Sunday, May 5, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/10/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/10/1990

Last week's show is here:

Next week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Rowdy Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Vince says Piper has a lot in common with Abraham Lincoln. Piper says they both walked to school 16 miles a day. He says Abe had a beard and he did too at the age of 12. He said Abe didn't like the theater and he's not wild about it himself.

The Texas Tornado vs "Playboy" Buddy Rose

These two last fought on Saturday Night's Main Event in July. Will Rose have better luck this time?

Rose tries to sneak up on Kerry but is caught. Vince says to watch him and Piper says you can spot him a mile away, making a weight joke. Kerry armdrags and slams him. Kerry goes for the iron claw and Rose slides out of the ring. They lock up. Rose hits shots on the ropes. Kerry goes for the claw and Rose rolls out again.

Rose eye rakes Kerry then hits punches. Kerry punches back and Rose bumps on his butt for it. Kerry iron claws him then hits a big discus punch. Kerry then gets the win.

It was a quick squash. Rose for some eye rakes and punches in before being taken out as expected.

We see fans touching the Survivor Series egg. 

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund  

Sean Mooney reads the "Update" line today for some reason and there's a new graphic for it.

Mean Gene talks about the Dustin Rhodes/Ted Dibiase match from last week. Gene asks if Dusty's team can survive against Ted's team at Survivor Series. Dusty Rhodes does a promo. He said it became personal when Ted busted his kid open. Dusty said Ted will find out at Survivor Series just how bad a dad can be. Ted Dibiase does a promo. He said Dustin only lasted that long so he could torture him. He said he ended up on his back like Dusty. He said the same thing will happen at Survivor Series. He says Dusty's Survivor Series team is properly named as victory will only be in Dusty's dreams.

Gene then talks a little more about Survivor Series to end the segment. 

The Barbarian vs Red Tyler

Heenan and Barb do an inset promo. Heenan said he's a journalist and commentator. He said he will not say anything about Boss Man's mom. Barb holds up some kind of sign that we can't see that probably makes fun of Boss Man's mom. Heenan asks what it is, laughs and says he can't do that.

Barb boots Red in the gut and chokes him on the ropes. Heenan yells at Howard Finkel outside. Barb snapmares Red then clubs on him. Barb hits stomps then walks on Red's back. Barb chops Red then sends him hard into the buckles. Barb boots Red then pulls on his face on the ropes.

Barb drops down and upkicks Red. Barb then face kicks Red. Heenan says he has seen enough. Barb top rope diving lariats Red and gets the win.

It was your usual good Barb squash with Red getting roughed up and getting nothing in. Barb's upkick was a new spot here.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes up the 11/11/1990 Boston Garden show tomorrow night. He talks about the 20-man Bunkhouse Brawl. Bravo, Hart and Quake do a promo. Quake says it's one of the meanest and toughest matches there are and that's why he will win. Bravo reminds Quake that he told hm he will win. Bravo says there will be devastation and he will win it. The Hart Foundation do a promo. Jim says these matches can get serious as you don't know who is your friend and who is not. Bret says they are going in to win.

Power and Glory vs Reno Riggins and Scott Colton

Herc backs up Scott into the corner and hits back elbows. Rick Martel and Warlord do an inset promo. Rick says they are called The Visionaries because they never lose sight of their opponents and look forward to Survivor Series. Herc corner lariats Scott then Roma hits a nice dropkick on Scott.

Scott takes an atomic drop then Herc runs him over with a bodyblock. Roma stomps Scott while Slick holds onto Scott. Herc gorilla presses Scott and throws him. Reno takes a knee from Herc then is back elbowed. P&G hit the powerplex on Reno and wins it.

The jobbers got nothing in here and P&G looked good like usual. Roma got some wild height on his dropkick.

Kids touch the Survivor Series egg.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes up the 11/11/1990 Boston Garden show tomorrow night. He talks about the 20-man Bunkhouse Brawl. Demolition do a promo. Ax says you can do anything you want in the Brawl. Crush says it's like having beer in your sister's house. Smash says he loves it and says when you eat dinner at Crush's sister's house, all you see is rats. Smash says there will be 20 rats in and the ring and you will have to face them. Tugboat does a promo. He says it'll be the roughest and toughest men in the brawl. He says people will bring whatever they want to use. Tug says you can count on him being there and says to be there. Roddy Piper is on a ladder with a rope. He said he doesn't know how he will dress for the brawl but he will find him an earthquake. He said he knows how to handle a quake and knows how to choke it. He says loving Quake and Hart is a dirty job, but he's the man to do it.

WWF Survivor Series Report with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about the card and The Alliance do a promo. The Bushwhackers say they are ready and say they will feed on The Mercenaries after the turkey. Volkoff says they are coming at full speed. Tito says it will be a long night for The Visionaries. Gene says time will tell who will be the mystery man on Ted Dibiase's team.

The Natural Disasters do a promo. Quake says they will destroy The Hulkamaniacs and end their careers. Quake says they will advance to the grand finale. Dino Bravo says Hulk's crew has never seen anything like this team. Barbarian asks where they will run and hide. Dino says Hulkamania will die.

The Hulkamaniacs do a promo. The Big Boss Man says it will be like walking the aisle to the electric chair. He says there will be no survivors. Duggan says to get ready for a long night. Tugboat says they will be in the bottom of Davey Jones' Locker when they are done with them. Hulk says his team got all the bases covered and says one of his team members will win the grand finale match.

Gene says Jake Roberts is getting back in the ring too soon at Survivor Series. Gene runs down possibilities for the grand finale.

The Brother Love Show

The Perfect Team are this week's guests. Perfect says everyone knows he is the greatest wrestling machine to enter the WWF. He says he looks over his shoulder and sees trouble for anyone who gets in Demolition's way. Perfect says he is what he says he is - perfect. Axe says they are survivors and will be survivors. He says The Ultimate Meathead and The Legion of Doom belong to them. Crush says Survivor Series will have some impressive teams. He says there will only be one perfect team. Smash says Perfect will give Tornado the perfectplex and they will take care of the rest. Smash says they are the perfect tag team. Perfect says he sees destruction for his opponents and says they will be exposed for what they are - perfect losers. He then throws his towel on the camera.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs Doug Vines

Yep, that the Doug Vines who wrestled in ICW and other places.  Jim pretends to shoot Doug with his 2x4 and almost hits the ref with it. Doug goes out of the ring before Jim gets a shot in. Sgt Slaughter and General Adnan do an inset promo. Sarge says this is the last thanksgiving Jim will be thankful for. He says he will declare war on Jim after the area is secured.

Jim pushes Doug back then back elbows Doug. Doug's head is banged off the turnbuckle then he is hiptossed. Doug is slammed then Jim running 3 point stance lariats him. Jim then gets the win.

Doug got nothing in here and Jim got the quick win. Doug took a nice bump off the hiptoss.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes up the 11/11/1990 Boston Garden show tomorrow night with the 20-man Bunkhouse Brawl. Dusty Rhodes says he's been thinking about the brawl for a while. He tells Ted Dibiase to do it any way he wants. He says he will find and seek out Ted. Jim Duggan is in a New England Patriots jersey. He says the brawl is his kind of match. He says he has a game plan - attack, attack, attack. 

The Legion of Doom vs The Orient Express

The Express attack the LOD as they enter and take stereo gorilla press slams for it. Tanaka runs at Hawk and is lariated. Hawk is thrown into the corner and bounces back with a big lariat on Tanaka. Animal hiptosses Tanaka then flying shoulders Sato.

Hawk gutwrench suplexes Sato then kneelifts him. They trade punches and Hawk boots him. Tanaka eye rakes Hawk then is knocked down by his shoulder. Hawk gorilla press slams Tanaka then Tanaka hits Hawk form behind. The Express double club on Hawk.

Sato chops Hawk then side kicks him. Sato boots Hawk then they run into each other and both go down. Animal gets in and back body drops Tanaka. He powerslams Sato then corner lariats Tanaka. Tanaka is set up for a doomsday device then Demolition come in. The Demos and The Express beat up The LOD and the match is thrown out. Fuji gives his former wrestlers his cane and they use it on The LOD. Fuji directs traffic as Hawk is superkicked outside. Animal takes a demolition decapitation while Hawk is beaten 3v1.

We go to break and return with Hawk taking a demolition decapitation. The show ends with The LOD being beaten up.

They did what they could with the match. The Express weren't booked the strongest here against The LOD as The LOD got most of the offense in. It was nice to see a star vs star match though instead of a jobber match. I'm surprised they didn't have Warrior and Tornado come out to help their Survivor Series partners.

Overall thoughts: As often is the case, The Ultimate Warrior was nowhere to be found on this show. Macho was also missing here. We got one star vs star match here, but it was only for 3 minutes and had a DQ finish. These shows are never truly great wrestling wise but they definitely did sell me on the Boston Garden show and Survivor Series '90. It also had a different ending than usual which was appreciated. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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