, June 22, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 6/22/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 6/22/2024

They aired 3 matches from the CMLL 6/9/24 Arena Mexico show.

Mercurio & Pequeño Violencia vs Acero & Aéreo

Acero and PV go at it. Acero rolls him on the mat. Aer and Merc go at it. Aer armdrags him then headscissors him. Merc goes for a pin attempt and they stand off. Ace springboard plancha's Merc then fling headscissors him. Ace armdrags him off a hiptoss then PV boots him.

Aer uses the ropes and armdrags PV. Aer gets superkicked by Merc on the apron and thrown into the rails. PV chops down Ace. Ace takes sentons Aer takes a kick to the nuts from Merc. Aer is popped up and headscissors then Ace top rope diving armdrags Merc. Aer and Ace hit stereo topes outside.

Merc superkicks Ace and dances. Ace armdrags Merc and dropkicks him out. Aer flips over PV using the ropes then seated springboard armdrags PV out. Ace asai moonsaults onto PV outside. Aew flying headscissors Merc then tope con hilos him. Ace and Aer hit stereo hurricanrana's. Merc stops an armdrag and submits Aer while PV gets the pin on Ace.

Thoughts: What we got wasn't bad here with the faces doing some nice flying and Mercurio being a charismatic little jerk.

Emperador Jr., Platino Kid, Rayo Metálico b Astral, Leono, Robin


1st Fall - Leono headlocks Plat and Plat wristlocks him. They go to the mat and Plat armdrags him. Robin and Rayo go at it. Emp wristlocks him then Robin trips him. Robin bow and arrows him and they stand off. Robin armdrags him then Emp armdrags him. Emp then kips up.

Rayo and Astral go at it. Astral flips off the apron then Rayo tope con hilos him. Emp top rope crossbodies Robin then is pulled down by the hair by Leono. Emp and Plat do stereo submissions and win the fall. 

2nd Fall -  Plat and Astral go at it. Plat double springboard armdrags Astral out. Robin is armdragged by Plat then Plat dropkicks him. Rayo is chopped on the buckles by Leono. Rayo 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Rayo flying headscissors Astral. Rayo springboard headscissors Rayo out.

Emp springboard armdrags Leono. Emp uses the ropes and armdrags stral out. Emp top rope tornillos Robin then then headscissors him out. Astral and Plat go at it. Astral tiger feints and sends him out then topes him outside. Leono powerslams Rayo then wpinning submissions him. Robin tiger drivers Emp and pins him. Robin's team wins the fall. 

3rd Fall - Robin lariats and triple stomps Plat with his partners. Rayo is chopped then dropkicked off the top in the butt by Rayo. Leono leg drops Emp.

Emp takes a double boot and Rayo maybe gets low blowed. Rayo is then triple stomped in the corner. Rayo flying headscissors Robin out then dropkicks Leono out. Emp springboard armdrags Astral out then the faces do triple dives outside.

Plat does a submission on Astral and taps him out to boos. Plat wins the match for his team.

It was an okay match here. I can't really accept Robin as a rudo though. 

Atlantis, Máscara Dorada, Titán vs Bárbaro Cavernario, Dragón Rojo Jr., Terrible

1st Fall - Barb and Atlantis go at it. Atlantis hammerlocks him then Barb reverses it. Atlantis chinlocks him then Barb bow and arrows him. They stand off.

Atlantis leg locks him then Rojo boots him. Rojo and Titan go at it. Rojo trips him then Titan armdrags him. Rojo hip throws and armdrags Titan then does sit-ups. Titan spins on Rojo's back then armdrags him. Barb boots him.

MD springboards in and armdrags Barb. Barb does the caterpillar then MD headscissors him. MD is stomped on by the heels on the ramp. Rojo back elbows Atlantis then boots him. Atlantis is triple stomped by the heels.

Rojo dropkicks Titan in the leg and KeMalito hits kits on Titan. Terrible unties MD's mask. Rojo corner dropkicks MD then Terr pins MD. MD takes a back elbow then is held for a Rojo basement dropkick. Barb vader bombs MD and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Atlantis is held for shots from Terr. The heels pose on Atlantis. KeMalito 2nd rope butt drops Atlantis. MD is triple teamed by the heels and Rojo tries to take his mask. Rojo boots Atlantis out. MD takes a double boot then a double dropkick.

Barb throws MD out. Atlantis is held for shots from the heels. Atlantis is held for chops. MD is popped up into a hurricanrana on Rojo. Titan hits kicks on Barb. MD top rope ssp's Barb and pins him. Atlantis' team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - MD chops Terr then hits offense on all 3 opponents. Barb ends up hanging from the bottom rope outside and MD kicks the ropes. Titan slaps Terr then gets slapped. Titan headscissors Terr. Titan takes a double boot then flying headscissors Terr. Titan limbos out of a lariat and leg lariats Rojo.

The heels take a double armdrag then Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers one of the heels. Atlantis apron crossbodies Barb outside. MD hits an asai moonsault outside. Titan hits a combo on Rojo. Titan springboards and is dropkicked by Rojo. Rojo is sunset flipped and pulls off Titan's mask by accident. The faces are then awarded the fall.

Thoughts: It was nothing special at all with a lame mask pull finish. It was super hard to tell Rojo's team apart as they all wore leopard trunks. Titan really didn't do much at all here.

Overall thoughts: There were only 3 matches shown on TV from this. Nothing was must see and I liked the first or second match the best. The main had a lame finish and was far from anyone's best work.

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