Friday, May 17, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 5/17/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 5/17/2024

Last week's show is here:

Blake Howard and Byron Saxton are on commentary.

Tavion Heights vs Jasper Troy

Tav = Tavion Heights

This is the TV debut match of Jasper Troy. They said he's 6'8, 340lbs. His name sucks. Troy blocks a fireman's carry takeover and front facelocks him. Tav backs him up on the ropes to break it. Tav armlocks him then rolls him around on the front facelock. Tav crossbodies him then Troy running bodyblocks him.

Troy headbutts him and hits punches and back elbows. Troy corner splashes him. Tav hits punches then Troy spinning side slams him. Troy splashes him for 2. Troy does a head and arm hold. Tav gets out of a side slam then Tav hits lariats. Troy takes a big bump for the belly to belly overhead suplex. Tav corner forearms him then takes a black hole slam for 2.

Tav belly to belly suplexes Troy off a missed splash and wins it.

Troy is not 6'8 as he's about the same height as Tavion is. Troy's not the most impressive in the ring but the match was solid and you can't ask for more than that. I liked Troy's overhead belly to belly suplex bump here and he does seem to know how to move like a big man. He just could be a little bit cleaner with his moves.  

Brinley Reece and Layla Diggs are interviewed. Brin says she's fast from track and flexible as she was a gymnast. Layla says she's shy and says there's no one better to tag with then Brin. Brin then tells her its time to go warm up. 

Brinley Reece and Layla Diggs vs Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright

LD = Layla Diggs, CB = Carlee Bright

This is the TV debut match of Layla Diggs. LD and Reece do forward cartwheels together for their entrance. Bryon calls Bright and Grey "Bright Grey".

Grey and LD go at it. LD waistlocks her then is wristlocked. LD bridges out of a wristlock then backrolls into a headscissor takeover on her. LD kips out of the headscissors. LD is taken down by Grey and armlocked. LD is tripped then CB rolls her up for 2. CB wristlocks LD then LD reverses it.

CB kips up and cartwheels out of a wristlock then flips her. LD splits out of a waistlock then armlocks CB. Brin side headlocks CB then armdrags her. Brin forward cartwheel lariats CB. LD pulls both of CB's arms back.

CB rolls up Brin and tags out. Grey flying springboards Brin and is cradled for 2. LD throws out CB then is dropkicked out. Brin does a cool cartwheel into a ddt on LD and wins it.

They all raise their hands together after.

Thoughts: I just don't know how WWE is doing it, but Layla looks like yet another solid find. She's athletic and can move well. Brin's new cartwheel ddt finisher was really cool here. This was a good and athletic match here that made everyone look good. They did some nice counters and did lots of cool cartwheels and athletic moves. I just wish it would have went longer and I wish Grey would have gotten more in.

Overall thoughts:
Only 2 matches this week but both were good. Jasper Troy has a dumb name but had a solid debut. Layla Diggs appears to be yet another rookie with potential and impressed me with her debut. The rate at which WWE is producing female talent is absolute insanity and they are likely going to have the best female division ever in a few years.

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