Monday, May 13, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/24/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/24/1990

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Piper says Warrior put it all on the line against Ted Dibiase. He said he also received some unexpected royalty payments from Macho King. He said money didn't make the world go round but it made Warrior's head spin.

Mr. Perfect vs Reno Riggins

Bobby Heenan does an inset. He said he apologized to Boss Man and his mother and meant it. He said he's sorry...sorry he didn't kick his teeth in when he had a chance. Reno reverses a hold and Perfect grabs him by the throat.

Reno slams Perfect and dropkicks him for 2. Reno hiptosses him then Perfect knee drops Reno's knee. Heenan towels off perfect's face then Perfect hits a perfectplex to win it.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here. Reno got a little in though here which was nice and made this more interesting than then usual squash. 

Perfect gets shots in on Reno after.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about the Demolition/LOD/Orient Express brawl from a few weeks ago. Jack Tunney makes a statement on this. He says Mr. Fuji breached ethics by instigating the intrusion of Demolition into the match. He says effective immediately, Demolition is on probation. He says Demolition will be limited to 2 and only 2 members. He says never again will there be 3 members of Demolition anywhere, anytime. He says The Orient Express must fulfill Demolition's obligations against The Legion of Doom in 3v2 handicap matches with Mr. Fuji wrestling.

Thoughts: This marks the end of the Demolition/Legion of Doom feud and is a way to write off Demolition Ax, who had just quit at Survivor Series 1990. As someone watching this show weekly, it sucks that aren't going to get the Demolition/LOD match that has been built up for months and months now. I'm not sure why they just didn't fire Ax on TV here and blame him for the attack.

The British Bulldog vs Paul Diamond

Piper says he loves The Gobbledy Gooker. Paul wristlocks him. Davey does an inset. He said it's great to be back in the WWF and thanks the fans for the support. Davey rolls out of a wristlock, headflips and wristlocks Paul. Paul forearms him and Davey monkey flips him. Vince says Brother Love will not be here today.

Davey wristlocks Paul. Paul hits punches then Davey hits a running powerslam to win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash. It's a shame we didn't get a longer match out of it as Paul was definitely apt.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean Mooney hypes up the 12/8/1990 "Night of Mega Matches" Boston Garden show. The Big Boss Man does a promo. He says time is coming soon for Heenan. He says he will go through Barbarian to get through in. Boss says he's fighting with honor and says he won't let Heenan get away with messing with his family. He said he's not playing games with Barb and will make sure Barb and Heenan serve hard time.

Dino Bravo does a promo. He says Hulk won't be around to help Tug. He says he will punish him. He said he better come with his big guns loaded and said he will hurt him.

"The Model" Rick Martel vs "Pistol" Pez Whatley

Jake Roberts does an inset promo. He said he doesn't have special plans for Rick, just to take from him what he took from Jake, just for a while. He said Rick has to face him face to face after sacrificing his team against Jake at Survivor Series.

They lock up. Rick is backed up on the ropes and punches Pez. Rick slams and stomps Pez. Rick then chokes him. Pez is thrown out to the floor. Rick tries to tie Pez up in the ropes but fails. Rick hits corner spears and snapmares him. Rick kneedrops him then Pez does a nice dropkick.

Rick's head is banged off the buckles. Pez misses a dropkick then Rick boston grabs him. Rick then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was not Rick's best work here as he had trouble getting Pez tied up in the ropes and just looked off. Pez had a good showing though and upstaged Rick.

Dustin Rhodes vs The Black Demon

Dusty is with Dustin. Demon pounds on Dustin then Dustin back body drops Demon. Demon takes a hiptoss and Dustin dropkicks him out. Dustin suplexes him in. Ted Dibiase and Virgil do an inset promo. Ted said he left The Rhodes' laying twice. He says he will own both of them and says everyone's got a price.

Dustin nails Demon out of the corner, corner lariats him then bulldogs him. Dustin picks up the win.

Thoughts: Dustin was also a little off here and they had a noticeable botch off the ropes. Demon looked good here.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

More hype for the 12/8/90 show. Hulk Hogan does a promo on Earthquake. He said when his hulksters see him, it's like they saw a ghost. He says they can't believe the size of his pythons. He says they can't believe he's alive and well after all of the stuff he went through. He says it's the 90's. He says Hulkamania ruled through the 80's and will rule through the 90's. He says there's a fourth demandment - believing in yourself. Hulk says there's a new generation of hulkamaniacs and he wants to groom them. He said when he slams Quake and the earth opens, he will realize that Hulkamania is here to stay.

The Legion of Doom vs Black Bart and Kent Carlson

The LOD nail the jobbers. This feed then cuts out for a little. Hawk hits a knee lift on Kent then gorilla press slams him. Animal powerslams Kent then elbow drops him. Animal corner lariats Kent then belly to belly suplexes him. Piper says The Gobbledy Gooker was the best thing since Santa Claus and said the kids loved him. Kent takes a doomsday device and is pinned.

Thoughts: Bart never officially got in minus when he got nailed as it started. Kent got nothing in and it was a quick squash. Piper is doing some hardcore lying about The Gooker here.

We see clips of Ted Dibiase vs The Ultimate Warrior from The Main Event, which I saw here.

Tito Santana vs Sgt. Slaughter

General Adnan talks in his language before the match. Sarge boots and clubs on Tito. Tito's head is banged off the buckles. Sarge running back elbows him. Tito back body drops Sarge then slams him. Tito hits armdrags then yanks on his arm.

Tito hits corner spears. Sarge is thrown into the buckles chest first and flops down onto his gut. Sarge bends over and Tito nails him. Tito flying forearms Sarge. Tito goes for the pin and Adnan stabs Tito with his flag. Tito grabs Adnan and Adnan backs off. Sarge backdrops Tito off the ropes then camel clutches him for the win.

Thoughts: The ref somehow not seeing Adnan was pretty lame and hard to buy. This was short and wasn't much.

Tito is tied up in the ropes after. Sarge decks the ref and throws him out. Sarge says he doesn't know how Tito got here and says he doesn't belong here. He says this is the heartland of America. He says he doesn't know how the Irish, Spanish and Italians got in this country and says he wishes he would get out of his country. He says Tito should salute the Iraq flag and tells him to. Tito spits on the flag. Sarge pokes him with the flag pole in the gut. Jim Duggan comes out and hits the flag with a 2v4. The heels then run off. Duggan breaks the flag and stomps on it after. Duggan does a promo after saying he sees different types of people, but just sees Americans.

The Barbarian vs Jeff Kramer

Barb hits chops on Jeff. The Big Boss Man does an inset promo.  He says the noose is tightening around Heenan's neck. He said there is no way any family member will stand in the way of him getting his hands around Heenan's neck.

They battle over a hiptoss and Barb suplexes Jeff. Barb hits a nice boot to the face. Barb top rope diving shoulders Jeff and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here with Jeff not getting anything in.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

More push for the 12/8/90 Boston Garden show. Brother Love and Rick Martel do a promo. Rick said he had a gift for Jake on The Brother Love Show last time - a white cane. He said he may have another gift, but it'll be a surprise. Love calls Rick a lovely human being. He says they will show all of Boston how much they love Jake in Boston.

The Hart Foundation do a promo. Bret said Roma and Herc used to be friends with everyone, then they changed their name and got an attitude problem. Bret says they don't mix with anyone and found themselves on the other side of the tracks. Anvil says Power and Glory want what they have. Anvil says good luck.

Vince and Piper close the show, running down next week's show. They say Brother Love will bring Kane on the show next week. Piper said he got to meet The Gobbledy Gooker and Vince says we'll hear more about that next week.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good show. They lied about The Gooker being this great thing all throughout the show. The wrestlers were off in their squashes and the Demolition/Legion of Doom feud ended in Jack Tunney's office, not in the ring. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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