Wednesday, May 1, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 4/29/2024 Satsuma no Kuni 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 4/29/2024 Satsuma no Kuni 2024

Oleg Boltin vs. Katsuya Murashima

KM goes for takedowns and Oleg grabs the leg. KM rolls through a wristlock and is headlock takeovered. KM headscissors him. They trade side headlocks. Oleg hammerlocks him then fireman's carry takeovers him. Oleg side headlocks him then clubs and elbows on him.

Oleg sleepers him then KM ropebreaks. Oleg guillotine chokes him and suplexes him from that position. KM hits chops to the chest then is chopped back. KM slaps him then flying dropkicks him. KM hits another dropkick then crabs him. KM hits forearms. Oleg pops him up into a bear hug then karelin's lift. Oleg then kips up. Oleg finlay rolls him for the win.

It was a short but decent young lions match here with them keeping the pace up and doing a good job trading basic holds.

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tiger Mask & Togi Makabe vs. Just 5 Guys (Taichi, TAKA Michinoku & Yuya Uemura)

Togi and Taichi lock up. They trade strikes. Togi side headlocks him and they shoulder battle. Taichi face kicks him then is shouldered over. Togi hits corner punches then shoulders him over. Togi misses a corner charge and takes attacks from all 3 opponents with Yuya dropkicking him. Taichi hits Kawada kicks.

Yuya chops Togi in the corner and slams him for 2. Taka hits knees on Togi, snapmares him and running knees him for 2. Togi lariats Taka over after Taka ducks his first lariat attempt. Tana hits shots on Taka then flying forearms him. Tana dragon screws Taka and Taichi.

Tana 2nd rope flip dives Taka. Taka face kicks him from the side and tags in Yuya. Tana and Yuya trade. Taka hits a twist and shout neckbreaker. Tiger gets in. He hits chest kicks on Yuya then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Tiger hits a high tiger drive ron Yuya. Taichi grabs Tana by the gut and throws him out.

Togi double lariats Taka and Taichi. Yuya armdrgas Tiger then rolls out of a crucifix. Yuya backdrops Tiger then running chops him for 2. Yuya top rope crossbodies Tiger and wins it.

It was a basic trios here and was just average. Yuya got a little more in than he usually does.

Yuya holds his title at Togi and Tana after. Tana has words for him and Togi slaps the belt away.

United Empire (Callum Newman, Francesco Akira, Great-O-Khan & Jeff Cobb) vs. TMDK (Kosei Fujita, Mikey Nicholls, Shane Haste & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Kosei and Khan start us off. Kosei takes him down and they get back up. They roll on the ropes. Kosei chops him then flying headscissors him. Kosei hits forearms on Khan then is tripped into a Newman double stomp on the back. Akira hits forearms on Kosei then leg lariats him.

Akira dropkicks Shane then corner lariats him. Akira dropkicks him in the knee and the side of the head. Shane suplexes him. Akira is worked on by Mikey then Zack. Zack drops Akira with euros then Akira rolls him into a double stomp.

Akira headscissors shane into Mikey. Cobb gets in and shoulders over Mikey and Shane. Cobb hits running corner lariats and euros. Cobb pulls TMDK into each other then dropkicks Shane out. Mikey ddt's Cobb. Zack hits euros on Cobb when he gets in. Cobb hits a big forearm and Zack hits a big euro and face kick. Zack flying triangles him but is deadlifted into a suplex.

Newman runs the ropes fast and running boots Zack. Newman takes a uranage + powerbomb combo then Zack twists his neck with his feet. Zack hits a PK for 2. Newman flying dropkicks Zack in the corner then trips him into a basement dropkick. Zack pele kicks Newman's arm then is corkscrew kicked. Zack turns an os cutter attempt into an armbar. Zack then taps out Newman.

There were too many people involved here and they didn't have much time. We barely saw Khan and Mikey here. It was watchable. I liked the os cutter counter into an armbar.

House Of Torture (Dick Togo, EVIL, Ren Narita, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Guerrillas Of Destiny (El Phantasmo, Hikuleo & Jado), El Desperado & Shota Umino

The heels attack before it starts but they waited more than usual here to do it. Togo want to do their handshake and his partners back out as Hiku gets in. Togo does push-ups and Hiku holds him by the head so far out that Togo can't even hit him. Togo begs for mercy. Hiku picks him up by the the throat and the heels save him.

Hiku hits a double lariat then euros Togo. Togo takes atomic drops from all of his opponents then the faces high five Hiku. ELP and Despy hit punches on Togo. Despy goes into the exposed buckle. 8 of the 10 brawl outside while Togo tries to take off Despy's mask. Despy is throwh hard into the rails outside.

Despy's head and back are sent into the exposed buckle. Yujiro slams Despy then legdrops, elbow drops and headbutt drops him. Kanemaru suplexes Depsy then rakes his eyes. Kanemaru runs at him and is speared.

Shota gets in with Evil. He hits forearms then running forearms him. Ren takes an armdrag and a dropkick then Shota dropkicks Yujiro. Shota avoids a double team, drops Evil on his chest then basement dropkicks him. Shota then cannonballs outside onto Evil. Shota is tripped by Ren outside.

Ren and Evil stomp Shota then double boot him. Shota is thrown back by both and Ren setons him. Ren chokes Shota then face kicks Evil off the apron when Shota moves. Shota tornado ddt's Ren. Ren takes boots and then a face kick from Hiku. Ren flying knee presses Despy then Jado bridging ddt's Ren. Jado crossfaces Ren then Togo chokes Jado with a weapon while the ref distracted. Ren hits Jado with a push-up board and wins it.

It was your usual HoT match with the usual heel tactics. At least they didn't do their spots here that are less believable. It wasn't that good as usual. 

Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI) & Tomoaki Honma vs. BULLET CLUB (Chase Owens, KENTA & Taiji Ishimori)

Honma and Taiji start us off. Taiji eye rakes him and boots him in the corner. They shoulder battle and Taiji is knocked over. Goto hits forearms on Taiji. Kenta tags himself in and hits shots on Goto. Kenta is double shouldered over. Goto hiptosses Yoshi onto him then suplexes Chase onto him. Evil is triple clubbed then Kenta ddt's Goto.

Goto is thrown out then choked with a shirt by Taiji outside. Chase corner forearms Goto then short arm lariats him. Taiji chokes Goto with a shirt in the ring. Kenta neckbreakers Goto for 2. Goto takes a double shoulder and Kenta tries to hiptoss Chase onto Goto, but Goto moves. Goto lariats Kenta off the ropes.

Yoshi comes in and sends Chase into Kenta. Yoshi neckbreakers Chase. Chase is laid over the top rope and dropkicked. Yoshi and Chase trade forearms. Yoshi superkicks him and is lariated. Kenta and Honma get in. Honma hits chops then bulldogs him. Honma misses a headbutt drop. Honma stops a double team and hits a flatliner + ddt combo on the heels. Kenta is whipped into a flying Honma shoulder for 2.

Chase brings a title belt in and Goto lariats him. Kenta grabs it, Yoshi takes it away and Honma rolls up Kenta. Honma headbutts Kenta. Honma goes for the headbutt drop but Kenta puts the title on him and Honma headbutts the title instead. Kenta busaiku knees Honma and wins it.

The finish was creative here with Honma going for a headbutt drop and Kenta putting the title in the way. It was nothing special otherwise.

Chase, Kenta and Bishamon fight after. Chase takes an ushigoroshi.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Shingo Takagi, Tetsuya Naito & Yota Tsuji) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (David Finlay, Gabe Kidd & Gedo)

LIJ does their pose and War Dogs break it up. Shingo is sent into the rails by Gabe outside then DF eye rakes Yota. Gedo eye rakes Naito. Naito grabs Gedo by the beard then slaps his hand away. Naito baseball slides him in the back. Yota pushes DF out with his feet. Gedo is surrounded by 3 opponents then triple teamed.

Naito yanks on Gedo's beard then Yota joins in as well. Shinogo comes off the buckles and chops Gedo's beard. Gedo eye pokes Naito and Shingo then DF headbutts Shingo outside. Gabe and DF pound on Shingo outside and send Naito into the rails. DF pounds on Yota outside. Naito's head is banged off of DF's boot.

DF foot chokes Naito over the bottom rope then stands on his fingers. Gabe foot slaps Naito around then eye rakes him. Naito atomic drops him then neckbreakers him. Shingo stops a double team then hits a chop and punch combo on Gabe in the corner. Gabe then chop flurries him. Shingo back elbows him and ddt's him. Shingo suplexes him for 2. Shingo poses and Gabe nails him from behind. Gabe suplexes him for 2.

Gabe and Shingo trade forearms then chops. They lariat each other on the ropes and trade headbutts and slaps. They lariat each other over then lariat eac hother down at the same time. Yota tilt-a-whirl backbreakers DF then splashes him. DF throws Yota on a suplex. Yota back body drops him. DF hits euros on Yota then uranage backbreakers him. Gedo gets in and runs to eye rake Naito on the apron. He chinbreakers Yota then eye rakes Yota.

Gedo hits punches on Yota then takes Yota's curbstomp combination. The video freezes and Yota ends up pinning Fedo.

I liked the Shingo vs Gabe section here. I thought it was obvious Gedo was going to take the fall in this one and it wasn't anything great.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match - BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Clark Connors & Drilla Moloney) (c) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi)


HT = Hiromu Takahashi

HT and Clark lariat each other then shoulder each other over. All 4 men fight. Clark takes a corner lariat then is rolled into a double basement dropkick. Clark takes a basement dropkick to the knee then the face. Bushi is pushed into HT then Bushi flying headscissors Drilla. Bushi dropkicks Drilla out then Clark powerslams Bushi as he goes to dive. The heels block HT's sunset bomb outside and Drilla powerbombs HT on the apron. HT then takes a legsweep + spear combo on the floor.

Clark throws HT into the rails while he's trying to beat the countout count in. Drilla beats up on HT standing over top of him. HT takes a double back elbow. Clark back elbows HT. Drilla and HT trade shots and Drilla knocks him down. Drilla chinlocks HT then Clark snap suplexes and elbow drops HT for 2. Clark hits crossface shots and face rakes on HT. HT hits chops, is headbutted then dropkicks Clark's knee. HT dragon screws Clark's knee.

Bushi gets in and flying headscissors Clark. Bushi hits a lariat + bulldog combo then ddt's Clark for 2. Bushi does a figure four on Clark's knees then pulls on the leg. Clark pounces Bushi. HT corner lariats Drilla hen they get in and basement dropkicks him. Drilla suplexes HT. HT goes for a move out of a wheelbarrow and ends up doing a flatliner out of it.

Drilla pushes Bushi and HT into each other then dropkicks Bushi. Clark running lariats Bushi. Bushi dropkicks him in the knee then does a figure four variation on Clark. HT triangles Drilla at the same time. Drilla ends up powerbombing HT onto Bushi to break the hold. HT superkicks Clark then Clark superkicks him back. Drilla superkicks Bushi then Bushi takes a high/low. Clark is belly to belly suplexed into the buckles.

Drilla and HT trade shots. HT superkicks him then does an attitude adjustment on him. Bushi sunset flips HT so he can german Clark. Bushi comes off the 2nd rope and is hit with a spear by Clark. Clark knocks HT off the apron then Bushi bakcslides Clark. Drilla grabs Bushi while he does it and does an over the shoulder piledriver for 2.

Drilla step up enzugiri's HT then Clark hits a high angle ddt on HT. Bushi takes a suplex + flying spear combo and is pinned.

It was a decent mach here. They didn't overdo it too much and it being a tag covered up some of the selling and story issues.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match - SHO (c) vs. DOUKI

There was something with a contract going on pre-match here but I'm not sure of all the details. Douki hits stomps on Sho early then foot chokes him in the corner. Douki back rolls into a headscissors on Sho then armdrags him several times. Douki bangs Sho's knee off the mat. They go out and Sho is sent into the rails. Douki kicks the rail into Sho's knee.

Douki stomps on Sho's knee then pulls on it. Sho grabs Douki by the hair. Sho charges at Douki, Douki splits and Sho goes out. Sho throws a young lion into Douki when he goes for his dive. They go into the crowd and Douki's leg is banged off the stand. Sho uses a chair on it right in front of the ref. Sho bangs Douki's knee off the mat inside then ddt's the leg.

Sho stomps on Douki's leg. He then leglocks him and sticks Douki's leg into his shirt somehow to increase the pressure. Douki dropkicks Sho's leg. Douki hits forearms on Sho then basement dropkicks his knee. Douki drops Sho on both knees then basement dropkicks him for 2.

Sho grabs Douki's fingers and kicks him in the knee.  Douki trips him and does a figure four variation on him. Kanemaru comes down. Taichi tries to help out then Togo chokes Taichi with a weapon. Kanemaru stomps Douki 2 feet from the ref and somehow the ref doesn't see it. Douki suplexes Kanemaru. Sho low blows Douki and throws him into the ref, sending him out.

Togo stomps Douki. Yuya and Taka come to help out then Yujiro and Evil beat them up. Eventually, the ring clears and Sho gets a 2 count on Douki. Sho powerbombs Douki on his (Sho's) knees for 2. Douki douki chokey's Sho then takes a straightjacket piledriver for 2. Douki turns a shock arrow attempt into a double arm triangle choke. The bell rings but it's HoT ringing it. Evil knocks Douki into the ref sending him out. Douki is beat up on by the heels. Taichi tries to help but he's handcuffed to rails. Taichi eventually gets free and helps out.

The heels are run off and it's down to Sho and Doukin in the ring again. Douki and Sho each have weapons. Douki has a stick and Sho has a wrench. Douki knocks the wrench away then does a gori special bomb with the stick over Sho's throat. Douki does a torture rack into a side slam on Sho. Douki wheelbarrows sho into a dragon suplex. The ref is pulled out and Kanemaru comes in. He gets thwarted by Douki.

Ren Narita comes down with a push-up bar. Ren hits Douki with it and facebusters him. Sho is thrown onto Douki and the ref is thrown in to make the count. Sho wins.

This was your usual House of Torture garbage. They had a decent work the limb storyline going on here then HoT did their interference, ref bumps and fake bell ringing and destroyed whatever good will this one had earned.

Overall thoughts: This was basically a Korauken level show. It wasn't that good. The junior tag title match was okay and maybe the best thing on here next to the opener. The main was ruined by HoT nonsense as usual and the rest of the card had unmemorable trios and 8-man tags. Skip this.

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