Friday, May 3, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/2/2024 Episode #62

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/2/2024 Episode #62

Last week's show is here:

The Infantry vs The Outrunners

The Outrunners have some girl named Laser Linda with them which is is a first for TV. Trish lariats Linda for no reason during their entrance.

The four fight and The Runners miss dropkicks. The Infantry then dropkicks them out.Dean hits some armdrags on Turbo then Bravo elbow drops Turbo's arm. Turbo takes a double atomic drop, double hiptoss and double fist drop. Truth then takes the hiptoss and fist drop too.

Truth distracts the ref and Turbo hits Dean in the eyes. The runners go for a double team but Bravo pulls Dean out and The Runners hit each other. Bravo plancha's outside onto Turbo. Truth is put over Bravo's knee then Dean fist drops Truth (they do a thing with catching an invisible grenade during it). Bravo superkicks Turbo then is nailed in the gut.

Bravo trips Truth and pulls his crotch into the post. Turbo then double axe handles Bravo off the apron. Bravo is held for a kick then bravo sunset flips Truth. Turbo bulldog headlocks Bravo. Bravo chops both Runners then takes a double hiptoss. The Runners then do a double elbow drop.

Bravo slingshot cutters Truth. Dean is tagged in and hits shots on both opponents. Truth is back body dropped. Dean hits offense on The Runners then ddt's Turbo. Dean elbow drops Turbo. Dean knocks down Truth with his crossover punch then Dean top rope splashes Turbo for 2.

Truth begs off and gets his eye poke blocked. Turbo facekicks Truth on accident then Truth takes bootcamp (russian legsweep + face kick). Truth is then pinned.

It went a little long here for the match they had set up. It was a decent match with The Runners being stooges and The Infantry being the faces here.

2.0 do a promo. Parker says he was going to retire a few weeks ago. Then he said he got the biggest news of his life. He says that lit a fire under his @ss. He said Ruby will be at home and he has to figure out what's next. Parker says there's a lot to fight for. Menard says Parker has his priorities in order.

Menard said they have an issue with The Undisputed Kingdom. Menard said they should get the van and take a road trip. Parker says they will go on a trip to the promised land. Mendard tells Undisputed Kingdom to get ready.

Proving Ground Match - The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) vs The Qrown (Leonis and Maximus)

They didn't really mention which Qrown member was which here and they didn't get an entrance. Leonis has the red bandana and is bigger. Mike chops and forearms Leonis. Leonis is tripped into a Taven elbow to the neck. Taven then stops Leonis. Mike hits forearms and boots on Linus in the corner.

Leonis fights off the 2v1 and belly to belly suplexes Taven. Leonis takes a couple of shots and is knocked down. Mike stomps on Leonis. Leonis hits chops and throws Taven out. Mike is back body dropped and Maximus gets in. Max hits nice lariats then uranages Mike. Taven springboard kicks Max then  Max takes a spike piledriver. Mike pins Max.

It was a quick squash here. Maximus got a little shine with some nice lariats before being put away.

JD Drake does a promo. He said he's been lost for the last month. He said his brain is foggy and he doesn't know if he's coming or going. He said it showed in his bowling game too and he asked where did he go from here. He said he got change for a $5 at the bowling alley with three $1 bills and  a $2 bill. He said his grandfather used to put $2 bills in every picture frame. He said JD would need to talk to him one day and said this will be the message. He said when times get tough, you either quit or tighten your boot straps and get back to work. He says The Workhorsemen might not be a thing for the forseeable future but it's time for him to be a Workhorseman. He said it's time to give ROH a $2 bill worth of @ss whooping.

This was a nice promo here and was more helpful than anything JD has done for the last year.

Toa Liona vs Jimmy Wild

Toa offers a handshake. Jimmy takes it then Toa doesn't let go. Toa running back elbows him then hits chops and shots to the gut. Toa chokes Jimmy on the ropes then belly to belly suplexes him. Jimmy step up enzugiri's him then hits a dropkick. Toa superkicks him then sentons him on the apron.

Toa then grabs the camera and yells. Toa running pounces him  then sits on him to pin him.

It was a quick squash here with Toa looking good. Will it lead to anything? I doubt it.

Toa throws Jimmy out after.

The Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver and Alex Reynolds) vs Adam Priest, Zicky Dice and Sean Maluta

You may remember Sean Maluta from WWE's Cruiserweight Classic a few years ago. The Order appear to be faces again here. John shoulders Sean over. Sean goes for a hurricanrana and is powerbombed down. John back body drops Adam then Dice backs off from John.

Sean is double tripped and takes a triple basement dropkick. Dice knees Uno from the outside and Sean hits Uno from behind. Dice sends Uno into the post.

Dice cravates Uno and does a neckbreaker out of it. Adam gets shots in on Uno then Dice footslaps Uno. Uno gives  Dice's foot to the ref then neckbreakers him. Alex running back elbows Adam and knocks the ref over. Alex plancha's Dice and Sean outside then he double underhook powerbombs Adam. Sean enzugiri's Alex the Uno face kicks Alex. Dice hits a spinning forearm on Uno then John superkicks Dice. John canadian destroyers Adam then Adam takes a triple pendulum powerbomb. The Dark Order get the pin.

It was a short squash here. It's too bad they didn't let it go longer because it would have been good.

The Iron Savages do a promo. They say they are underappreciated and undervalued. They say they have been paraded like a circus act. They haven't been in any tournaments or on PPV's. They sayd making people laugh is not bringing them success. Jameson says the fans don't deserve their entertainment and are done trying to win over low testosterone losers.

Aaron Solo vs Jon Cruz

Jon wants a handshake. Solo gives him one then boots and punches him. Solo suplexes him then takes a flying headscissors and lariat. Jon slams him and shakes the ropes.  Jon misses a top rope splash and is german suplexed. Solo corkscrew kicks him and gets the win.

It was just a quick squash here.

Queen Aminata vs Robyn Renegade

They lock up. RR side headlocks her and Queen headlock takeovers her. RR step up enzugiri's her then backcrackers her. Queen is hanging over the 2nd rope and RR double stomps her. Queen cradles her then hits lariats.

Queen snapmares her and running knees her. Queen running knees her through the ropes and we see Athena watching this with Billie Starkz. RR sunset flips her then is snapped suplex. RR drops her down on her chest then basement dropkicks her. RR hits an attitude adjustment for 2.

Queen germans her then corner hip attacks her. Queen running facewash kicks her in the corner then hits an air raid crash for the win.

It wasn't real interesting here. They seemed to have gotten lost at one point near the end of this with Queen hitting some bad strikes.

They show then ends at around 51 minutes.

Overall thoughts: I'm not sure why the show was shorter this week. I wouldn't think people paying for this service would be happy about it though it makes my job easier. This episode was a backwards step for ROH as we went back to the pointless squashes, we only had one champ on the show and nothing was really built. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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