Thursday, May 23, 2024

TNA Impact 5/23/2024

TNA Impact 5/23/2024

Last week's show is here:

The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) vs Ryan Nemeth and Matt Hardy

Matt rolls up Eddie then lariats him. Eddie hits chops and headbutts. Matt bangs Eddie's arm off his shoulder then 2nd rope elbow drops Eddie on the neck. Ryan fireman's carry takeovers Brian then hits a nice dropkick. Eddie chops Ryan outside and then eye pokes him.

Eddie snapmares and sleepers Ryan. Eddie hits mounted punches on Ryan. Ryan takes corner attacks then he is suplexed for 2. Ryan jumping ddt's Eddie. Matt is hot tagged in. He lariats and hiptosses Brian then back elbows him. Brian's head is banged off the buckles. Matt hits punches on Brian then does a lariat + bulldog combo on Eddie and Brian. Matt hits a double ddt on his opponents for 2.

Matt does a grounded double underhook submission to Brian and Eddie breaks it up. Matt takes a corner lariat then pushes Eddie into the buckles to crotch Brian. Ryan top rope crossbodies Eddie and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was a short and average tag match. Nothing wrong it but nothing too special about it either. I really prefer Ryan as a heel over a face.

Brian knees Ryan in the back after. Matt helps out Ryan then Moose comes out. Moose spears Matt. Ryan has a chair put around his head. Moose goes to chair it then Nick Nemeth flies in off the ramp in a cool spot. The System then run for it.

ABC are interviewed. Bey says cousins and brothers fight, but they don't. They say the issues with them are made up and ask if Gia is stirring the pot. Ace said the loss to Speedball Mountain taught them that they aren't on the same page like they thought. Ace says brothers fight and they make up after. Ace says they maybe need to work out some feelings and should have a match between them to fix things. Bey says he trusts him and says let's do it.

Santino is on the phone. The Nemeth's and Matt Hardy walk in. Santino said Ryan and Matt beat the tag champs and earned a title shot. Matt said he came to win the world title, not be a tag champ. Santino says he got a case and deserves it. He sets up the World Title match for Against All Odds. Santino says that leaves Ryan without a partner. Nic Nemeth agrees to be his partner. Matt makes the case for it. Nic says he's first in line for the title when Matt wins it. Mat then starts yelling and barks.

This was stupid with people basically being given title shots out of thin air.

The Rascalz vs Sinner and Saint(Judas Icarus and Travis Williams)

Travis wristlocks Wentz. Wentz kips up, backflips and amrdrags him. Travis gets out of a wristlock and taunts him. Wentz trips him and Travis rolls him into a suplex attempt. They then stand off. Trey takes running forearms and is tripped into Judas' knee.

Trey rakes Travis' eye then Travis is stunnered over the middle rope. Travis takes a combo from Rascalz that ends in a running ssp. Wentz chinlocks Travis. Travis spinning backhands Wentz. Both tag out. Judas knees, clubs and chops him. Judas running facekicks Trey. Trey takes a stunner then is pounced into a high german for 2. Trey spinebusters Trais the catapults him into Wentz's superkick. Wentz M-Bison stomps Travis and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced indy style match. It was a little on the shorter side but it was nice to see a new team for a change.

Steve Maclin comes down and lariats both guys. Trey is thrown into the post. Trey is against the bottom rope, Wentz is in tree of woe and Steve spears them.

Steve is interviewed after. He says that was payback. He says he will end this and make them sure that this is over. He says it's time to get his sights back on Santana. Mike Santana walks in. Mike says they should get back to their business. Mike says Steve has a target on him and here he is, in his crosshairs. Mike says next week and Steve agrees.

We see Frankie Kazarian yelling at the ring announcer. Security tells him to leave. Kaz says "The King of TNA" is leaving the building.

Cody Deaner gets on the mic. He says he doesn't know what that is about but has an issue of his own to handle. He calls out Jake Something. Jake comes out. Cody said Jake took his head off and left him laying. He said one thing went through his brain - "I deserved it". He said he wants to fight with him, not against him. He said it doesn't matter what he wants, it's what the people want. Cody asks if the people want to see Jake shake his hand.

The Good Hands come out. Skylar says they don't care what the people want and says Jake wants nothing to do with Deaner. Jake says this doesn't concern The Good Hands. He says he also doesn't need anyone to speak for him. Skylar disagrees and says Jake can barely for a sentence. Skylar says Jake has big muscles and a tiny brain. Jake then forearms Skylar. The Good Hands are lariated over the top.

Santino comes out. He says The Good Hands are acting like "son of my guns". He says he used to live in Kentucky and is making a KFC (Kentucky Fight Club) match and is making it right now.

Thoughts: I have no idea what that match is supposed to be and I don't get why they had Jake turn on Deaner just to re-unite them.

Kentucky Fight Club Match - The Good Hands vs Jake Something and Cody Deaner

This starts during PiP break. We return and Deaner fist drops Hotch. Deaner is hit from behind then stomped on by Hotch. Skylar elbow drops Deaner for 2. Deaner is put in tree of woe then stood on by both opponents. Hotch kicks the ropes while Deaner is on them. Hotch armlocks Deaner.

Hotch backdrops Deaner for 2. Skylar russian legsweeps Deaner. Dean takes a double shot to the gut and ducks a double bulldog. Jake is tagged in. He throws Skylar down onto the top rope. Jake hits a double clothesline. Hotch hits kicks on Jake then is flipped with a lariat. Skylar slingshot spears Jake for 2. Skylar takes a black hole slam and wins it.

The match was fine but as I said before this, I have no idea what this Jake and Deaner angle is about and it doesn't make much sense so far.

Jake and Deaner shake hands after.

Jordynne Grace is interviewed. She said the loss last week was not on her. She says she's the most dominant champ in TNA. She asked for a new opponent and was given one in Marti Belle. She said she will show everyone why nobody can stop The Juggernaut.

The System are made in the back. Moose says Matt Hardy will get what he wishes for and Moose says he will break every bone in his body. Eddie says they will beat Nic Nemeth and his brother at the PPV. Joe Hendry comes in. Moose wants to beat him up. Eddie says Joe is a joke and a clown. Eddie says Joe's a flash in the pan. Eddie says he's been doing this for 20 years and will gladly take out Joe once and for all. He says Joe will learn once and for all to trust The System. Joe is then told to write a song about that.

George Iceman comes out. He says you can't have a Knockouts Title match without the perfect spectator. He says last week was a travesty of justice. He says Ash got her lip messed up and messed up her teeth. He says Ash is getting surgery now but is watching. George says he has a stand-in for Ash and it's a mannequin with Ash's face on it.

Thoughts: I don't even know what to say about this. This was just bizarre.

TNA Knockouts Title - Jordynne Grace vs Marti Belle

JG side headlock takeovers her then bangs MB's head off the buckles. JG throws her backwards on a side slam. JG hits corner spears. MB hip attacks her in the corner and hits a running knee for 2. JG hits lariats to the chest and back. JB hits forearms then rolling death valley drivers her. MB spins her and hits a big forearm. MB hits a stroke variation for 2. JG hits a juggernaut driver and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a shorter one here. Marti got a decent bit in. The outcome was never really in doubt here. They got what they could out of the time but they needed more of it.

Allysin Kay attacks Grace on the ramp after and slams the Ash mannequin down on Grace. Grace is thrown over the top then hits forearms. Grace is double stomped in the corner. Grace then takes a running knee + dominator and Belle asks if we really thought she was coming alone. They said these two are known as The Hex.

Santino is trying to call Gresham. Santino says everyone who comes in contact with him gets sick. He asks him to shed some light on this. He says the ref will wear gloves and a mask to make sure they don't get sick for all of Greshman's matches going forward.

Jody Threat vs Tasha Steelz

Dani Luna and Lars are with her. Jody waistlock takedowns her. Tasha eye pokes her then chops her. Jody back elbows her then running lariats her. Jody hits a lariats flurry then exploders her. Jody takes a backcracker on the apron. Tasha rolling snapmares her then PK's her for 2.

Jody hits lariats then pump kicks her in the side of the head. Jody knees her against the middle rope then germans her. Jody powerbombs her. Lars and Dani tell her to end it. Tasha throws Jody into the buckles then rolls into a cutter on her. Tasha wins it.

It was your usual so-so women's match. There wasn't anything too wrong with it but nothing too great either.

PCO yells in the mirror but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

First Class do a promo. Swann has something on his nose as it's all white. Swann says they scouted last week and want to bring a title in to their First Class Summer. They are about to tell us and we cut to a preview for next week.

X-Division Title #1 Contender's Match - Trent Seven vs Mike Bailey

Mike side headlocks him and Trent blocks a kick. Mike armdrags him and they stand off. Trent chops him and is chest kicked. They trade forearms. Mike handsprings then hits a kick flurry. Mike step up enzugiri's him. Mike triangle asai moonsaults him outside. Mike top rope dropkicks him.

They trade chops and Mike chops Trent's back. Mike then lets Trent chop him in the back. They do it more to each other. They shake hands and Trent ddt's him. Trent hits a big chop then side slams him for 2. Mike drops him with kicks then running ssp's him for 2. Mike is caught in the corner and powerbombed.

Trent misses a corkscrew swanton then Mike misses a top rope SSP. Mustafa Ali comes out with his guards. We go to PiP break and return. Mike cradles Trent for 2 then rolls him up. Trent ducks kicks then Mike poisonrana's him. Trent hits a 2nd rope emerald flowsion for 2. 

Mike slaps him then pump kicks him. Trent urakens him and hits a stiff seven star lariat for 2. Trent dragon suplexes him then lariats him over the top. Trent topes him. Trent is nearly thrown into Ali. Mike goes to running facekick him and nails Ali instead. Mike says he's sorry abut seems amused by it. Trent and Mike chop each other outside. 

They get in and chop each other more. Mike hits kicks to the chest then high kicks him. Mike PK's him then standing moonsault double knees him. Mike superkicks him for 2. Mike hits another superkick then tornado kicks him. Mike misses ultimate weapon. Trent slaps Mike and hits a nasty seven star lariat on the apron. Trent hits a super dangerous burning hammer on the apron on Mike.

Trent throws Mike in and Mike rolls him up for 2. Trent hits a big short arm clothesline for 2. Mike ddt's Trent out of a pumphandle. Mike superkicks him on the apron and hits a standing moonsault knee on the apron. Mike climbs the buckles and Ali causes a distraction. Champagne Singh crotches Mike on the top rope, Trent hits a burning hammer and wins it.

Thoughts: This was indy garbage as expected with people taking burning hammers on the apron and still being able to wrestle. Then we had random interference from Champagne Singh, who hasn't been on this show for months.

Overall thoughts: I didn't think it was that good of a show. The main stunk and the finish didn't make much sense. A lot of people were missing. The World and Tag Title matches were poorly set up for the PPV and Jake Something is back to being a face who is friendly with Deaner after randomly turning on him. I don't recommend this one.

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