Wednesday, May 1, 2024

WWE Speed 5/1/2024

WWE Speed 5/1/2024

Last week's show is here:

WWE Speed Title Tournament Semifinals - Johnny Gargano vs Bronson Reed

JG hits forearms and is thrown back. Reed hits an oklahoma stampede then double axe handles his back. JG is suplexed and tries to his knees to the head to get out. Reed headbutts him then is thrown out. JG topes him then does a slingshot spear.

JG hits a step up enzugiri and a superkick. Reed lariats him. JG superkicks him out of the corner. Reed blocks his 2nd rope hurricanrana and powerbombs him. Reed hits a sitout powerbomb for 2. Reed misses a senton and JG crucifixes him to win it.

It was a short sub 3 minute match here. It was okay for what it was with JG getting beaten up and pulling off the surprise pin.

Overall thoughts: Only one match as usual. It was okay for 2 minutes of wrestling but not must see.

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