Thursday, May 23, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/22/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/22/1990

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and The Honky Tonk Man are our hosts. Vince talks about the holidays coming up. Piper is wearing a Santa hat. He tells Honky he is all dressed in and red looks good. He says he looks like he came from the lounge in the North Pole. Honky says he looks like Roddy the Red Nose Reject. Vince tells them to say something nice. Honky says Merry Xmas and Piper says "bah humbug".

"The Model" Rick Martel vs Jim McPherson

Vince says Jake is going to get his paws on Rick and Rick's features may not stay the same. Honky says Jake wishes he could see Rick now. Piper asks if he can get him now.

Rick clubs on Jim and hits shots to the gut. Rick cartwheels off the ropes and hits a nice dropkick. Rick stomps on Jim. Rick does an inset promo. He said he enjoys the holiday spirit as he can give his friends the best gifts. Rick says he has a gift for Jake - his own bottle of Arrogance. Rick and Jim trade shots.

Rick rams Jim's back into the buckles and Piper does an irish accent talking about "Clan McPherson" being a fighting clan. Rick double underhook suplexes Jim then crabs him. Rick wins via submission.

Thoughts: Piper and Honky added a little color here to this usual squash. I liked Rick's cartwheel and dropkick spot here. 

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

We see clips of the fraud IC title match last week with Texas Tornado getting screwed and losing the title. Tornado does a promo. He said his dreams were shattered last week. He says it wasn't due to his abilities but due to the interference of Ted Dibiase. He says he will destroy every dream Dibiase ever had.

"Macho King" Randy Savage vs Koko B. Ware

Queen Sherri is not here with Macho. Macho is carried out on his thrown and Chris Duffy (a jobber) is one of the people carrying him. Macho gets in Frankie's face, Koko grabs Macho then is lariated. Koko is choked on the ropes and Macho back elbows him. Koko cradles Macho for 2.

Macho double axe handles him then drops him on the top rope throat first. Macho suplexes Koko then chokes him. Koko spinning neckbreakers Macho then misses a top rope dive. Macho running knees Koko's back and sends him out. Macho top rope double axe handles Koko's back off the top outside.

Macho slams Koko then top rope elbow drops him. Macho gets in the win.

Thoughts: It was just as one sided as a jobber match, sadly. Some jobbers have even gotten more in than Koko did here. It was still nice to technically see a star vs star match though.

We get a commercial for the 1991 WWF Royal Rumble.

"British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith vs Chris Duffy

Chris is wearing a different outfit here than he wore in the last segment.

Davey shoves Chris over. Chris knees him in the gut and hits a headbutt. Chris side headlocks him then takes a big hiptoss. Davey armdrags him and armlocks him. The Warlord does an inset promo with Slick. Slick says Davey is one of the strongest men in the WWF but Warlord is the epitome of strength in the WWF. Warlord says don't take his word for it, he will prove he is the strongest.

Chris pounds on Davey in the corner then is thrown off the top. Davey corner lariats Chris then running powerslams him to get the win.

Thoughts: It was a short squash here. Chris got a little in before being put down.

Honky says there's a rumor that Andre The Giant and The Heenan Family are having problems.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

1/12/1991 is the next Boston Garden show. Sam Houston returns to the WWF against Buddy Rose for this one. Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan do a promo on the Perfect/Tornado IC Title Match where Piper is the special ref. Heenan says he knows Piper doesn't like them. Heenan tells Piper to call it fair. He says Perfected worked too hard for some punk in a dress to take it away. Perfect said he was going to take the IC Title back and did. He calls Tornado a dummy. He said Piper sits by himself and warns him to stand clear of them and he may survive.

Jake Roberts does a promo. He tells Rick Martel welcome to his nightmare. He says this is all for him. He says his eye looks good and feels good but he can't see from it.

We get another video on The Mountie. He asks for someone's drivers license and doesn't like being called "Officer". The woman says she's afraid of horses. Mountie says that's her problem. Mountie goes to give her the license back and drops it. He says he's not a mind reader, he's The Mountie.

The Hart Foundation vs The Black Demon and Black Bart


They missed a tag team opportunity with Bart and Demon here. Power and Glory do an inset promo. Slick says it'll be like taking candy from a baby to get the tag titles from The Harts. Roma says they will be in their glory when they take the tag titles and there is no one better than them.

Jim side headlocks Bart. He shoulders Bart over and Bart is hiptossed. Jim blocks Bart's punches then forearms him on the ropes. Jim then knocks him over the top to the floor. Bret hits punches on both opponents then slams Demon. Bret legdrops Demon then headbutts him. Bret stomps Demon in the gut.

Jim slams Demon then Demon takes a hart attack. Bret pins Demon and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a short squash with the jobbers getting nothing in. They heavily pushed Power and Glory vs The Hart Foundation here.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes the 1/12/1991 Boston Garden show. We see clips from  the last Boston Garden show. Hulk and Tugboat talk. Hulk says Jack Tunney has been in command of the WWF and says it's in a state of flux. Hulk says they are here to take care of business. Hulk says he and Tugboat want Earthquake and Dino Bravo in a tag match. He says Tugboat is like the USS Missouri protecting the troops. Tug says they know they will come here and take care of business. Hulk says lets make Bravo and Quake walk the plank and asks for both of them.

Royal Rumble Report

Gene says 3 matches were added to The Royal Rumble 1991 this week - Dustin Rhodes and Dusty Rhodes vs Ted Dibiase and Virgil, The Big Boss Man vs The Barbarian and The Rockers vs The Orient Express. Gene talks about The Ultimate Warrior vs Sgt. Slaughter.

Sarge and General Adnan do a promo. Sarge says the warzone has lead him to The Ultimate Warrior at The Royal Rumble. He says Warrior's title will be his. He says he will take the title to The Middle East and stand side by side with Saddam Hussein. He said he will be the hero of millions and there's nothing Warrior can do about it. And that's an order.

The Ultimate Warrior does a promo. He says he is the greatest as he is the champ. He says he brings one weapon - The Warriors behind. He tells Sarge to dig the deepest foxholes, lay in the deepest trenches and bring all the artillery he needs. He says he needs the ring as a minefield and each step Sarge takes in it is one step closer to his destruction.

Gene talks about The Royal Rumble match format. Hulk Hogan does a promo on The Royal Rumble. He says 30 men in The Rumble all fighting for themselves makes him nervous. He says The 4 Demandments and The Hulkster's make him realize this is a chance to prove Hulkamania is the strongest force in the universe.

Brother Love and The Undertaker do a promo. Love says Taker only has foes, no friends. Taker says The Rumble means 29 more plots to dig.

Demolition do a promo with Mr. Fuji. Smash says The Rumble means you pick a number and take a chance on fighting 29 other bad dudes. Crush says all men fight for the same prize and every man for himself. Mr. Fuji tells Legion of Doom to keep their eyes open. 

The Barbarian vs Sonny Blaze

Piper calls him "Sonny Lane". Warrior wraps SB's arm around his own throat and headbutts him. Barb hits chops and punches in the corner then headbutts him in the back. Barb facekicks SB then slams him. Barb top rope lariats SB and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was your usual Barbarian squash with him taking care of business and being in no danger whatsoever. His top rope diving lariat was extra lethal here as he banged Sonny's head off the mat during it.

The Rockers play WWF Wrestlemania Challenge.

The Brother Love Show

Love says his guests are the common family, Dusty Rhodes and his punk kid, Dustin Rhodes. Dusty and Dustin come out. Love says the last time he saw Dustin here, he was looking straight up at The Million Dollar Man and was offered a job. Dusty calls Love a red-faced pumpkinhead. He says he's here to talk about a bond between a father and a son. He says they can't be bought.

He says Love never lets Dustin say nothin'. He says Dustin has something to say. Dustin says blood is thicker than water. He says The Rhodes Family is coming to get Dibiase and Virgil at The Rumble. Dusty says Virgil and Dibiase can't buy this common family.

Tugboat is hanging out with The Gobbledly Gooker. He tells him to show him some of the dancing he can do. He says he can't dance like that. He then does his horn sound and Gooker does it too.

The Orient Express vs Mike Durham and Mike Pocari

This is the first time on Superstars we are seeing The New Orient Express of Kato and Tanaka in action. Kato hits shots on a jobber then flying back elbows him. Kato slams a jobber then stomps on him. Fuji gets some cane shots in on the jobber. The Express hit a double back elbow. 

The Legion of Doom do an inset promo. They say they hold Fuji responsible for them getting jumped in the ring. Animal says once they done with The Express, they will put Fuji on their shoulders and Hawk will rip his head off. Hawk says it's good for them and bad for Fuji.

Tanaka trips a jobber after catching his kick. Kato elbow drops and chokes a jobber. Fuji hits the jobber with his cane. Kato hits a gordbuster. The jobber takes a superkick into a german and is pinned.

It was good squash for The Express here with them looking strong. I liked their finisher here. It's definitely a different feeling team with Kato in there and there's more personality than with Sato.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes the 1/12/1991 Boston Garden show. Ted Dibiase is with Virgil. He makes fly sounds then claps his hands and says he got him. He says there's Snuka Superfly. He says he belongs with the other muscleheads in the WWF - great big bodies with a small brain. He says Snuka will need more than that.

Power and Glory do a promo. Roma says they are The Heartbreakers and says they let The Hart's slide through their fingers the first time. Herc says they were close but aren't far away. Herc says they should ask if they really want it or need it and said they should hand them the titles. Herc says they are in for a lot of trouble and pain.

There's no closing segment on this version of the show. It was probably clipped out.

Overall thoughts: The show was watchable but there was nothing must-see here. Koko was a jobber against Savage in a rare star vs star match. We saw Kato in action for the first time on this show in what was the only real point of interest here. This one can be skipped.

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