Friday, May 3, 2024

WWE Speed 5/3/2024

WWE Speed 5/3/2024

Wednesday's show is here:

This is the first Friday edition of Speed. I don't know if it's permanent or just a one-off.

WWE Speed Title Tournament Final - Johnny Gargano vs Ricochet

JG = Johnny Gargano

This has a 5 minute time limit instead of the usual 3 minute time limit.

Ric leapfrogs and JG armdrags him into a pin attempt. Ric rolls him and JG armdrags him off the shoulders. They trade shots. Ric is flipped. JG rolls him and Ric does a standing SSP.

JG goes to springboard and is enzugiri'd. JG blocks Ric's moonsault with his feet. Ric moonaults to nothing outside then JG tope tornado ddt's him on the floor. Ric step up enzugiri's him, handsprings and is caught with a russian legsweep. JG puts him in the gargano escape then Ric throws him backwards into the buckles.

JG superkicks him then hits a poisonrana. Ric no sells it and germans him for 2. JG is up top and Ric enzugiri's him. Ric is dropped face first on the top rope. JG superkicks him for 2. JG hits forearms then Ric fireman's carries him into a facekick. Ric hits a recoil single leg codebreaker. Ric handsprings into a cutter for the win at 4:21.

It was a super fast paced match. They did a lot of evading and blocking some of the flying early which sucked since that's what you watch this for. Them getting the extra 2 minutes to work with here kind of defeats the point of Speed but I'm not complaining. As usual, it wasn't must see or anything.

They announced that a #1 Contender's Tournament for the title starts next Wednesday. Ric got fireworks for his win.

Overall thoughts: There was only one match as usual but unlike usual, it was 5 minutes long instead of 3 minutes. It wasn't must see but they did fill the match with lots of action.

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