Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 5/17/2024 Season 2, Episode 9

Mid-States Wrestling 5/17/2024 Season 2, Episode 9

Last week's show is here:

Lumberjack Match - Kelsey Magnolia vs Judy Azul

They lock up and Judy says KM is pulling her hair. KM then accuses Judy of pulling her hair. Judy side headlocks her then KM side headlocks her. KM side headlock takeovers her. Judy headscissors her. KM crossbodies her. A lumberjack grabs KM while she's on the ropes and Judy pulls her down backwards.

We go to break and return. Judy hits forearms then is thrown out. Judy argues with the face lumberjacks and hits one of them. Judy chinlocks her. Wrex Amadeus chokes KM on the ropes when the ref isn't looking. KM suplexes her then running lariats her in the corner. KM back elbows her and crossbodies her for 2.

Judy goes out and the lumberjacks fight. KM then top rope planchas everyone outside. KM goes to slam Judy, Wrex pulls KM's leg and Judy picks up the pin.

Thoughts: This was not too good. It's not like they were botching stuff, but these girls just aren't super athletic. At least they had Wrex work with his partner Judy, following up on that partnership.

"Handsome" Scott Hanson vs Sam Stackhouse

Scott stalls to start. Sam pushes him over and Scott goes back out. We do that spot again. Sam teases a dive but Scott hits him. Scott is slingshotted in and takes shots to the gut. Sam chops him then beale throws him. Sam slams Scott. We go to PiP break and return.

Sam corner splashes Scott. Scott hits punches. Scott leapfrogs him and misses a dropkick. Sam shoulders him over. Scott dropkicks him in the knee. Scott stands on Sam's back while he's on all fours and splashes it. Scott legdrops Sam's leg then legdrops him. Scott bangs Sam's leg off the mat and hits shots on Sam's back.

Sam chops him from the mat then lariats and back elbows him. Sam headbutts him then somewhat misses a corner splash. Sam hits another corner splash and Scott pele kicks him. Sam spinning heel kicks him then Scott enzugiri's her. Sam hits a samoan drop. Scott hits punches then Sam lariats him. Scott eye rakes him. Scott comes off the top and is caught with a black hole slam in a cool spot. Sam then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was a pretty good match and definitely a step above some of the usual offerings. Scott's a pretty impressive all around talent and he matched up well with Sam here. They took things up to the next level and had a nice finishing stretch with some nearfalls then ended it with a cool finishing spot.

Sam Stackhouse is interviewed after. He said Scott put up a good fight. He says he's undefeated in this area and says something about this crowd gets his all charged up.

Overall thoughts: We had two matches. One was pretty good and definitely above the usual offerings and the other wasn't that good, though it wasn't like it was due to botches. As usual, there weren't many storylines going on here or any build to future episodes which is disappointing. Stackhouse/Hanson is maybe worth a look.

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