Sunday, May 5, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/17/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/17/1990

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Piper hypes up Survivor Series and says let's get rowdy.

The Big Boss Man vs Spike Jones

Boss hits a shot to the body then drops him with a punch. Boss back elbows him. Spikes falls to the 2nd rope and is leg lariated on it. Bobby Heenan does an inset promo with The Barbarian and Haku. He says he's censored from saying what he wants to say but says his men will show you that actions speak louder than words.

Boss chops Spike and corner splashes him. Boss throws him down and enzugiri's him in the back shoulder. Boss hits a sidewalk slam and gets the win.

It was a quick squash here with Spike getting nothing in. Boss' finisher always looks good but his enzugiri here did not.

Boss handcuffs Spike to the ropes after for no real reason and further threatens him like a jerk. 

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene is back to reading the "Update" line. Gene talks about The Legion of Doom vs The Orient Express from last week and we see video from it. Gene says Mr. Fuji could have been the instigator of all of that. He says Jack Tunney may take action towards Fuji for that.

The Warlord vs Gary Jackson

Yep, that's Gary Jackson of SICW fame. Warlord has his whole Visionaries team with him at ringside. Gary hits a lariat and is thrown down hard from the double choke position. War flying shoulders him and Martel/Power and Glory cheer Warlord on. War suplexes Gary

The Vipers do an inset promo. Jake says when you look at evil, you get a good look and it's too late. War clubs Gary's back then powerslams him for the easy win here.

This was a short squash here with Warlord easily winning as usual.

Kids check out the Survivor Series egg.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They hype up the 12/8/90 Boston Garden show. It's called "The Night of Mega Matches". Demolition do a promo on The Rockers. Ax says The Rockers think they are tough guys and will get their chance to show what toughness is all about. Crush says they don't want to hear the crybaby excuses about 3v2. Crush says Tunney won't allow them to wrestle 3v2 and they only need 2 men to wrestle them. Smash says they will be snapping their necks and their girly friends will cry while they laugh.

Tugboat does a promo. He said he will send his torpedo arms into Dino Bravo's ribs. He said when the ship sinks, it women and children first and there's no mention of Bravo. He says he will send him to Davey Jones' Locker with all the garbage in the seat.  

From Pressing Catch 11/17/90 (Spain's version of Superstars) - Sgt Slaughter and General Adnan are interviewed by Miguel Alonso. Adnan talks in his language. Sarge says Adnan was on the intercom with Mr. Fuji and Slick. Sarge says he told the team to be in tip top shape for Survivor Series. Sarge says The Mercenaries will squash The Alliance and work their way up to the finals. Sarge says he will be the last survivor. Sarge says when it's done, you can raise the hands of The Mercenaries at the hand of General Adnan.

Earthquake vs Tom King

Quake backs him up in the corner and clubs his chest. Quake hits jumping boots then headbutts him in the chest. Quake and Bravo do an inset promo. Quake says it will be the end of Hulkamania at Survivor Series. Bravo says Tugboat won't make a difference and Hulkamania will die.

Quake throws Tom on a slam then hits a nice running dropkick. Quake powerslams Tom then elbow drops him. Quake jumps around him to make tremors then butt drops him for the win.

It was a short squash here with Quake looking good. I like Quake's dropkick and you really have to be a brave one to take that.

Quake hits more butt drops after then does Hulk's ear taunt. Dino says Hulkamania's gonna die.

The Brother Love Show

Love brings out The Warriors Survivor Series team. Warrior says his team will remain unchallenged by Mr. Perfect's perfectness. Warrior knocks Love's podium over. Tornado said he gets tired of listening to Love's big, fat mouth. He says no one has survived his spinning tornado punch and no one can beat The Warrior or The LOD. Tornado asks Love if he wants to be next on the spinning discus punch.

Love asks Animal if they think they can really survive. Animals says they can survive against anyone on this earth. Hawk says Love is a little man in a big man's world. He says Survivor Series is what it claims to be and says the strong will survive. He says they will stand before them as true survivors. Warrior says if they can get to the grand finale, they will again prevail victorious. Warrior says they are curious of the egg that will hatch. He says if anything comes out of the egg that resembles Love, he will scramble it.


From Pressing Catch 11/17/90 (Spain's version of Superstars) - Mr. Perfect and Demolition are interviewed by Miguel Alonso. Perfect says he's the captain of The Perfect Team. He says Warrior and The LOD will have their hands full with this. He says Tornado will also have their hands full.

We cut to a Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan interview. He says there can only be one winner between The Alliance and Mercenaries and it's him. The Alliance are interviewed. Nikolai Volkoff talks about the US flag. Tito talks in Spanish. The Bushwhackers then say "ariba" with Tito.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Tom Stone

Jake had an eye patch on and Shawn Michaels guides him to the ring. Tom armdrags Jake and Jake is off balance some from it. Tom wristlocks him. Jake misses a shoulderblock due to not being able to see. The Visionaries do an inset promo. Rick says The Vipers will look a bunch of limp worms. Roma says there will be a lot more crippling going on.

Tom wristlocks Jake again. Jake back elbows him to escape it then armlocks him. Tom drops him with a punch and knocks him back with forearms. Tom then knocks him down and pulls off the eye patch. Tom clubs on Jake. Jake hits jabs back then hits a knee lift. Jake short arm clotheslines him then hits a ddt. Jake hits mounted punches on Tom. The ref pulls Jake off then Jake hits the ref. Jake is disqualified. Tom Stone wins!!!!

Jake beats up on Tom after the bell and Shawn Michaels comes out to stop Jake. Tom is announced the winner then elbowed over the top. Jake then pulls out Damien and threatens the ref.

Go Tom go! It's awesome to see a jobber finally get a win in any fashion. I liked Tom's work here as he worked on the side with Jake's injured eye. Jake was a bad face here though beating up Tom after. We all know darn well Jake would have done the same things to Tom that Tom did to him.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They hype up the 12/8/90 Boston Garden show. Hulk Hogan does a promo on Earthquake. He says sometimes you don't realize how lucky you are. Hulk says not to take happiness, your loved ones or your health for granted as it can all be gone in a moment. He said he found out first hand about natural disasters. He said he thought about giving it all up. He said he thought about his Hulkamaniacs though. He said he wants to make sure they and the buildings are earthquake proof. He said he got his confidence back at Summerslam. He said he found out they were still the strongest force in the universe. He says the Richter scale will spin off the dial when they fight and he says the power of Hulkamania will wipe him out forever.

From Pressing Catch 11/17/90 (Spain's version of Superstars) - Miguel Alonso interviews Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. He says what a foursome and says he's talking about the Hulkamaniacs. Jimmy wants to talk about his time instead and says The Hulkamaniacs are in trouble. Quake says when you are talking about a foursome, you are talking about his team. He says they will beat The Hulkamaniacs together. Quake says all four men are going to the grand finale.

WWF Survivor Series Report with Mean Gene Okerlund 

Gene says it's feast or famine at Survivor Series. He runs down the card. The Perfect Team says it will be the end of The Warriors once and for all. Ax says they will fight The Perfect Team with the perfect captain. Ax says they will let Perfect grab Texas Tornado's neck and twist it off. Crush says they don't care if you hate them and they love it because they are perfect. Perfect says survival's the name of the game and The Warriors will get the paint slapped off their face.

The Mercenaries do a promo. Sarge says "gobble, gobble, you scum". Sarge says they are ready and they have a new motto,
"take no prisoners". They say they are after their opponents and will destroy them.

The Alliance does a promo. The Bushwhackers say they are ready. Tito says they are going to survive at Survivor Series and chant "survive".

Gene runs down the rest of the card. The Hulkamaniacs do a promo. Duggan says it's getting closer and they are more excited. Duggan says The Natural Disasters are in for a long night. Tug says they will get the worst beating of their lives. Boss Man says they will survive and count on it. Hulk says he's been pearl harbor'd since day one. He says The Disasters will be one big natural disaster when they are done with them.

Gene says there is a scorecard for the show in this month's WWF Magazine.

WWF Tag Titles - The Hart Foundation (c) vs Rhythm and Blues

Honky and Jimmy touch the Survivor Series egg. Jimmy tries to hit it with a guitar. I'm stoked for this match and had been wanting to see it for a while as they had hyped it up for house shows.

Jim and Greg lock up. Jim throws him down and Greg complains about a hair pull. They trade wristlocks. Jim wristlocks Honky then bites his arm on the ropes. Bret pounds on Honky's arm then crossbodies him. Honky eye rakes Bret and throws him down backwards. Greg misses an elbow drop and is headbutted.

Jim gets in and side headlocks Greg. Jim shoulders him over and Jimmy Hart grabs Jim's foot. Honky chokes Jim over the 2nd rope.Greg headbutt drops Jim in the gut. Honky boots Jim in the gut then Jim bearhugs him. Greg breaks it up.

Greg elbows Jim right in the head then hits a corner spears. Jim lariats Greg over. Bret and Honky get in. Bret drops him and legdrops him. Bret atomic drops Greg then does the same to Honky. Honky and Greg have their heads banged together. Bret hits Honky in the gut and rolls him up for 2. Bret drops Greg with a lariat then hits a russian legsweep on Honky. Jim pounds on Greg then Ted Dibiase and Virgil come down for the DQ.

The heels beat up Bret in the corner. Jimmy Hart and Rhythm and Blues get involved then Koko B. Ware and Dusty Rhodes join the brawl. Dusty bangs Ted's head off the buckles and Virgil is sent out.

What we got of it was fine with R&B doing a lot of bumping for the heels and hitting basic strikes. I would have liked to have seen a longer one here as it seems like it would have been a decent match.  At least the finish built to Survivor Series here.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They hype up the 12/8/90 Boston Garden show. Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says Hulk is living in the past while Quake is living in the future. He says the only thing Hulk is riding home is a wheelchair. Quake says when you are risking it with him, you are putting a lot on the line. He says he likes to take anything he can get and he wants Hulk's career. He says Hulk will be put out.

Jake Roberts does a promo with sunglasses on. He said he hopes lightning doesn't strike twice on the Brother Love Show as he doesn't want to drop him on his head again or get sprayed again. He says a man doesn't have to see it coming to feel it. He says you don't play with snakes and not expect to get bitten. He says it's an eye for an eye and reveals his messed up eye.

Vince runs down next week's show with Tito vs Sarge. Piper tells his grandma to pick up the phone before its too late and order the PPV. He says he will shave her pits if she doesn't. Okay...

Overall thoughts: We didn't get to see a long The Hart Foundation vs Rhythm and Blues match but it sure was nice to see it in some form after it was hyped up for months on Event Center. It was fine and helped built up to Survivor Series some. Tom Stone scored the major upset on Jake via DQ and there wasn't a lot of news otherwise. Survivor Series is this week and I'm looking forward to it. I enjoyed the show but as usual, it wasn't must see.

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