Monday, May 13, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/1/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/1/1990

Last week's show is here:

Roddy Piper and Vince McMahon welcome us to the show. They are in the Market Square Arena in Indianapolis Arena. They say this is where Elvis had his last show. He says Piper isn't nothing but a hound dog and they agree this is bad material.

The Texas Tornado vs The Brooklyn Brawler

They shove each other. Kerry is backed up off the lock up. He blocks a punch then threatens Brawler with one of his own. Kerry hits armdrags and backs him up. Brawler hits punches and eye rakes. Kerry hits punches then back body drops him. Kerry snapmares him and kneedrops him.

Kerry drops him with a punch and hits him in the gut. Kerry discus punches him and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a lame squash here with almost nothing but punches.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Survivor Series is on VHS on 12/20. Gene talks about Kane "The Undertaker". We see clips of Taker's debut at Survivor Series 1990. Gene says he's absolutely awesome. Gene says he will be managed by Brother Love. Brother Love and The Undertaker do a promo. Love says he's almost 7 feet tall and Taker says he will bury any man in his way. Gene says it makes sense that Love would be the man behind Taker, but I don't know how. They mostly referred to Taker as "Kane" here.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Jim Evans

Ted knees him in the gut and clubs his back. Ted back elbows him, snapmares him and kneedrops him. Ted hits a piledriver and throws him out. Ted does an inset promo. He said he promised a surprise at Survivor Series and says oh what a surprise. He said he showed the power of his wealth again and said Kane The Undertaker will wreak havoc on the WWF. Ted back body drops Jim and suplexes him.

Ted slams him then does a fist drop. Ted eye rakes him and clotheslines him. Ted then puts him in the million dollar dream and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash with Ted looking good and Jim getting nothing in. 

We see clips of the Gobbledy Gooker segment from Survivor Series. Piper says he loves him.

Shane Douglas vs "Iron" Mike Sharpe

We haven't seen Shane since he debuted. Mike eye rakes him and clubs him. Shane monkey flips him then hits armdrags. Shane slingshots him in. Mike misses a kneelift and Shane hits elbow drops for 2. Mike clubs on him and chokes him over the top rope.

Mike pulls him backwards. Shane blocks a boot and is eye raked. Mike knees him then back body drops him. Shane bangs Mike's head off the buckles. Mike misses a dropkick then Shane top rope crossbodies him. Shane picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was more of a short match than a squash. Mike maybe got more in than Shane did here and it didn't do a ton to make Shane look great.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They hype up the 12/8/90 Boston Garden show. Sean says The Gooker will be there. He say Demolition is only two members strong now, confirming the departure of Ax. The Barbarian and Bobby Heenan do a promo. He says he doesn't like The Big Boss Man. He says Heenan will enjoy watching Boss screaming. Barb says they have business to take care of. Heenan says The Boston Garden has all kinds of history with retired jerseys and says he will run Boss Man's striped shirt up there.

Jake Roberts does a promo. He says he knows what to expect with Brother Love and says he knows Rick Martel will be there. He says Rick Martel pushed the wrong button and stepped to the wrong man. He says when you look at the evil in a man's face, it's just a little too late.

Tugboat vs Jeff Sword

Jeff was a territory vet and a partner of Doug Vines, who was on the show a few weeks ago. Jeff is pushed over and they shill the Hulkamania Forever VHS. Tug shoulders Jeff over twice then beale throws him. Tug hits a standing dropkick.

Tug splashes him in the corner then slams him. Tug hits a big splash and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was all one sided here with Jeff getting nothing in before being beaten.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They hype up the 12/8/90 Boston Garden show. The Rockers do a promo on Demolition. Shawn says the final word on Demolition is Crush and Smash. Shawn says everyone knows what they are like but no one wants to test the water. Shawn says they are thrillseekers. They said they will try it out and try anything once. Mart says he doesn't know if they will wrestle straight down the line or break the rules but assumes the latter. He says to get ready for a knockdown, drag out party.

Jimmy Hart and Earthquake do a promo on Hulk Hogan. He says he's not running from him, he'll charge him. He says he has a lot of pain to give him. He says he will hurt his ribs and sternum and says there will be deja vu when he's put on the stretcher. He says there will be no coming back this time for Hulk.

Power and Glory vs Dan Robins and Alan Reynolds

Piper says P&G could be the next tag champs. Herc takes off Roma's shirt. Vince says maybe, but he has to disagree as it better happen quick. He says The Hart Foundation is building up momentum. Herc boots a jobber, slams him and elbow drops him. Roma double underhook suplexes the jobber.

The other jobber gets in and Roma hits a nice dropkick. Power and Glory do an inset promo. Slick says there can be no denial where there is dedication and commitment. Roma says they always get what they want. Herc says it's only a matter of time until they take the titles from The Hart Foundation.

Herc hits a big lariat then gorilla press slams a jobber. P&G hit the powerplex. Roma then poses on the jobber and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was your usual P&G squash here with Roma hitting a nice dropkick and the jobber taking a powerplex.

We get a WWF Royal Rumble 1991 ad.

The Brother Love Show

Hacksaw Jim Duggan is today's guest. Love says some people consider Jim a great American but says he is soon to be a casualty for Sgt. Slaughter. He then brings Jim out. Love calls him "Doogan".

Jim says he's mad. He says he sees Iraqi people messing with the flag and yelling death to America. He says at home he sees gas at $2 a gallon and signs of a recession. He says he sees a mercenary in the WWF named Sgt. Slaughter who takes orders from an Iraqi.

Jim says he will kick butt if he gets his hand on Sarge or Adnan and says that's an order.

"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka vs Doug Vines

Jimmy Hart joins the commentary team. Vince asks Jimmy if he was here when Elvis had his last performance. He said he was a big fan until his favorite musician came along - himself. Snuka chops Doug. Jimmy is asked why he doesn't manage Snuka. He said he doesn't have the killer instinct. Snuka hits punches and headbutts on Doug. Snuka boots Doug in the gut then slams him.

Snuka knee drops Doug. Snuka hits a superfly splash off the top and gets the win.

Thoughts: I'm not sure why Hart was on commentary here. It was just a quick squash.

The Orient Express vs Albert Bissel and Gary Jackson

Jimmy Hart is still on commentary. Tanaka chops Albert then Sato boots Albert. Mr. Fuji does an inset promo. He said he has a special warning for Legion of Doom. He says they don't know what he will do in the ring against him.

Gary hits corner spears on Tanaka then takes a back elbow. Tanaka hits a nice snapmare and stomps him. Sato snpamares Gary and splashes his neck/shoulders. Sato stomps Gary. Tanaka chops Gary over and backfists him. Tanaka corkscrew forearms him then Sato side kicks Gary. Sato sitout powerbombs Gary and wins it.

Gary took some rough looking moves here with the splash on the neck and the sitout powerbomb. It was just a quick squash otherwise. Vince and Piper asked Hart about what Earthquake's diet is. He said he may have him add 20 pounds for Hulk.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They hype up the 12/8/90 Boston Garden show. Demolition does a promo with Mr. Fuji on The Rockers. Fuji says he's now the manager of Demolition. Crush says this is the new Demolition and The Rockers are on the list to be demolished. Smash says they all will be in one corner then Fuji will tap the cane and The Rockers will get their teeth kicked in.

Tugboat does a promo on Dino Bravo. He said Dino is along for the ride like barnacles on a ship. He says Dino will do whatever he can think of in his nasty mind to win a match. He said he can't win without Hart and Quake. He said he will give Dino the worst beating he has ever had in his life.

Vince, Piper and Jimmy Hart close the show. Piper pokes Jimmy's keyboard drawing on his jacket and it makes noise. Piper then plays a tune on the jacket and Vince joins in. Hart yells at them to put him down.

Overall thoughts: Not much at all went on here besides Demolition officially being reconciled with Mr. Fuji. We kind of knew that though as Fuji was with Demolition at Survivor Series 1990. It was a weird show with Jimmy Hart being on commentary, all of the Elvis references, the ending and not too much happening. Warrior as usual was nowhere to be found on here despite being champ and Savage wasn't on here either. I wouldn't recommend this.

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